OikawaKirie updated this revision to Diff 393064.
OikawaKirie added a comment.

1. Revert function `CrossTranslationUnitContext::getLookupName`
2. Add length when dumping the CTU index mapping via function 
3. Remove the assertions during CTU map query process
4. Make function `parseCrossTUIndexItem` more readable




Index: clang/unittests/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnitTest.cpp
--- clang/unittests/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnitTest.cpp
+++ clang/unittests/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnitTest.cpp
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     ASSERT_FALSE(llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("index", "txt", IndexFD,
     llvm::ToolOutputFile IndexFile(IndexFileName, IndexFD);
-    IndexFile.os() << "c:@F@f#I# " << ASTFileName << "\n";
+    IndexFile.os() << "9:c:@F@f#I# " << ASTFileName << "\n";
Index: clang/test/Analysis/func-mapping-test.cpp
--- clang/test/Analysis/func-mapping-test.cpp
+++ clang/test/Analysis/func-mapping-test.cpp
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 int f(int) {
   return 0;
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@F@f#I#
+// CHECK-DAG: 9:c:@F@f#I#
 extern const int x = 5;
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@x
+// CHECK-DAG: 4:c:@x
 // Non-const variables should not be collected.
 int y = 5;
@@ -18,29 +18,29 @@
   int a;
 extern S const s = {.a = 2};
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@s
+// CHECK-DAG: 4:c:@s
 struct SF {
   const int a;
 SF sf = {.a = 2};
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@sf
+// CHECK-DAG: 5:c:@sf
 struct SStatic {
   static const int a = 4;
 const int SStatic::a;
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@S@SStatic@a
+// CHECK-DAG: 14:c:@S@SStatic@a
 extern int const arr[5] = { 0, 1 };
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@arr
+// CHECK-DAG: 6:c:@arr
 union U {
   const int a;
   const unsigned int b;
 U u = {.a = 6};
-// CHECK-DAG: c:@u
+// CHECK-DAG: 4:c:@u
 // No USR can be generated for this.
 // Check for no crash in this case.
@@ -48,3 +48,15 @@
   float uf;
   const int ui;
+void f(int (*)(char));
+void f(bool (*)(char));
+struct G {
+  G() {
+    f([](char) -> int { return 42; });
+    // CHECK-DAG: 41:c:@S@G@F@G#@Sa@F@operator int (*)(char)#1
+    f([](char) -> bool { return true; });
+    // CHECK-DAG: 42:c:@S@G@F@G#@Sa@F@operator bool (*)(char)#1
+  }
Index: clang/test/Analysis/ctu-lookup-name-with-space.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Analysis/ctu-lookup-name-with-space.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: mkdir %t
+// RUN: cp %s %t/trigger.cpp
+// RUN: cp %S/Inputs/ctu-lookup-name-with-space.cpp %t/importee.cpp
+// RUN: echo '"%t/importee.cpp" : ["g++", "-c", "%t/importee.cpp"]' > %t/invocations.yaml
+// RUN: echo '[{"directory": "%t", "command": "g++ -c %t/importee.cpp", "file": "%t/importee.cpp"}, {"directory": "%t", "command": "g++ -c %t/trigger.cpp", "file": "%t/trigger.cpp"}]' > %t/compile_commands.json
+// RUN: %clang_extdef_map -p %t %t/importee.cpp > %t/externalDefMap.txt
+// RUN: cd %t && %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -analyze \
+// RUN:   -analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection \
+// RUN:   -analyzer-config experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true \
+// RUN:   -analyzer-config ctu-dir=. \
+// RUN:   -analyzer-config ctu-invocation-list=invocations.yaml \
+// RUN:   -verify trigger.cpp
+void importee();
+void trigger() {
+  // Call an external function to trigger the parsing process of CTU index.
+  // Refer to file Inputs/ctu-lookup-name-with-space.cpp for more details.
