jhuber6 created this revision.
jhuber6 added a reviewer: jdoerfert.
Herald added subscribers: ormris, okura, kuter, guansong, hiraditya, yaxunl.
jhuber6 requested review of this revision.
Herald added a reviewer: sstefan1.
Herald added subscribers: llvm-commits, cfe-commits, bbn, sstefan1.
Herald added a reviewer: baziotis.
Herald added projects: clang, LLVM.

This patch rewrites and reworks a few of the existing remarks to make the mmore
concise and consistent prior to writing the documentation for them.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.ll
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 ; RUN: opt -passes=openmp-opt -pass-remarks=openmp-opt -pass-remarks-missed=openmp-opt -pass-remarks-analysis=openmp-opt -disable-output < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 target triple = "nvptx64"
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:13:5: Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this potential side-effect, consider to add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function 'unknown'.
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:15:5: Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this potential side-effect, consider to add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function 'unknown'.
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:11:1: Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine that requires a fallback [1 known parallel regions, 2 unkown parallel regions] (bad).
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:13:5: State machine fallback caused by this call. If it is a false positive, use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` (or "omp_no_parallelism").
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:15:5: State machine fallback caused by this call. If it is a false positive, use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` (or "omp_no_parallelism").
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:20:1: Generic-mode kernel is changed to SPMD-mode.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:13:5: Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode execution. Add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function to override.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:15:5: Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode execution. Add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function to override.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:11:1: Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine that requires a fallback [1 known parallel regions, 2 unkown parallel regions].
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:13:5: Call may contain unknown parallel regions. Use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` to override.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:15:5: Call may contain unknown parallel regions. Use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` to override.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/spmdization_remarks.c:20:1: Transformed Generic-mode kernel to SPMD-mode.
 ;; void unknown(void);
 ;; void known(void) {
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/remove_globalization.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/remove_globalization.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/remove_globalization.ll
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 target datalayout = "e-i64:64-i128:128-v16:16-v32:32-n16:32:64"
 target triple = "nvptx64"
-; CHECK-REMARKS: remark: remove_globalization.c:4:2: Could not move globalized variable to the stack as variable is potentially captured in call; mark parameter as `__attribute__((noescape))` to override.
+; CHECK-REMARKS: remark: remove_globalization.c:4:2: Could not move globalized variable to the stack. Variable is potentially captured in call. Mark parameter as `__attribute__((noescape))` to override.
 ; CHECK-REMARKS: remark: remove_globalization.c:2:2: Moving globalized variable to the stack.
 ; CHECK-REMARKS: remark: remove_globalization.c:6:2: Moving globalized variable to the stack.
 ; CHECK-REMARKS: remark: remove_globalization.c:4:2: Found thread data sharing on the GPU. Expect degraded performance due to data globalization.
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/parallel_deletion_remarks.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/parallel_deletion_remarks.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/parallel_deletion_remarks.ll
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 ; This will delete all but the first parallel region
-; CHECK: remark: parallel_deletion_remarks.c:10:1: Parallel region in delete_parallel deleted
-; CHECK: remark: parallel_deletion_remarks.c:12:1: Parallel region in delete_parallel deleted
-; CHECK: remark: parallel_deletion_remarks.c:14:1: Parallel region in delete_parallel deleted
+; CHECK: remark: parallel_deletion_remarks.c:10:1: Removing unused parallel region.
+; CHECK: remark: parallel_deletion_remarks.c:12:1: Removing unused parallel region.
+; CHECK: remark: parallel_deletion_remarks.c:14:1: Removing unused parallel region.
 define dso_local void @delete_parallel() local_unnamed_addr !dbg !15 {
   call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined. to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)), !dbg !18
   call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..2 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)), !dbg !19
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/globalization_remarks.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/globalization_remarks.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/globalization_remarks.ll
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 target datalayout = "e-i64:64-i128:128-v16:16-v32:32-n16:32:64"
 target triple = "nvptx64"
-; CHECK: remark: globalization_remarks.c:5:7: Could not move globalized variable to the stack as variable is potentially captured in call; mark parameter as `__attribute__((noescape))` to override.
+; CHECK: remark: globalization_remarks.c:5:7: Could not move globalized variable to the stack. Variable is potentially captured in call. Mark parameter as `__attribute__((noescape))` to override.
 ; CHECK: remark: globalization_remarks.c:5:7: Found thread data sharing on the GPU. Expect degraded performance due to data globalization.
