Anastasia added a comment.

In D124382#3479773 <>, @jchlanda wrote:
> In D124382#3472888 <>, @Anastasia 
> wrote:
>> Can you provide an example of where it could be useful? Note that I feel that
>> such functionality could be implemented on top of full implementation of
>> target specific address space proposed in
> The use case we had was when calling target builtin (that specifies address
> space) from within OpenCL C. Currently this errors out, similarly, the 
> explicit
> type cast to address space yields an error
> (`(__attribute__((address_space(3))) int *)&l_woof` in the example below). 
> This
> is important for libclc, which is implemented in OpenCL C and deals directly
> with target builtins.
>   __kernel void woof() {
>     __local int l_woof;
>     __nvvm_cp_async_mbarrier_arrive_shared(&l_woof);
>   }
> I wasn't aware of that patch, sorry, I've not had a close look yet, but it
> seems worryingly dated.

Ok, I think the current behavior of builtins is to work with any address space. 
The way it had worked so far is since the builtins are only intended to be used 
in toolchains (instead of arbitrary code), the toolchain developers were 
responsible for making sure that the address spaces are used adequately in 
those builtins. However the question of extending the clang builtin functions 
with the notion of language address spaces has popped up before. And I think we 
could add this feature in a very light way for example by reserving the numbers 
from the clang `LangAS` enum to be used with the language address spaces in the 
prototypes of builtins. Although we could think of more elegant alternatives 
too. My understanding is there was never a strong enough case to add this 

Just to understand further - do you need the builtins to have a specific 
address space prototype? And do you need this to improve error handling in 
libclc code base?

I imagine you could also create some sort of the wrapper functions around the 
building with the right address spaces, i.e. something like

  void __libclc_builtin1(local int* p){

So the prototype in Clang for `__builtin1` would still be permissive wrt 
address space of the pointer but as you only use `__libclc_builtin1` in the 
codebase, you can ensure the correct uses. While this is how this problem has 
been worked around I think extending Clang builtins definitions might be 
inevitable to avoid forcing toolchains to create wrapper functions. However if 
we are aiming for this goal, I think more targeted solutions would make more 
sense instead of solving this problem indirectly by allowing conversions 
between target and language address spaces as this for example won’t work for 
builtins that are shared between targets.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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