qchateau created this revision.
qchateau added a reviewer: sammccall.
Herald added subscribers: usaxena95, kadircet, arphaman, javed.absar.
qchateau requested review of this revision.
Herald added subscribers: cfe-commits, MaskRay, ilya-biryukov.
Herald added a project: clang.
Keep a store of the preambles of all opened filed, plus up to
5 previously used preambles. When building the AST for a TU,
if the preamble for this TU is not yet built, look through
the stored premables to find the best compatible preamble
and use this preamble to speed-up the AST build.


This patch is starting to look like something acceptable, so
I'm sending it for review. At this point I'd like to get some 
feedback on this before going further.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.h
@@ -310,6 +310,8 @@
   /// Responsible for retaining and rebuilding idle ASTs. An implementation is
   /// an LRU cache.
   class ASTCache;
+  /// Store all known preambles
+  class PreambleStore;
   // The file being built/processed in the current thread. This is a hack in
   // order to get the file name into the index implementations. Do not depend on
@@ -332,6 +334,7 @@
   Semaphore QuickRunBarrier;
   llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<FileData>> Files;
   std::unique_ptr<ASTCache> IdleASTs;
+  std::unique_ptr<PreambleStore> Preambles;
   // None when running tasks synchronously and non-None when running tasks
   // asynchronously.
   llvm::Optional<AsyncTaskRunner> PreambleTasks;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/TUScheduler.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,21 @@
 namespace {
 class ASTWorker;
+bool compileCommandsAreSimilar(const tooling::CompileCommand &LHS,
+                               const tooling::CompileCommand &RHS) {
+  std::vector<std::string> LHSCL(LHS.CommandLine);
+  auto LHSBasename = llvm::sys::path::filename(LHS.Filename).str();
+  auto RHSBasename = llvm::sys::path::filename(RHS.Filename).str();
+  for (auto &Arg : LHSCL) {
+    for (auto Pos = Arg.find(LHSBasename); Pos != std::string::npos;
+         Pos = Arg.find(LHSBasename, Pos + 1)) {
+      Arg.replace(Pos, LHSBasename.size(), RHSBasename);
+    }
+  }
+  return llvm::makeArrayRef(LHSCL).equals(RHS.CommandLine);
 } // namespace
 static clang::clangd::Key<std::string> kFileBeingProcessed;
@@ -179,6 +194,59 @@
   std::vector<KVPair> LRU; /* GUARDED_BY(Mut) */
+class TUScheduler::PreambleStore {
+  struct Entry {
+    std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble;
+    size_t Score;
+    Path FileName;
+    bool operator>(const Entry &Other) const { return Score > Other.Score; }
+  };
+  auto getAll() {
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    return Store;
+  }
+  void push(PathRef FileName, std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble) {
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    auto It = llvm::find_if(
+        Store, [&](const auto &Item) { return Item.FileName == FileName; });
+    if (It == Store.end()) {
+      Store.push_back(Entry{std::move(Preamble), 0, FileName.str()});
+      popWorstPreambles();
+    }
+    vlog("Store contains {0} preambles", Store.size());
+  }
+  void hit(PathRef FileName) {
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    auto It = llvm::find_if(
+        Store, [&](const auto &Item) { return Item.FileName == FileName; });
+    if (It == Store.end()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    It->Score++;
+  }
+  void popWorstPreambles() {
+    constexpr int ClosedPreamblesToKeep = 5;
+    auto Begin = llvm::partition(
+        Store, [](const auto &Item) { return Item.Preamble.use_count() > 1; });
+    if (std::distance(Begin, Store.end()) <= ClosedPreamblesToKeep) {
+      return;
+    }
+    auto Nth = Begin + ClosedPreamblesToKeep;
+    std::nth_element(Begin, Nth, Store.end(), std::greater<Entry>());
+    Store.erase(Nth, Store.end());
+  }
+  std::mutex Mut;
+  std::vector<Entry> Store;
 namespace {
 /// Threadsafe manager for updating a TUStatus and emitting it after each
 /// update.