 %struct.ident_t = type { i32, i32, i32, i32, i8* }
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/deduplication_remarks.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/deduplication_remarks.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/deduplication_remarks.ll
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 @0 = private unnamed_addr global %struct.ident_t { i32 0, i32 34, i32 0, i32 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8], [23 x i8]* @.str0, i32 0, i32 0) }, align 8
 @.str0 = private unnamed_addr constant [23 x i8] c";unknown;unknown;0;0;;\00", align 1
-; CHECK: remark: deduplication_remarks.c:4:0: OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num moved to beginning of OpenMP region
 ; CHECK: remark: deduplication_remarks.c:4:0: OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num deduplicated
 ; CHECK: remark: deduplication_remarks.c:4:0: OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num deduplicated
 define dso_local void @deduplicate() local_unnamed_addr !dbg !14 {
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.ll
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 ; RUN: opt -passes=openmp-opt -pass-remarks=openmp-opt -pass-remarks-missed=openmp-opt -pass-remarks-analysis=openmp-opt -disable-output < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 target triple = "nvptx64"
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:11:1: Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine that requires a fallback [1 known parallel regions, 2 unkown parallel regions] (bad)
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:13:5: State machine fallback caused by this call. If it is a false positive, use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` (or "omp_no_parallelism")
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:15:5: State machine fallback caused by this call. If it is a false positive, use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` (or "omp_no_parallelism")
-; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:20:1: Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine [1 known parallel regions] (good)
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:11:1: Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine that requires a fallback [1 known parallel regions, 2 unkown parallel regions].
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:13:5: Call may contain unknown parallel regions. Use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` to override.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:15:5: Call may contain unknown parallel regions. Use `__attribute__((assume("omp_no_openmp")))` to override.
+; CHECK: remark: llvm/test/Transforms/OpenMP/custom_state_machines_remarks.c:20:1: Rewriting generic-mode kernel with a customized state machine.
 ;; void unknown(void);
 ;; void known(void) {
Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/OpenMPOpt.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/OpenMPOpt.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/OpenMPOpt.cpp
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@
   {                                                                            \
     SmallVector<Type *, 8> ArgsTypes({__VA_ARGS__});                           \
     Function *F = M.getFunction(_Name);                                        \
+    RTLFunctions.insert(F);                                                    \
     if (declMatchesRTFTypes(F, OMPBuilder._ReturnType, ArgsTypes)) {           \
       RuntimeFunctionIDMap[F] = _Enum;                                         \
       auto &RFI = RFIs[_Enum];                                                 \
@@ -431,6 +432,9 @@
   /// Collection of known kernels (\see Kernel) in the module.
   SmallPtrSetImpl<Kernel> &Kernels;
+  /// Collection of known OpenMP runtime functions..
+  DenseSet<const Function *> RTLFunctions;
 template <typename Ty, bool InsertInvalidates = true>
@@ -936,7 +940,7 @@
           if (CI != MergableCIs.back())
             OR << ", ";
-        return OR;
+        return OR << ".";
@@ -1032,7 +1036,8 @@
                     << ore::NV("OpenMPParallelMerge", CI->getDebugLoc())
                     << " merged with "
                     << ore::NV("OpenMPParallelMergeFront",
-                               MergableCIs.front()->getDebugLoc());
+                               MergableCIs.front()->getDebugLoc())
+                    << ".";
         if (CI != MergableCIs.front())
           emitRemark<OptimizationRemark>(CI, "OpenMPParallelRegionMerging",
@@ -1203,9 +1208,7 @@
                         << CI->getCaller()->getName() << "\n");
       auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
-        return OR << "Parallel region in "
-                  << ore::NV("OpenMPParallelDelete", CI->getCaller()->getName())
-                  << " deleted";
+        return OR << "Removing unused parallel region.";
       emitRemark<OptimizationRemark>(CI, "OpenMPParallelRegionDeletion",
@@ -1564,13 +1567,6 @@
           if (!CanBeMoved(*CI))
-          auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
-            return OR << "OpenMP runtime call "
-                      << ore::NV("OpenMPOptRuntime", RFI.Name)
-                      << " moved to beginning of OpenMP region";
-          };
-          emitRemark<OptimizationRemark>(&F, "OpenMPRuntimeCodeMotion", Remark);
           ReplVal = CI;
@@ -1600,7 +1596,7 @@
       auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
         return OR << "OpenMP runtime call "
-                  << ore::NV("OpenMPOptRuntime", RFI.Name) << " deduplicated";
+                  << ore::NV("OpenMPOptRuntime", RFI.Name) << " deduplicated.";
       emitRemark<OptimizationRemark>(&F, "OpenMPRuntimeDeduplicated", Remark);
@@ -1783,8 +1779,7 @@
       // See https://openmp.llvm.org/remarks/OptimizationRemarks.html
       auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-        return ORA
-               << "[OMP100] Potentially unknown OpenMP target region caller";
+        return ORA << "Potentially unknown OpenMP target region caller.";
       emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(&F, "OMP100", Remark);
@@ -1878,33 +1873,18 @@
     if (!KernelParallelUse)
-    {
-      auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-        return ORA << "Found a parallel region that is called in a target "
-                      "region but not part of a combined target construct nor "
-                      "nested inside a target construct without intermediate "
-                      "code. This can lead to excessive register usage for "
-                      "unrelated target regions in the same translation unit "
-                      "due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.";
-      };
-      emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(F, "OpenMPParallelRegionInNonSPMD",
-                                             Remark);
-    }
     // If this ever hits, we should investigate.
