baloghadamsoftware marked an inline comment as done.
baloghadamsoftware added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/Iterator.cpp:330-336
+SVal getReturnIterator(const CallEvent &Call) {
+  Optional<SVal> RetValUnderConstr = Call.getReturnValueUnderConstruction();
+  if (RetValUnderConstr.hasValue())
+    return *RetValUnderConstr;
+  return Call.getReturnValue();
NoQ wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > NoQ wrote:
> > > I still believe you have not addressed the problem while moving the 
> > > functions from D81718 to this patch. The caller of this function has no 
> > > way of knowing whether the return value is the prvalue of the iterator or 
> > > the glvalue of the iterator.
> > > 
> > > Looks like most callers are safe because they expect the object of 
> > > interest to also be already tracked. But it's quite possible that both 
> > > are tracked, say:
> > > 
> > > ```lang=c++
> > >   Container1<T> container1 = ...;
> > >   Container2<Container1::iterator> container2 = { container1.begin() };
> > >   container2.begin(); // ???
> > > ```
> > > 
> > > Suppose `Container1::iterator` is implemented as an object and 
> > > `Container2::iterator` is implemented as a pointer. In this case 
> > > `getIteratorPosition(getReturnIterator())` would yield the position of 
> > > `container1.begin()` whereas the correct answer is the position of 
> > > `container2.begin()`.
> > > 
> > > This problem may seem artificial but it is trivial to avoid if you simply 
> > > stop defending your convoluted solution of looking at value classes 
> > > instead of AST types.
> > Ugh, the problem is much worse. D82185 is entirely broken for the exact 
> > reason i described above and you only didn't notice it because you wrote 
> > almost no tests.
> > 
> > Consider the test you've added in D82185:
> > 
> > ```lang=c++
> > void begin_ptr_iterator(const cont_with_ptr_iterator<int> &c) {
> >   auto i = c.begin();
> > 
> >   clang_analyzer_eval(clang_analyzer_iterator_container(i) == &c); // 
> > expected-warning{{TRUE}}
> > }
> > ```
> > 
> > It breaks very easily if you modify it slightly:
> > ```lang=c++
> > void begin_ptr_iterator(const cont_with_ptr_iterator<int> &c) {
> >   auto i = c.begin();
> >   ++i; // <==
> > 
> >   clang_analyzer_eval(clang_analyzer_iterator_container(i) == &c); // Says 
> > FALSE!
> > }
> > ```
> > The iterator obviously still points to the same container, so why does the 
> > test fail? Because you're tracking the wrong iterator: you treated your 
> > `&SymRegion{conj_$3}` as a glvalue whereas you should have treated it as a 
> > prvalue. In other words, your checker thinks that `&SymRegion{conj_$3}` is 
> > the location of an iterator object rather than the iterator itself, and 
> > after you increment the pointer it thinks that it's a completely unrelated 
> > iterator.
> > 
> > There's a separate concern about why does it say `FALSE` (should be 
> > `UNKNOWN`) but you get the point.
> The better way to test D82185 would be to make all existing tests with 
> iterator objects pass with iterator pointers as well. Like, make existing 
> container mocks use either iterator objects or iterator pointers depending on 
> a macro and make two run-lines in each test file, one with `-D` and one 
> without it. Most of the old tests should have worked out of the box if you 
> did it right; the few that don't pass would be hidden under #ifdef for future 
> investigation.
Thank you for your review and especially for this tip! It is really a good 
idea. I changed it now and it indeed shows the problem you reported. It seems 
that my checker mixes up the region of the pointer-typed variable (`&i` and 
`&j`) with the region they point to (`&SymRegion{reg_$1<int * 
SymRegion{reg_$0<const std::vector<int> & v>}._start>}` for `i` before the 
increment and `&Element{SymRegion{reg_$1<int * SymRegion{reg_$0<const 
std::vector<int> & v>}._start>},1 S64b,int}` for both `i` and `j` after the 

What I fail to see and I am asking you help in it is that the relation between 
this problem and the `getReturnIterator()` function. This function retrieves 
the object from the construction context if there is one, but for plain 
pointers there is never one. Thus this function is always 
`Call.getReturnValue()` like before this patch.


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