Hi Mateusz,

I wouldn’t worry too much about the failed build.  I took a peek and it looks 
like the failures are mostly in places very unrelated to your patch.  If your 
own testing shows no problems, it’s very likely you’re fine.

Regarding lack of response, this is unfortunately more common than it should 
be.  Our recommended practice—and I’m surprised we don’t say anything on the 
website—is to add a “ping” comment to your review, maybe once a week.  This can 
“bump” it up in someone’s to-be-reviewed list; if nothing else, there’s another 
email to the list that will hopefully catch someone’s attention.

Good luck,

From: cfe-commits <cfe-commits-boun...@lists.llvm.org> On Behalf Of stryku_t 
via cfe-commits
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 4:20 PM
To: cfe-commits@lists.llvm.org
Subject: Call for an assistance pushing patch review forward


Some time ago I submitted a Clang patch for review: 

It's been some time and I can't make progress with it.
I'm aware that there is failed build. But, as I mentioned in one of the 
comments, I can't reproduce it locally.
Tried to reach out to the people mentioned in the review, but I struggle 
getting answers.
At this point I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or people are just 
busy. Should tag different people? Different project? Am I expected to figure 
out failed builds on my own before someone will review the changes?

Could someone from the community please assist me how for move forward with 
this patch? Also, I'd be grateful if there's someone who can hint me how to 
reproduce failed builds locally or using some CI server.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Mateusz Janek
cfe-commits mailing list

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