martong added a comment.

> The motivation is to extend the set of operations that can be performed on 
> range sets. Specifically, this function is needed for the next patch in the 
> stack.

Would be great to see the motivation clearly and early. What will be the next 
patch about?

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangeConstraintManager.cpp:711
+RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::invert(RangeSet What) {
+  assert(!What.isEmpty());
Could you please document this function and its complexity? (O(N) where N is 
the number of elements of the RangeSet.)

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangeConstraintManager.cpp:728-729
+  ContainerType Result;
+  Result.reserve(What.size() + 1 - bool(What.getMinValue() != MIN) -
+                 bool(What.getMaxValue() != MAX));
There might be a flaw here. Should this be `==` instead of `!=` ?
Consider e.g. when `What` has two elements `[[MIN, -1], [1, MAX]]` then the 
inverse should be `[0,0]` which has size `1`.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangeConstraintManager.cpp:734-735
+  if (It->From() == MIN)
+    goto loop;
No `goto` please. There are better alternatives, e.g. you could have two 
different `while` loops for each cases.

Comment at: clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/RangeSetTest.cpp:281
+    RangeSet Result = F.invert(What);
+    EXPECT_EQ(Result, Expected) << "while inverting " << toString(What);
+  }
I think, it would make sense to test the composition of two invert operations 
to identity. 
EXPECT_EQ(What, F.invert(F.invert(What));
This, of course requires that empty set is a possible input.

Comment at: clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/RangeSetTest.cpp:1101
+TYPED_TEST(RangeSetTest, RangeSetInvertTest) {
+  using TV = TestValues<TypeParam>;
Good tests!

Comment at: clang/unittests/StaticAnalyzer/RangeSetTest.cpp:1130
+  // Check inverting single range.
+  this->checkInvert({{MIN, MAX}}, {});
+  this->checkInvert({{MIN, MID}}, {{MID + 1, MAX}});
I'd expect that inversion on finite sets is an invert-able function thus
this->checkInvert({}, {MIN, MAX});
would make sense instead of assertion.

Besides, it would make sense to test the composition of two invert operations 
to identity. 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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