     // TODO: Checking the number of uses is not a necessary restriction and
     // should be lifted.
     if (UnknownUse || NumDirectCalls != 1 ||
         ToBeReplacedStateMachineUses.size() > 2) {
-      {
-        auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-          return ORA << "Parallel region is used in "
-                     << (UnknownUse ? "unknown" : "unexpected")
-                     << " ways; will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.";
-        };
-        emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(
-            F, "OpenMPParallelRegionInNonSPMD", Remark);
-      }
+      auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
+        return ORA << "Parallel region is used in "
+                   << (UnknownUse ? "unknown" : "unexpected")
+                   << " ways. Will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.";
+      };
+      emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(F, "OpenMPParallelRegionInNonSPMD",
+                                             Remark);
@@ -1912,16 +1892,12 @@
     // up if the function is not called from a unique kernel.
     Kernel K = getUniqueKernelFor(*F);
     if (!K) {
-      {
-        auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-          return ORA << "Parallel region is not known to be called from a "
-                        "unique single target region, maybe the surrounding "
-                        "function has external linkage?; will not attempt to "
-                        "rewrite the state machine use.";
-        };
-        emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(
-            F, "OpenMPParallelRegionInMultipleKernesl", Remark);
-      }
+      auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
+        return ORA << "Parallel region is not called from a unique kernel. "
+                      "Will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.";
+      };
+      emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(
+          F, "OpenMPParallelRegionInMultipleKernesl", Remark);
@@ -1930,29 +1906,6 @@
     // function pointer by a new global symbol for identification purposes. This
     // ensures only direct calls to the function are left.
-    {
-      auto RemarkParalleRegion = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-        return ORA << "Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a "
-                      "single target region to avoid spurious call edges and "
-                      "excessive register usage in other target regions. "
-                      "(parallel region ID: "
-                   << ore::NV("OpenMPParallelRegion", F->getName())
-                   << ", kernel ID: "
-                   << ore::NV("OpenMPTargetRegion", K->getName()) << ")";
-      };
-      emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(F, "OpenMPParallelRegionInNonSPMD",
-                                             RemarkParalleRegion);
-      auto RemarkKernel = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-        return ORA << "Target region containing the parallel region that is "
-                      "specialized. (parallel region ID: "
-                   << ore::NV("OpenMPParallelRegion", F->getName())
-                   << ", kernel ID: "
-                   << ore::NV("OpenMPTargetRegion", K->getName()) << ")";
-      };
-      emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(K, "OpenMPParallelRegionInNonSPMD",
-                                             RemarkKernel);
-    }
     Module &M = *F->getParent();
     Type *Int8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(M.getContext());
@@ -2848,19 +2801,24 @@
   bool changeToSPMDMode(Attributor &A) {
+    auto &OMPInfoCache = static_cast<OMPInformationCache &>(A.getInfoCache());
     if (!SPMDCompatibilityTracker.isAssumed()) {
       for (Instruction *NonCompatibleI : SPMDCompatibilityTracker) {
         if (!NonCompatibleI)
+        // Skip diagnostics on calls to known OpenMP runtime functinos for now.