@@ -368,8 +436,10 @@
 class ASTWorker {
   friend class ASTWorkerHandle;
   ASTWorker(PathRef FileName, const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
-            TUScheduler::ASTCache &LRUCache, Semaphore &Barrier, bool RunSync,
-            const TUScheduler::Options &Opts, ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks);
+            TUScheduler::ASTCache &LRUCache,
+            TUScheduler::PreambleStore &Preambles, Semaphore &Barrier,
+            bool RunSync, const TUScheduler::Options &Opts,
+            ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks);
   /// Create a new ASTWorker and return a handle to it.
@@ -377,12 +447,11 @@
   /// is null, all requests will be processed on the calling thread
   /// synchronously instead. \p Barrier is acquired when processing each
   /// request, it is used to limit the number of actively running threads.
-  static ASTWorkerHandle create(PathRef FileName,
-                                const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
-                                TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs,
-                                AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
-                                const TUScheduler::Options &Opts,
-                                ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks);
+  static ASTWorkerHandle
+  create(PathRef FileName, const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
+         TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs, TUScheduler::PreambleStore &Preambles,
+         AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
+         const TUScheduler::Options &Opts, ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks);
   void update(ParseInputs Inputs, WantDiagnostics, bool ContentChanged);
@@ -394,6 +463,8 @@
   std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> getPossiblyStalePreamble(
       std::shared_ptr<const ASTSignals> *ASTSignals = nullptr) const;
+  std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> getBestPreamble(
+      std::shared_ptr<const ASTSignals> *ASTSignals = nullptr) const;
   /// Used to inform ASTWorker about a new preamble build by PreambleThread.
   /// Diagnostics are only published through this callback. This ensures they
@@ -460,6 +531,9 @@
   /// Should the first task in the queue be skipped instead of run?
   bool shouldSkipHeadLocked() const;
+  /// Get all preambles that may be used to accelerate the AST build
+  std::vector<TUScheduler::PreambleStore::Entry> getCompatiblePreambles() const;
   struct Request {
     llvm::unique_function<void()> Action;
     std::string Name;
@@ -473,6 +547,7 @@
   /// Handles retention of ASTs.
   TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs;
+  TUScheduler::PreambleStore &Preambles;
   const bool RunSync;
   /// Time to wait after an update to see whether another update obsoletes it.
   const DebouncePolicy UpdateDebounce;
@@ -574,11 +649,13 @@
 ASTWorkerHandle ASTWorker::create(PathRef FileName,
                                   const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
                                   TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs,
+                                  TUScheduler::PreambleStore &Preambles,
                                   AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
                                   const TUScheduler::Options &Opts,
                                   ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks) {
-  std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker(new ASTWorker(
-      FileName, CDB, IdleASTs, Barrier, /*RunSync=*/!Tasks, Opts, Callbacks));
+  std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker(
+      new ASTWorker(FileName, CDB, IdleASTs, Preambles, Barrier,
+                    /*RunSync=*/!Tasks, Opts, Callbacks));
   if (Tasks) {
     Tasks->runAsync("ASTWorker:" + llvm::sys::path::filename(FileName),
                     [Worker]() { Worker->run(); });
@@ -590,13 +667,14 @@
 ASTWorker::ASTWorker(PathRef FileName, const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
-                     TUScheduler::ASTCache &LRUCache, Semaphore &Barrier,
+                     TUScheduler::ASTCache &LRUCache,
+                     TUScheduler::PreambleStore &Preambles, Semaphore &Barrier,
                      bool RunSync, const TUScheduler::Options &Opts,
                      ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks)
-    : IdleASTs(LRUCache), RunSync(RunSync), UpdateDebounce(Opts.UpdateDebounce),
-      FileName(FileName), ContextProvider(Opts.ContextProvider), CDB(CDB),
-      Callbacks(Callbacks), Barrier(Barrier), Done(false),
-      Status(FileName, Callbacks),
+    : IdleASTs(LRUCache), Preambles(Preambles), RunSync(RunSync),
+      UpdateDebounce(Opts.UpdateDebounce), FileName(FileName),
+      ContextProvider(Opts.ContextProvider), CDB(CDB), Callbacks(Callbacks),
+      Barrier(Barrier), Done(false), Status(FileName, Callbacks),
       PreamblePeer(FileName, Callbacks, Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory, RunSync,
                    Status, *this) {
   // Set a fallback command because compile command can be accessed before
@@ -687,14 +765,18 @@
     PreamblePeer.update(std::move(Invocation), std::move(Inputs),
                         std::move(CompilerInvocationDiags), WantDiags);
     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
     PreambleCV.wait(Lock, [this] {
       // Block until we reiceve a preamble request, unless a preamble already
       // exists, as patching an empty preamble would imply rebuilding it from
       // scratch.
