ddcc added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Headers/stdint.h:99-100
 typedef __UINT64_TYPE__ uint64_t;
+# undef __int_least64_t
 # define __int_least64_t int64_t
+# undef __uint_least64_t
iana wrote:
> iana wrote:
> > What are you seeing that's defining `__int_least64_t` and all these other 
> > ones by the time you get here? It's surprising to me that so much 
> > preprocessor state exists when you hit this point considering that this 
> > file doesn't include anything else. Is this some kind of artifact with how 
> > the OS module map is making a module for stdint.h?
> Oh I see, it's not these ones that are the problem, it's the redefinitions 
> below. I guess it's a bigger change, but I wonder if flipping the order would 
> be cleaner? e.g.
> ```
> #ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
> # define __int_least32_t int32_t
> #endif
> #ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
> # ifndef __int_least32_t
> #  define __int_least32_t int64_t
> # endif
> #endif
> ```
> I guess it's an extra line per type doing it that way, but maybe it's more 
> obvious? (Maybe I just don't do a lot of preprocessor programming, but 
> `#undef` feels like a code smell to me)
I'm a little reluctant to change this file too much since it's tedious and 
error-prone, but yeah if we can agree on a solution, I can go ahead and make 
the change.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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