paulkirth added a comment.

> I agree that `omitprofile` probably doesn't communicate the correct meaning 
> very well. I like `nodirectprofile` because it hopefully implies that 
> indirect profiles are allowed. I'm wondering if anyone else has suggestions.
> Is there any precedent for renaming function attributes? My assumption was 
> that users would add the `noprofile` attribute to source mostly for 
> correctness concerns and `noprofile` is easy to remember and already in use, 
> so I'd rather not change it.

I agree with you that it's probably best to avoid changing the spelling of 
`noprofile`, but since you're making a change in the area, we may as well 
discuss if 1) that is still the best name, and 2) if we want to keep it.

I don't know if we've ever changed the spelling of a `FnAttribute` before. IIRC 
we've dropped them, and changed their format e.g., from being a boolean to 
taking a value or an enum. At least that's my memory, which seems to correspond 
to the autoupgrade stuff in `BitcodeReader`. But I think the project's stance 
on this(like most things) is that "if there's a good reason, then we should do 
it." At least if we can maintain our stated compatibility guarantees. This is a 
place where I think we should get additional feedback before proceeding though.

It might be worth asking about this on discourse. Even if we don't want to make 
such a change in these patches, it may be good for the project to have a policy 
(or at least guidelines) about changing attributes.

> I actually do have a change in `PGOInstrumentation.cpp` that skips profiling 
> functions with this new attribute. As far as I know, this stack has all the 
> necessary code changes.

I can't believe I missed that. I looked three times before I commented, and 
blew right passed it every time. That's what happens when I look at code late 
on a Friday...

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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