+      // It is also acceptable to unblock is we have compatible preambles
+      // that may be used to accelerate the AST build.
       // We block here instead of the consumer to prevent any deadlocks. Since
       // LatestPreamble is only populated by ASTWorker thread.
-      return LatestPreamble || !PreambleRequests.empty() || Done;
+      return LatestPreamble || !PreambleRequests.empty() ||
+             !getCompatiblePreambles().empty() || Done;
@@ -722,13 +804,13 @@
       vlog("ASTWorker rebuilding evicted AST to run {0}: {1} version {2}", Name,
            FileName, FileInputs.Version);
       // FIXME: We might need to build a patched ast once preamble thread starts
-      // running async. Currently getPossiblyStalePreamble below will always
+      // running async. Currently getBestPreamble below will always
       // return a compatible preamble as ASTWorker::update blocks.
       llvm::Optional<ParsedAST> NewAST;
       if (Invocation) {
         NewAST = ParsedAST::build(FileName, FileInputs, std::move(Invocation),
-                                  getPossiblyStalePreamble());
+                                  getBestPreamble());
       AST = NewAST ? std::make_unique<ParsedAST>(std::move(*NewAST)) : nullptr;
@@ -808,6 +890,7 @@
         LatestPreamble = std::move(Preamble);
+    Preambles.push(FileName, *LatestPreamble);
     // Notify anyone waiting for a preamble.
     // Give up our ownership to old preamble before starting expensive AST
@@ -950,6 +1033,47 @@
   return LatestPreamble ? *LatestPreamble : nullptr;
+ASTWorker::getCompatiblePreambles() const {
+  auto AllPreamblesEntries = Preambles.getAll();
+  auto End = llvm::remove_if(AllPreamblesEntries, [&](const auto &Item) {
+    return !compileCommandsAreSimilar(FileInputs.CompileCommand,
+                                      Item.Preamble->CompileCommand);
+  });
+  AllPreamblesEntries.erase(End, AllPreamblesEntries.end());
+  return AllPreamblesEntries;
+std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> ASTWorker::getBestPreamble(
+    std::shared_ptr<const ASTSignals> *ASTSignals) const {
+  if (auto Preamble = getPossiblyStalePreamble(ASTSignals)) {
+    vlog("Best premable is the real one");
+    return Preamble;
+  }
+  auto CompatiblePreambles = getCompatiblePreambles();
+  vlog("Looking for the best of {0} preambles ...", CompatiblePreambles.size());
+  if (CompatiblePreambles.empty()) {
+    vlog("No compatible preanble");
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  auto Best = CompatiblePreambles.begin();
+  auto BestPatch = PreamblePatch::create(FileName, FileInputs, *Best->Preamble);
+  for (auto It = Best + 1; It != CompatiblePreambles.end(); ++It) {
+    auto Patch = PreamblePatch::create(FileName, FileInputs, *It->Preamble);
+    if (Patch.preambleIncludes().size() > BestPatch.preambleIncludes().size()) {
+      BestPatch = std::move(Patch);
+      Best = It;
+    }
+  }
+  vlog("Using preamble from: {0}", Best->FileName);
+  Preambles.hit(Best->FileName);
+  return Best->Preamble;
 void ASTWorker::waitForFirstPreamble() const {
   std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
   PreambleCV.wait(Lock, [this] { return LatestPreamble.hasValue() || Done; });
@@ -1297,7 +1421,8 @@
                           : std::make_unique<ParsingCallbacks>()),
       Barrier(Opts.AsyncThreadsCount), QuickRunBarrier(Opts.AsyncThreadsCount),
-          std::make_unique<ASTCache>(Opts.RetentionPolicy.MaxRetainedASTs)) {
+          std::make_unique<ASTCache>(Opts.RetentionPolicy.MaxRetainedASTs)),
+      Preambles(std::make_unique<PreambleStore>()) {
   // Avoid null checks everywhere.
   if (!Opts.ContextProvider) {
     this->Opts.ContextProvider = [](llvm::StringRef) {
@@ -1339,7 +1464,7 @@
   if (!FD) {
     // Create a new worker to process the AST-related tasks.
