aaron.ballman added a comment.

Aside from the unit testing bit, I think this is fantastic! (And the unit 
testing bit may also be fantastic, I just think it needs more explicit 
discussion with a wider audience.)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/Contributing.rst:301-317
+The Transformer library allows you to write a check that transforms source 
code by
+expressing the transformation as a ``RewriteRule``.  The Transformer library 
+functions for composing edits to source code to create rewrite rules.  Unless 
you need
+to perform low-level source location manipulation, you may want to consider 
writing your
+check with the Transformer library.  The `Clang Transformer Tutorial
+<https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangTransformerTutorial.html>`_ describes the 
+library in detail.
LegalizeAdulthood wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > LegalizeAdulthood wrote:
> > > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > > I think this documentation is really good, but at the same time, I 
> > > > don't think we have any clang-tidy checks that make use of the 
> > > > transformer library currently. I don't see a reason we shouldn't 
> > > > document this more prominently, but I'd like to hear from @ymandel 
> > > > and/or @alexfh whether they think the library is ready for officially 
> > > > supported use within clang-tidy and whether we need any sort of broader 
> > > > community discussion. (I don't see any issues here, just crossing t's 
> > > > and dotting i's in terms of process.)
> > > There are at least two checks that use the Transformer library currently.
> > The only mentions of `TransformerClangTidyCheck.h` that I can find are in 
> > `ClangTransformerTutorial.rst` and `clang-formatted-files.txt`, so if there 
> > are other checks using this functionality, they're not following what's 
> > documented here.
> `CleanupCtadCheck`, `StringFindStrContainsCheck`, and 
> `StringviewNullptrCheck` all derive from `TransformerClangTidyCheck`.
> The first two are in the `abseil` module and the last is in the `bugprone` 
> module.
Oh, interesting, thanks for pointing that out! It turns out that that `clang` 
and `clang-tools-extra` are different sibling directories and searching `clang` 
for things you expect to find in `clang-tools-extra` is not very helpful. :-D

My concerns are no longer a concern here.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/Contributing.rst:360-361
+Private custom matchers are a good example of auxiliary support code for your 
+that is best tested with a unit test.  It will be easier to test your matchers 
+other support classes by writing a unit test than by writing a ``FileCheck`` 
LegalizeAdulthood wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > LegalizeAdulthood wrote:
> > > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > > Do we have any private matchers that are unit tested? My understanding 
> > > > was that the public matchers were all unit tested, but that the 
> > > > matchers which are local to a check are not exposed via a header file, 
> > > > and so they're not really unit testable.
> > > I just did this for my switch/case/label update to simplify boolean 
> > > expressions.
> > > You do have to expose them via a header file, which isn't a big deal.
> > > You do have to expose them via a header file, which isn't a big deal.
> > 
> > Then they become part of the public interface for the check and anything 
> > which includes the header file has to do heavy template instantiation work 
> > that contributes more symbols to the built library. In general, we don't 
> > expect private matchers to be unit tested -- we expect the tests for the 
> > check to exercise the matcher appropriately.
> Look at my review to see how I handled it; the matchers are in a seperate
> header file, in my case `SimplifyBooleanExprMatchers.h` and aren't exposed
> to consumers of the check.  The matchers header is only included by the
> implementation and the matcher tests.
Thanks for pointing out how you're doing it in one of your checks -- I still 
don't think we should document that we expect people to unit test private 
matchers unless clang-tidy reviewers are on board with the idea in general. 
IMO, that's putting a burden on check authors and all the reviewers to do 
something that's never been suggested before (let alone documented as a best 
practice) -- that's worthy of open discussion instead of adding it to a patch 
intended to document current practices.



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