+  importee(); // expected-no-diagnostics
Index: clang/test/Analysis/ctu-inherited-default-ctor.cpp
--- clang/test/Analysis/ctu-inherited-default-ctor.cpp
+++ clang/test/Analysis/ctu-inherited-default-ctor.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++14 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
 // RUN:   -emit-pch -o %t/ctudir/ctu-inherited-default-ctor-other.cpp.ast \
 // RUN:    %S/Inputs/ctu-inherited-default-ctor-other.cpp
-// RUN: echo "c:@N@clang@S@DeclContextLookupResult@SingleElementDummyList ctu-inherited-default-ctor-other.cpp.ast" \
+// RUN: echo "59:c:@N@clang@S@DeclContextLookupResult@SingleElementDummyList ctu-inherited-default-ctor-other.cpp.ast" \
 // RUN:   > %t/ctudir/externalDefMap.txt
 // RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -std=c++14 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
Index: clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/plist-macros-with-expansion-ctu.c.externalDefMap.txt
--- clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/plist-macros-with-expansion-ctu.c.externalDefMap.txt
+++ clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/plist-macros-with-expansion-ctu.c.externalDefMap.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-c:@F@F1 plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
-c:@F@F2 plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
-c:@F@F3 plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
-c:@F@F_H plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
+7:c:@F@F1 plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
+7:c:@F@F2 plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
+7:c:@F@F3 plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
+8:c:@F@F_H plist-macros-ctu.c.ast
Index: clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
--- clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
+++ clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-c:@N@chns@F@chf1#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@N@myns@N@embed_ns@F@fens#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@g#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@mycls@F@fscl#I#S ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@mycls@F@fcl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@mycls@F@fvcl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@N@myns@S@embed_cls@F@fecl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@mycls@S@embed_cls2@F@fecl2#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@derived@F@fvcl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@f#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@N@myns@F@fns#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@h#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@h_chain#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
-c:@N@chns@S@chcls@F@chf4#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
-c:@N@chns@F@chf2#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
-c:@F@fun_using_anon_struct#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@other_macro_diag#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extInt ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@N@intns@extInt ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extS ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@A@a ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extSC ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@ST@sc ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extSCN ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extSubSCN ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extSCC ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@extU ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@S@TestAnonUnionUSR@Test ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@testImportOfIncompleteDefaultParmDuringImport#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
-c:@F@testImportOfDelegateConstructor#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
\ No newline at end of file
+19:c:@N@chns@F@chf1#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+30:c:@N@myns@N@embed_ns@F@fens#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+9:c:@F@g#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+21:c:@S@mycls@F@fscl#I#S ctu-other.cpp.ast
+19:c:@S@mycls@F@fcl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+20:c:@S@mycls@F@fvcl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+31:c:@N@myns@S@embed_cls@F@fecl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+34:c:@S@mycls@S@embed_cls2@F@fecl2#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+22:c:@S@derived@F@fvcl#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+9:c:@F@f#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+18:c:@N@myns@F@fns#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+9:c:@F@h#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+15:c:@F@h_chain#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
+27:c:@N@chns@S@chcls@F@chf4#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
+19:c:@N@chns@F@chf2#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
+29:c:@F@fun_using_anon_struct#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+24:c:@F@other_macro_diag#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+9:c:@extInt ctu-other.cpp.ast
+17:c:@N@intns@extInt ctu-other.cpp.ast
+7:c:@extS ctu-other.cpp.ast
+8:c:@S@A@a ctu-other.cpp.ast
+8:c:@extSC ctu-other.cpp.ast
+10:c:@S@ST@sc ctu-other.cpp.ast
+9:c:@extSCN ctu-other.cpp.ast
+12:c:@extSubSCN ctu-other.cpp.ast
+9:c:@extSCC ctu-other.cpp.ast
+7:c:@extU ctu-other.cpp.ast
+26:c:@S@TestAnonUnionUSR@Test ctu-other.cpp.ast
+53:c:@F@testImportOfIncompleteDefaultParmDuringImport#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
+39:c:@F@testImportOfDelegateConstructor#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
Index: clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.c.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
--- clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.c.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
+++ clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.c.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-c:@F@inlineAsm ctu-other.c.ast
-c:@F@g ctu-other.c.ast
-c:@F@f ctu-other.c.ast
-c:@F@enumCheck ctu-other.c.ast
-c:@F@identImplicit ctu-other.c.ast
-c:@F@structInProto ctu-other.c.ast
-c:@F@switchWithoutCases ctu-other.c.ast
+14:c:@F@inlineAsm ctu-other.c.ast
+6:c:@F@g ctu-other.c.ast
+6:c:@F@f ctu-other.c.ast
+14:c:@F@enumCheck ctu-other.c.ast
+18:c:@F@identImplicit ctu-other.c.ast
+18:c:@F@structInProto ctu-other.c.ast
+23:c:@F@switchWithoutCases ctu-other.c.ast
Index: clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-lookup-name-with-space.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-lookup-name-with-space.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+void f(void (*)());
+void f(void (*)(int));
+struct G {
+  G() {
+    // multiple definitions are found for the same key in index
+    f([]() -> void {});    // USR: c:@S@G@F@G#@Sa@F@operator void (*)()#1
+    f([](int) -> void {}); // USR: c:@S@G@F@G#@Sa@F@operator void (*)(int)#1
+    // As both lambda exprs have the same prefix, if the CTU index parser uses
+    // the first space character as the delimiter between USR and file path, a
+    // "multiple definitions are found for the same key in index" error will
+    // be reported.
+  }
+void importee() {}
Index: clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-import.c.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
--- clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-import.c.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
+++ clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-import.c.externalDefMap.ast-dump.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-c:@F@testStaticImplicit ctu-import.c.ast
+23:c:@F@testStaticImplicit ctu-import.c.ast
Index: clang/lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp
--- clang/lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp
@@ -149,6 +149,35 @@
   return std::error_code(static_cast<int>(Code), *Category);
+/// Parse one line of the input CTU index file.
+/// @param[in]  LineRef     The input CTU index item in format
+///                         "<USR-Length>:<USR> <File-Path>".
+/// @param[out] LookupName  The lookup name in format "<USR-Length>:<USR>".
+/// @param[out] FilePath    The file path "<File-Path>".
