lightmelodies added a comment.

I have also considered these problems, and here is some points of my view. 
Consider llvm-project itself, **textDocument/codeLens** can be done in <500ms 
generally and <100ms if collect hierarchy is disabled in my notebook. Latency 
is significant in some rare case like //Type.h// which has too complex 
hierarchy relations. Meanwhile, vscode is smart to remember previous codelens's 
positions so the text rendering will not look too weird during long-time 
request. In fact, the biggest performance issue I find is that building AST 
when open a  new file costs too much time, which makes 
**textDocument/codeLens** quite slow, as well as other action such as  
**textDocument/documentSymbols**. That's why I modified //ClangdLSPServer.cpp// 
to keep AST for recent closed files.

| file        | line count | cost    | cost (without hierarchy) |
| ASTVector.h | 411        | 4ms     | 1ms                      |
| APValue.h   | 693        | 16 ms   | 8ms                      |
| Decl.h      | 4599       | 213 ms  | 40 ms                    |
| Expr.h      | 6383       | 447 ms  | 61 ms                    |
| Type.h      | 7222       | 3765 ms | 47 ms                    |

That's definitely a problem with remote index since vscode can only do 
resolution per symbol. Maybe it will be better to resolve directly in  
**textDocument/codeLens** requests when deal with remote index. Just need add 
an option to allow users switch the strategy.

**Useless Lens**
Yes, we can see the base directly in class declaration. However c++ has forward 
declaration and type alias, in such case the base can not be seen directly. So 
someone may prefer to have these codelens. Typescript in vscode has options to 
allow users disable specific type of codelens. We can use similar strategy, 
e.g. **-codelens=references,base,derived** instead of **-codelens=true**.

I'm currently working on an implemention by traversing AST directly instead of 
using **textDocument/documentSymbols**, since symbols defined by macro are 
often reported a wrong range. It should save much time of **findNamedDeclAt** 
comparing to current implemention, and make it easier to add additional filters 
on symbols.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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