brunodefraine added a subscriber: probinson.
brunodefraine added a comment.

In D104777#2836669 <>, @dblaikie wrote:

> Yeah, all that sounds reasonable to me - @brunodefraine could you look into 
> supporting nodebug in a similar way as @aaron.ballman has described here?

Since the debuginfo for `use()` is slightly affected by the `nodebug` version 
of `t1()` that follows it, I can see how this back propagation is perhaps 
dangerous. Checking that `nodebug` is the same on all declarations of a 
function is a way to prevent this.

But when discussing the PR, @probinson wrote "I'm inclined to think we want 
this to work" and I can see what he means from the use case where I observed 
the bug. If you don't want debuginfo for the implementation of `t1()`, it 
should be fine to annotate just the function definition in an implementation 
file, not the declaration in a header, since the debuginfo of the 
implementation is not of the caller's concern. But `nodebug` as it exists 
**does** affect the debuginfo of callers as well, so I cannot really express 
that I don't want debuginfo for the implementation of a function and leave its 
callers unaffected?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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