aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D124866#3497439 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D124866#3497439>, @tra wrote:

>> CUDA/HIP do not have language spec.
> Well. It's not completely true. CUDA programming guide does serve as the 
> de-facto spec for CUDA. It's far from perfect, but it does mention 
> `__noinline__` and `__forceinline__` as function qualifiers: 
> https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#noinline-and-forceinline

Thank you, that's the magic words I was hoping for -- because they're described 
as function qualifiers, I think it's justifiable to add them as a keyword 
implementation in Clang and not worry about stepping on the toes of the CUDA 
spec (it's adhering to what the current spec requires).

Should we do `__forceinline__` at the same time so that there's consistency?

Comment at: clang/lib/Parse/ParseDecl.cpp:902
+  while (Tok.is(tok::kw___noinline__)) {
+    IdentifierInfo *AttrName = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+    SourceLocation AttrNameLoc = ConsumeToken();
yaxunl wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > I think we should we be issuing a pedantic "this is a clang extension" 
> > warning here, WDYT?
> will do
I'm questioning whether my advice here was good or not -- now that I see the 
CUDA spec already calls these function qualifiers... it's debatable whether 
this is a Clang extension or just the way in which Clang implements the CUDA 
function qualifiers. @tra -- do you have opinions?

I'm sort of leaning towards dropping the extension warning, but the only reason 
I can think of for keeping it is if Clang is the only CUDA compiler that 
doesn't require you to include a header before using the function qualifiers. 
If that's the case, there is a portability concern.



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