kuhnel added a comment.

> Main points in the implementation are:
> - simplify the exposed interface

Good point, I added a new function `indexStandardLibrary()` as external 

> - i don't think we need to mess with VFS at all actually

Yes, removed that.

> - we should think a little about which index data we actually want to keep/use

I removed Refs, Relations and Graph as per your comment. However I have to 
admit, I don't know what they are and how they are used.
What's a good place to look at so that I learn what they do?

> Next design questions seem to be about lifetime/triggering:
> - how many configurations of stdlib index to have
> - when do we build the indexes, and who owns them
> - what logic governs whether/which stdlib index is triggered, and where do we 
> put it

While you're out, I'll try to set up something so that I can do some manual 
tests with a real standard library.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/StdLib.cpp:98
+  auto Buffer = FS->getBufferForFile(StdLibHeaderFileName);
+  if (!Buffer)
+    return error("Could not read file from InMemoryFileSystem");
sammccall wrote:
> CreateMemBuffer instead to avoid expressing this impossible error condition?
Not sure what you mean with CreateMemBuffer.
I replaced the `if` with an `assert` as this should not fail.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/StdLib.cpp:101
+  auto Clang = prepareCompilerInstance(std::move(CI), /*Preamble=*/nullptr,
+                                       std::move(*Buffer), FS, IgnoreDiags);
+  if (!Clang)
sammccall wrote:
> hang on, if we're providing the overridden buffer to prepareCompilerInstance 
> (like we do for edited files in clangd that may or may not be saved on disk 
> yet) then why do we need the VFS at all?
We don't need the VFS at all, you're right. Handing over a buffer is good 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/StdLibIndexTests.cpp:47
+  //       available on the machine
+  std::string HeaderMock = R"CPP(
+    int myfunc(int a);
sammccall wrote:
> I'm not sure we're testing what we want to be testing here.
> In real life, the symbols are not going to be in the entrypoint, but a file 
> included from it.
> And clangd's indexer *does* treat the main file differently from others.
> It's pretty awkward to actually fix but maybe worth a comment.
So you would prefer that we change `HeaderMock` to only contain `#include` and 
then create the mock headers as virtual files in the MockFS?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/StdLibIndexTests.cpp:56
+  Req.Query = "myfunc";
+  Req.AnyScope = true;
+  Req.Limit = 100;
sammccall wrote:
> AnyScope and Limit are not needed
`AnyScope` is actually needed, otherwise the result is empty.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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