ilya-biryukov added a comment.

In D124606#3480012 <>, @aaronpuchert 

> I think this change broke again what D97625 <> 
> was trying to fix. These are text files and we want them to keep the 
> specified line endings regardless of the local git configuration. See also 
> @smeenai's comment D124563#3478625 <>.

This change should be doing exactly that.
The behaviour in the mentioned comment should apply when the text attribute is 
unspecified, not when it's explicitly unset.
From git docs <>:

  Unsetting the text attribute on a path tells Git not to attempt any 
end-of-line conversion upon checkin or checkout.
  If the text attribute is unspecified, Git uses the core.autocrlf 
configuration variable to determine if the file should be converted.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/test/.gitattributes:7-15
+clang-apply-replacements/ClangRenameClassReplacements.cpp -text
+clang-apply-replacements/Inputs/basic/basic.h -text
+clang-apply-replacements/Inputs/format/no.cpp -text
+clang-apply-replacements/Inputs/format/yes.cpp -text
+clang-tidy/infrastructure/export-diagnostics.cpp -text
 # These test input files rely on two-byte Windows (CRLF) line endings.
labath wrote:
> aaronpuchert wrote:
> > My understanding is that `-text` removes an attribute, but what attribute 
> > is there to remove? There is no global `.gitattributes` that would set it 
> > in the first place. This change just reverts to the status quo before 
> > D97625, or rather before that file was moved.
> Are you sure about that? Git seems to distinguish between "unset" and 
> "unspecified" values of an attribute:
> ```
>        Each attribute can be in one of these states for a given path:
>        Set
>            The path has the attribute with special value "true"; this is 
> specified by listing only the
>            name of the attribute in the attribute list.
>        Unset
>            The path has the attribute with special value "false"; this is 
> specified by listing the
>            name of the attribute prefixed with a dash - in the attribute list.
>        Set to a value
>            The path has the attribute with specified string value; this is 
> specified by listing the
>            name of the attribute followed by an equal sign = and its value in 
> the attribute list.
>        Unspecified
>            No pattern matches the path, and nothing says if the path has or 
> does not have the
>            attribute, the attribute for the path is said to be Unspecified.
> ```
> And then it says this about the `text` attribute in particular:
> ```
>            Set
>                Setting the text attribute on a path enables end-of-line 
> normalization and marks the
>                path as a text file. End-of-line conversion takes place 
> without guessing the content
>                type.
>            Unset
>                Unsetting the text attribute on a path tells Git not to 
> attempt any end-of-line
>                conversion upon checkin or checkout.
>            Set to string value "auto"
>                When text is set to "auto", the path is marked for automatic 
> end-of-line conversion. If
>                Git decides that the content is text, its line endings are 
> converted to LF on checkin.
>                When the file has been committed with CRLF, no conversion is 
> done.
>            Unspecified
>                If the text attribute is unspecified, Git uses the 
> core.autocrlf configuration variable
>                to determine if the file should be converted.
> ```
The [[ | git docs ]] seem to be pretty 
clear that unsetting the attribute should do the right thing:
Unsetting the text attribute on a path tells Git not to attempt any end-of-line 
conversion upon checkin or checkout.

It seems git is supposed to do the right thing for us here, unless I 
misunderstand something.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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