kuhnel added a comment.

Yes, I was looking for feedback on this one as I wasn't happy with my design.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/Background.cpp:449
+  // TODO(kuhnel): is the a better place to store this file?
+  // TODO(kuhnel): do we need a file at all, can we just pass a string to the
+  //               indexer?
kadircet wrote:
> In theory BackgroundIndex only reads headers from the FS, so we can provide 
> an in-memory buffer as the main file itself. `prepareCompilerInstance` in 
> `Compiler.h` (and used by `BackgroundIndex::index` does that exactly).
> It might be better to just have a separate endpoint in BackgroundIndex (as 
> `indexSTLHeaders`) that is invoked once at construction time that enqueues 
> indexing of this phantom file.
Agree to both. I'll take a look.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp:527
+opt<bool> IndexSTL{
+    "index-stl",
kadircet wrote:
> do we really need to hide this behind a flag ? it sounds like a quite useful 
> feature to me with minimal risk of regressions and unlikely to make anyone 
> upset. in the end we are not doing anything heuristically and just throwing 
> clang on some STL headers, that'll probably be included within the TUs 
> eventually.
> there's always the risk of crashing while parsing some STL headers, but i 
> don't think it is any different than user just including the header manually.
> the biggest problem i can see is people using custom STL headers, but 
> hopefully compile flags interpolation logic should be able to infer the 
> relevant location for those. and in the cases it fails we either index the 
> default STL and suggest people some symbols their implementation might lack, 
> or fail to find STL at all and print some logs for the missing includes.
Back when I was developing embedded software, we couldn't use the STL for 
various reasons (object size, no exceptions, no dynamic memory, ...) and had 
our own, proprietary base library. In such a scenario it would be annoying if 
clangd would be proposing things I could not use in the project. 

So we should have a way for users to disable this. I'm fine if we switch it on 
by default and offer a `--disable-stl-index` flag instead.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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