+        if (auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(NonCompatibleI))
+          if (OMPInfoCache.RTLFunctions.contains(CB->getCalledFunction()))
+            continue;
         auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
-          ORA << "Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this "
-                 "potential side-effect";
+          ORA << "Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode "
+                 "execution";
           if (auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallBase>(NonCompatibleI)) {
-            if (Function *F = CI->getCalledFunction())
-              ORA << ", consider to add "
-                     "`__attribute__((assume(\"ompx_spmd_amenable\")))`"
-                     " to the called function '"
-                  << F->getName() << "'";
+            ORA << ". Add `__attribute__((assume(\"ompx_spmd_amenable\")))` to "
+                   "the called function to override";
           return ORA << ".";
@@ -2903,7 +2861,7 @@
     auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
-      return OR << "Generic-mode kernel is changed to SPMD-mode.";
+      return OR << "Transformed Generic-mode kernel to SPMD-mode.";
     A.emitRemark<OptimizationRemark>(KernelInitCB, "OpenMPKernelSPMDMode",
@@ -2948,8 +2906,7 @@
       auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
-        return OR << "Generic-mode kernel is executed without state machine "
-                     "(good)";
+        return OR << "Removing unused state machine from generic-mode kernel.";
           KernelInitCB, "OpenMPKernelWithoutStateMachine", Remark);
@@ -2962,18 +2919,15 @@
       auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
-        return OR << "Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state "
-                     "machine ["
-                  << ore::NV("ParallelRegions",
-                             ReachedKnownParallelRegions.size())
-                  << " known parallel regions] (good).";
+        return OR << "Rewriting generic-mode kernel with a customized state "
+                     "machine.";
           KernelInitCB, "OpenMPKernelWithCustomizedStateMachine", Remark);
     } else {
-      auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemark OR) {
+      auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis OR) {
         return OR << "Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state "
                      "machine that requires a fallback ["
                   << ore::NV("ParallelRegions",
@@ -2981,9 +2935,9 @@
                   << " known parallel regions, "
                   << ore::NV("UnknownParallelRegions",
-                  << " unkown parallel regions] (bad).";
+                  << " unkown parallel regions].";
-      A.emitRemark<OptimizationRemark>(
+      A.emitRemark<OptimizationRemarkAnalysis>(
           KernelInitCB, "OpenMPKernelWithCustomizedStateMachineAndFallback",
@@ -2993,10 +2947,8 @@
         auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkAnalysis ORA) {
           return ORA
-                 << "State machine fallback caused by this call. If it is a "
-                    "false positive, use "
-                    "`__attribute__((assume(\"omp_no_openmp\")))` "
-                    "(or \"omp_no_parallelism\").";
+                 << "Call may contain unknown parallel regions. Use "
+                 << "`__attribute__((assume(\"omp_no_openmp\")))` to override.";
Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/AttributorAttributes.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/AttributorAttributes.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/AttributorAttributes.cpp
@@ -5328,10 +5328,10 @@
           // Emit a missed remark if this is missed OpenMP globalization.
           auto Remark = [&](OptimizationRemarkMissed ORM) {
-            return ORM << "Could not move globalized variable to the stack as "
-                          "variable is potentially captured in call; mark "
-                          "parameter as "
-                          "`__attribute__((noescape))` to override.";
+            return ORM
+                   << "Could not move globalized variable to the stack. "
+                      "Variable is potentially captured in call. Mark "
+                      "parameter as `__attribute__((noescape))` to override.";
           if (AI.LibraryFunctionId == LibFunc___kmpc_alloc_shared)
Index: clang/test/OpenMP/remarks_parallel_in_target_state_machine.c
--- clang/test/OpenMP/remarks_parallel_in_target_state_machine.c
+++ clang/test/OpenMP/remarks_parallel_in_target_state_machine.c
@@ -8,28 +8,21 @@
 void bar(void) {
 #pragma omp parallel // #1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \
-                     // expected-remark@#1 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}} \
-                     // expected-remark@#1 {{Parallel region is used in unknown ways; will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.}}
+                     // expected-remark@#1 {{Parallel region is used in unknown ways. Will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.}}
 void foo(void) {
-#pragma omp target teams // #2                                                                                                                                                                      \
-                         // expected-remark@#2 {{Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine [3 known parallel regions] (good).}}
-                         // expected-remark@#2 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__1_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}} \
-                         // expected-remark@#2 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__2_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
+#pragma omp target teams // #2
+                         // expected-remark@#2 {{Rewriting generic-mode kernel with a customized state machine.}}
-    baz();           // expected-remark {{Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this potential side-effect, consider to add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function '_Z3bazv'.}}
-#pragma omp parallel // #3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \
-                     // expected-remark@#3 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}} \
-                     // expected-remark@#3 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__1_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
+    baz();               // expected-remark {{Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode execution. Add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function to override.}}
+#pragma omp parallel
-#pragma omp parallel // #4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \
-                     // expected-remark@#4 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}} \
