This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state "Needs 
This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rGeef162c330b0: [clangd] Don't send invalid messages from 
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Changed prior to commit:

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/remote/MarshallingTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/remote/MarshallingTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/remote/MarshallingTests.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "index/Serialization.h"
 #include "index/Symbol.h"
 #include "index/SymbolID.h"
+#include "index/SymbolLocation.h"
 #include "index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.h"
 #include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
@@ -39,29 +40,35 @@
 TEST(RemoteMarshallingTest, URITranslation) {
   llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
   llvm::UniqueStringSaver Strings(Arena);
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(
+      testPath("remote/machine/projects/llvm-project/"),
+      testPath("home/my-projects/llvm-project/"));
   clangd::Ref Original;
   Original.Location.FileURI =
-  auto Serialized =
-      toProtobuf(Original, testPath("remote/machine/projects/llvm-project/"));
-  EXPECT_EQ(Serialized.location().file_path(),
+  auto Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Original);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Serialized);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Serialized->location().file_path(),
-  const std::string LocalIndexPrefix = testPath("local/machine/project/");
-  auto Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings,
-                                   testPath("home/my-projects/llvm-project/"));
+  auto Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
-  EXPECT_EQ(Deserialized->Location.FileURI,
-            testPathURI("home/my-projects/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/"
-                        "clangd/unittests/remote/MarshallingTests.cpp",
-                        Strings));
+  EXPECT_STREQ(Deserialized->Location.FileURI,
+               testPathURI("home/my-projects/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/"
+                           "clangd/unittests/remote/MarshallingTests.cpp",
+                           Strings));
+  // Can't have empty paths.
+  *Serialized->mutable_location()->mutable_file_path() = std::string();
+  Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Deserialized);
   clangd::Ref WithInvalidURI;
-  // Invalid URI results in empty path.
+  // Invalid URI results in serialization failure.
   WithInvalidURI.Location.FileURI = "This is not a URI";
-  Serialized = toProtobuf(WithInvalidURI, testPath("home/"));
-  EXPECT_EQ(Serialized.location().file_path(), "");
+  Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(WithInvalidURI);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Serialized);
   // Can not use URIs with scheme different from "file".
   auto UnittestURI =
@@ -69,15 +76,15 @@
   WithInvalidURI.Location.FileURI =>toString()).begin();
-  Serialized = toProtobuf(WithInvalidURI, testPath("project/lib/"));
-  EXPECT_EQ(Serialized.location().file_path(), "");
+  Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(WithInvalidURI);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Serialized);
+  // Paths transmitted over the wire can not be absolute, they have to be
+  // relative.
   Ref WithAbsolutePath;
   *WithAbsolutePath.mutable_location()->mutable_file_path() =
-  Deserialized = fromProtobuf(WithAbsolutePath, &Strings, LocalIndexPrefix);
-  // Paths transmitted over the wire can not be absolute, they have to be
-  // relative.
+  Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(WithAbsolutePath);
@@ -128,48 +135,63 @@
   Sym.Flags = clangd::Symbol::SymbolFlag::IndexedForCodeCompletion;
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(testPath("home/"), testPath("home/"));
   // Check that symbols are exactly the same if the path to indexed project is
   // the same on indexing machine and the client.
-  auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Sym, testPath("home/"));
-  auto Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, testPath("home/"));
+  auto Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Serialized);
+  auto Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
   EXPECT_EQ(toYAML(Sym), toYAML(*Deserialized));
   // Serialized paths are relative and have UNIX slashes.
-  EXPECT_EQ(convert_to_slash(Serialized.definition().file_path(),
+  EXPECT_EQ(convert_to_slash(Serialized->definition().file_path(),
-            Serialized.definition().file_path());
+            Serialized->definition().file_path());
-      llvm::sys::path::is_relative(Serialized.definition().file_path()));
+      llvm::sys::path::is_relative(Serialized->definition().file_path()));
+  // Missing definition is OK.
+  Sym.Definition = clangd::SymbolLocation();
+  Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Serialized);
+  Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Deserialized);
+  // Relative path is absolute.
+  *Serialized->mutable_canonical_declaration()->mutable_file_path() =
+      convert_to_slash("/path/to/Declaration.h");
+  Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Deserialized);
   // Fail with an invalid URI.