     ASTWorkerHandle Worker =
-        ASTWorker::create(File, CDB, *IdleASTs,
+        ASTWorker::create(File, CDB, *IdleASTs, *Preambles,
                           WorkerThreads ? WorkerThreads.getPointer() : nullptr,
                           Barrier, Opts, *Callbacks);
     FD = std::unique_ptr<FileData>(
@@ -1426,7 +1551,7 @@
     SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "file", File);
     std::shared_ptr<const ASTSignals> Signals;
     std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble =
-        It->second->Worker->getPossiblyStalePreamble(&Signals);
+        It->second->Worker->getBestPreamble(&Signals);
     WithContext WithProvidedContext(Opts.ContextProvider(File));
@@ -1449,7 +1574,7 @@
     std::shared_ptr<const ASTSignals> Signals;
-    Preamble = Worker->getPossiblyStalePreamble(&Signals);
+    Preamble = Worker->getBestPreamble(&Signals);
     std::lock_guard<Semaphore> BarrierLock(Barrier);
     WithContext Guard(std::move(Ctx));
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ParsedAST.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ParsedAST.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ParsedAST.cpp
@@ -236,6 +236,58 @@
   std::vector<syntax::Token> MainFileTokens;
+scanMainFileMacros(llvm::StringRef Contents,
+                   const tooling::CompileCommand &Cmd) {
+  class EmptyFS : public ThreadsafeFS {
+  private:
+    llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> viewImpl() const override {
+      return new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem;
+    }
+  };
+  EmptyFS FS;
+  // Build and run Preprocessor over the preamble.
+  ParseInputs PI;
+  PI.Contents = Contents.str();
+  PI.TFS = &FS;
+  PI.CompileCommand = Cmd;
+  IgnoringDiagConsumer IgnoreDiags;
+  auto CI = buildCompilerInvocation(PI, IgnoreDiags);
+  if (!CI)
+    return error("failed to create compiler invocation");
+  CI->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
+  auto ContentsBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Contents);
+  // This means we're scanning (though not preprocessing) the preamble section
+  // twice. However, it's important to precisely follow the preamble bounds used
+  // elsewhere.
+  auto Bounds = ComputePreambleBounds(*CI->getLangOpts(), *ContentsBuffer, 0);
+  auto PreambleContents =
+      llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Contents.substr(0, Bounds.Size));
+  auto Clang = prepareCompilerInstance(
+      std::move(CI), nullptr, std::move(PreambleContents),
+      // Provide an empty FS to prevent preprocessor from performing IO. This
+      // also implies missing resolved paths for includes.
+      FS.view(llvm::None), IgnoreDiags);
+  if (Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.empty())
+    return error("compiler instance had no inputs");
+  // We are only interested in main file includes.
+  Clang->getPreprocessorOpts().SingleFileParseMode = true;
+  PreprocessOnlyAction Action;
+  if (!Action.BeginSourceFile(*Clang, Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0]))
+    return error("failed BeginSourceFile");
+  MainFileMacros Macros;
+  Clang->getPreprocessor().addPPCallbacks(
+      std::make_unique<CollectMainFileMacros>(Clang->getSourceManager(),
+                                              Macros));
+  if (llvm::Error Err = Action.Execute())
+    return std::move(Err);
+  Action.EndSourceFile();
+  return Macros;
 } // namespace
@@ -393,8 +445,17 @@
   // Copy over the macros in the preamble region of the main file, and combine
   // with non-preamble macros below.
   MainFileMacros Macros;
-  if (Preamble)
+  if (Preamble && Preamble->CompileCommand.Filename == Filename) {
     Macros = Preamble->Macros;
+  }
+  else if (Preamble) {
+    auto EM = scanMainFileMacros(Inputs.Contents, Inputs.CompileCommand);
+    if (!EM) {
+      elog("Failed to scan macros of {0}: {1}", Filename, EM.takeError());
+    } else {
+      Macros = std::move(*EM);
+    }
+  }
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