-                     // expected-remark@#4 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__2_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
+#pragma omp parallel
@@ -47,5 +40,4 @@
-// expected-remark@* {{OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num moved to beginning of OpenMP region}}
 // expected-remark@* {{OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num deduplicated}}
Index: clang/test/OpenMP/remarks_parallel_in_multiple_target_state_machines.c
--- clang/test/OpenMP/remarks_parallel_in_multiple_target_state_machines.c
+++ clang/test/OpenMP/remarks_parallel_in_multiple_target_state_machines.c
@@ -8,37 +8,28 @@
 void bar1(void) {
 #pragma omp parallel // #0
-                     // all-remark@#0 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // safe-remark@#0 {{Parallel region is used in unknown ways; will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.}}
-                     // force-remark@#0 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__2_wrapper, kernel ID: <NONE>}}
+                     // safe-remark@#0 {{Parallel region is used in unknown ways. Will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.}}
 void bar2(void) {
 #pragma omp parallel // #1
-                     // all-remark@#1 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // safe-remark@#1 {{Parallel region is used in unknown ways; will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.}}
-                     // force-remark@#1 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__6_wrapper, kernel ID: <NONE>}}
+                     // safe-remark@#1 {{Parallel region is used in unknown ways. Will not attempt to rewrite the state machine.}}
 void foo1(void) {
 #pragma omp target teams // #2
-                         // all-remark@#2 {{Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine [3 known parallel regions] (good).}}
-                         // all-remark@#2 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__1_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
-                         // all-remark@#2 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__2_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
+                         // all-remark@#2 {{Rewriting generic-mode kernel with a customized state machine.}}
-    baz();           // all-remark {{Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this potential side-effect, consider to add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function '_Z3bazv'.}}
+    baz();           // all-remark {{Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode execution. Add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function to override.}}
 #pragma omp parallel // #3
-                     // all-remark@#3 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // all-remark@#3 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__1_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
 #pragma omp parallel // #4
-                     // all-remark@#4 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // all-remark@#4 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__2_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
@@ -46,21 +37,15 @@
 void foo2(void) {
 #pragma omp target teams // #5
-                         // all-remark@#5 {{Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine [4 known parallel regions] (good).}}
-                         // all-remark@#5 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__5_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
-                         // all-remark@#5 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__4_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
+                         // all-remark@#5 {{Rewriting generic-mode kernel with a customized state machine.}}
-    baz();           // all-remark {{Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this potential side-effect, consider to add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function '_Z3bazv'.}}
+    baz();           // all-remark {{Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode execution. Add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function to override.}}
 #pragma omp parallel // #6
-                     // all-remark@#6 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // all-remark@#6 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__4_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
 #pragma omp parallel // #7
-                     // all-remark@#7 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // all-remark@#7 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__5_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
@@ -70,21 +55,15 @@
 void foo3(void) {
 #pragma omp target teams // #8
-                         // all-remark@#8 {{Generic-mode kernel is executed with a customized state machine [4 known parallel regions] (good).}}
-                         // all-remark@#8 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__7_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
-                         // all-remark@#8 {{Target region containing the parallel region that is specialized. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__8_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
+                         // all-remark@#8 {{Rewriting generic-mode kernel with a customized state machine.}}
-    baz();           // all-remark {{Kernel will be executed in generic-mode due to this potential side-effect, consider to add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function '_Z3bazv'.}}
+    baz();           // all-remark {{Value has potential side effects preventing SPMD-mode execution. Add `__attribute__((assume("ompx_spmd_amenable")))` to the called function to override.}}
 #pragma omp parallel // #9
-                     // all-remark@#9 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // all-remark@#9 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__7_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
 #pragma omp parallel // #10
-                     // all-remark@#10 {{Found a parallel region that is called in a target region but not part of a combined target construct nor nested inside a target construct without intermediate code. This can lead to excessive register usage for unrelated target regions in the same translation unit due to spurious call edges assumed by ptxas.}}
-                     // all-remark@#10 {{Specialize parallel region that is only reached from a single target region to avoid spurious call edges and excessive register usage in other target regions. (parallel region ID: __omp_outlined__8_wrapper, kernel ID: __omp_offloading}}
@@ -104,5 +83,4 @@
-// all-remark@* 5 {{OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num moved to beginning of OpenMP region}}
 // all-remark@* 9 {{OpenMP runtime call __kmpc_global_thread_num deduplicated}}
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