awarzynski accepted this revision.
awarzynski added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Thank you for working on this @FarisRehman !

This semantics implemented here are identical to what `f18` does. 
`-fdebug-instrumented-parse` from `f18` becomes `-fdebug-parsing-log` in 
`flang-new -fc1`. This was proposed (and accepted) in the RFC 

I've left a few comments inline, but nothing major and otherwise this is ready 
to land.

Comment at: flang/include/flang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h:18
+struct MeasurementVisitor {
+  template <typename A> bool Pre(const A &) { return true; }
This should be shared with `f18.cpp`, but currently we don't have a good place 
for that (and we probably want to understand how much is going to be shared 
first). So IMO it is fine to keep it here.

Could you add a comment similar to [[
 | this ]] so that it is clear that this should be moved at some point?

Comment at: flang/lib/Frontend/FrontendActions.cpp:313
+  } else {
+    llvm::errs() << "Pre FIR Tree is NULL.\n";
+  }
Could this use diagnostics instead? For example:
    unsigned diagID = 
ci.diagnostics().getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Pre FIR Tree 
is NULL.");

Comment at: flang/test/Flang-Driver/debug-measure-parse-tree.f90:23-24
+! FRONTEND:18 objects
+! FRONTEND:1496 total bytes
The output for this test is:
Parse tree comprises 18 objects and occupies 1496 total bytes.
I think that the actual size (i.e. 18 and 1496) is not that relevant here and 
also prone to change (which may cause the test to become fragile). 

Instead, I suggest that we verify that `-fdebug-measure-parse-tree`  indeed 
instructs the driver to measure the parse and print the result. So, perhaps 
this instead:
Parse tree comprises {{[0-9]+}} objects and occupies {{[0-9]+}} total bytes.

Comment at: flang/test/Flang-Driver/debug-parsing-log.f90:23
+! FRONTEND:in the context: END PROGRAM statement
IIUC, this output is not really specific to `-fdebug-parsing-log` 
(`-fsyntax-only` prints this too). I think that this would be more specific to 
this flag:
! FRONTEN: fail 1
! FRONTEN: fail 2
! FRONTEN: fail 3
This is still not great, but looking at the log itself I struggle to notice 
anything that would stand out.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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