+static bool parseCrossTUIndexItem(StringRef LineRef, StringRef &LookupName,
+                                  StringRef &FilePath) {
+  // `LineRef` is "<USR-Length>:<USR> <File-Path>" now.
+  size_t USRLength = 0;
+  if (LineRef.consumeInteger(10, USRLength))
+    return false;
+  assert(USRLength && "USRLength should be greater than zero.");
+  if (!LineRef.consume_front(":"))
+    return false;
+  // `LineRef` is now just "<USR> <File-Path>".
+  // Check LookupName length out of bound and incorrect delimiter.
+  if (USRLength >= LineRef.size() || ' ' != LineRef[USRLength])
+    return false;
+  LookupName = LineRef.substr(0, USRLength);
+  FilePath = LineRef.substr(USRLength + 1);
+  return true;
 parseCrossTUIndex(StringRef IndexPath) {
   std::ifstream ExternalMapFile{std::string(IndexPath)};
@@ -160,24 +189,23 @@
   std::string Line;
   unsigned LineNo = 1;
   while (std::getline(ExternalMapFile, Line)) {
-    StringRef LineRef{Line};
-    const size_t Delimiter = LineRef.find(' ');
-    if (Delimiter > 0 && Delimiter != std::string::npos) {
-      StringRef LookupName = LineRef.substr(0, Delimiter);
-      // Store paths with posix-style directory separator.
-      SmallString<32> FilePath(LineRef.substr(Delimiter + 1));
-      llvm::sys::path::native(FilePath, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix);
-      bool InsertionOccured;
-      std::tie(std::ignore, InsertionOccured) =
-          Result.try_emplace(LookupName, FilePath.begin(), FilePath.end());
-      if (!InsertionOccured)
-        return llvm::make_error<IndexError>(
-            index_error_code::multiple_definitions, IndexPath.str(), LineNo);
-    } else
+    // Split lookup name and file path
+    StringRef LookupName, FilePathInIndex;
+    if (!parseCrossTUIndexItem(Line, LookupName, FilePathInIndex))
       return llvm::make_error<IndexError>(
           index_error_code::invalid_index_format, IndexPath.str(), LineNo);
+    // Store paths with posix-style directory separator.
+    SmallString<32> FilePath(FilePathInIndex);
+    llvm::sys::path::native(FilePath, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix);
+    bool InsertionOccured;
+    std::tie(std::ignore, InsertionOccured) =
+        Result.try_emplace(LookupName, FilePath.begin(), FilePath.end());
+    if (!InsertionOccured)
+      return llvm::make_error<IndexError>(
+          index_error_code::multiple_definitions, IndexPath.str(), LineNo);
   return Result;
@@ -187,7 +215,8 @@
 createCrossTUIndexString(const llvm::StringMap<std::string> &Index) {
   std::ostringstream Result;
   for (const auto &E : Index)
-    Result << E.getKey().str() << " " << E.getValue() << '\n';
+    Result << E.getKey().size() << ':' << E.getKey().str() << ' '
+           << E.getValue() << '\n';
   return Result.str();
@@ -428,7 +457,7 @@
             ensureCTUIndexLoaded(CrossTUDir, IndexName))
       return std::move(IndexLoadError);
-    // Check if there is and entry in the index for the function.
+    // Check if there is an entry in the index for the function.
     if (!NameFileMap.count(FunctionName)) {
       return llvm::make_error<IndexError>(index_error_code::missing_definition);
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticCrossTUKinds.td
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticCrossTUKinds.td
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticCrossTUKinds.td
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
   "error opening '%0': required by the CrossTU functionality">;
 def err_extdefmap_parsing : Error<
-  "error parsing index file: '%0' line: %1 'UniqueID filename' format "
-  "expected">;
+  "error parsing index file: '%0' line: %1 '<USR-Length>:<USR> <File-Path>' "
+  "format expected">;
 def err_multiple_def_index : Error<
   "multiple definitions are found for the same key in index ">;
Index: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst
--- clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst
+++ clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
 The next step is to create a CTU index file which holds the `USR` name and location of external definitions in the
-source files:
+source files in format `<USR-Length>:<USR> <File-Path>`:
 .. code-block:: bash
   $ clang-extdef-mapping -p . foo.cpp
-  c:@F@foo# /path/to/your/project/foo.cpp
+  9:c:@F@foo# /path/to/your/project/foo.cpp
   $ clang-extdef-mapping -p . foo.cpp > externalDefMap.txt
 We have to modify `externalDefMap.txt` to contain the name of the `.ast` files instead of the source files:
@@ -278,12 +278,12 @@
 We'd like to analyze `main.cpp` and discover the division by zero bug.
 As we are using On-demand mode, we only need to create a CTU index file which holds the `USR` name and location of
-external definitions in the source files:
+external definitions in the source files in format `<USR-Length>:<USR> <File-Path>`:
 .. code-block:: bash
   $ clang-extdef-mapping -p . foo.cpp
-  c:@F@foo# /path/to/your/project/foo.cpp
+  9:c:@F@foo# /path/to/your/project/foo.cpp
   $ clang-extdef-mapping -p . foo.cpp > externalDefMap.txt
 Now everything is available for the CTU analysis.
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