   Location.FileURI = "Not A URI";
   Sym.Definition = Location;
-  Serialized = toProtobuf(Sym, testPath("home/"));
-  Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, testPath("home/"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(Deserialized);
+  Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Serialized);
   // Schemes other than "file" can not be used.
   auto UnittestURI = URI::create(testPath("home/SomePath.h"), "unittest");
   Location.FileURI =>toString()).begin();
   Sym.Definition = Location;
-  Serialized = toProtobuf(Sym, testPath("home/"));
-  Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, testPath("home/"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(Deserialized);
+  Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Serialized);
   // Passing root that is not prefix of the original file path.
   Location.FileURI = testPathURI("home/File.h", Strings);
   Sym.Definition = Location;
   // Check that the symbol is valid and passing the correct path works.
-  Serialized = toProtobuf(Sym, testPath("home/"));
-  Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, testPath("home/"));
+  Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Serialized);
+  Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
-  EXPECT_EQ(Deserialized->Definition.FileURI,
-            testPathURI("home/File.h", Strings));
+  EXPECT_STREQ(Deserialized->Definition.FileURI,
+               testPathURI("home/File.h", Strings));
   // Fail with a wrong root.
-  Serialized = toProtobuf(Sym, testPath("nothome/"));
-  Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, testPath("home/"));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(Deserialized);
+  Marshaller WrongMarshaller(testPath("nothome/"), testPath("home/"));
+  Serialized = WrongMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Serialized);
 TEST(RemoteMarshallingTest, RefSerialization) {
@@ -188,9 +210,12 @@
       "llvm-project/llvm/clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h", Strings);
   Ref.Location = Location;
-  auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Ref, testPath("llvm-project/"));
-  auto Deserialized =
-      fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, testPath("llvm-project/"));
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(testPath("llvm-project/"),
+                                testPath("llvm-project/"));
+  auto Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Ref);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Serialized);
+  auto Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
   EXPECT_EQ(toYAML(Ref), toYAML(*Deserialized));
@@ -242,10 +267,13 @@
   Sym.IncludeHeaders = AllHeaders;
-  auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Sym, convert_to_slash("/"));
-  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(Serialized.headers_size()),
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(convert_to_slash("/"), convert_to_slash("/"));
+  auto Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Sym);
+  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(Serialized->headers_size()),
-  auto Deserialized = fromProtobuf(Serialized, &Strings, convert_to_slash("/"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Serialized);
+  auto Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(*Serialized);
   Sym.IncludeHeaders = ValidHeaders;
@@ -257,35 +285,38 @@
   Request.ProximityPaths = {testPath("remote/Header.h"),
                             testPath("notremote/File.h"), "Not a Path."};
-  auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Request, testPath("remote/"));
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(testPath("remote/"), testPath("home/"));
+  auto Serialized = ProtobufMarshaller.toProtobuf(Request);
   EXPECT_EQ(Serialized.proximity_paths_size(), 2);
-  auto Deserialized = fromProtobuf(&Serialized, testPath("home/"));
+  auto Deserialized = ProtobufMarshaller.fromProtobuf(&Serialized);
 TEST(RemoteMarshallingTest, RelativePathToURITranslation) {
-  EXPECT_TRUE(relativePathToURI("lib/File.cpp", testPath("home/project/")));
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(/*RemoteIndexRoot=*/"",
+                                /*LocalIndexRoot=*/testPath("home/project/"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ProtobufMarshaller.relativePathToURI("lib/File.cpp"));
   // RelativePath can not be absolute.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(relativePathToURI("/lib/File.cpp", testPath("home/project/")));
-  // IndexRoot has to be absolute path.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(relativePathToURI("lib/File.cpp", "home/project/"));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ProtobufMarshaller.relativePathToURI("/lib/File.cpp"));
+  // RelativePath can not be empty.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ProtobufMarshaller.relativePathToURI(std::string()));
 TEST(RemoteMarshallingTest, URIToRelativePathTranslation) {
   llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
   llvm::UniqueStringSaver Strings(Arena);
-      uriToRelativePath(testPathURI("home/project/lib/File.cpp", Strings),
-                        testPath("home/project/")));
-  // IndexRoot has to be absolute path.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(uriToRelativePath(
-      testPathURI("home/project/lib/File.cpp", Strings), "home/project/"));
-  // IndexRoot has to be be a prefix of the file path.
-      uriToRelativePath(testPathURI("home/project/lib/File.cpp", Strings),
-                        testPath("home/other/project/")));
+  Marshaller ProtobufMarshaller(/*RemoteIndexRoot=*/testPath("remote/project/"),
+                                /*LocalIndexRoot=*/"");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ProtobufMarshaller.uriToRelativePath(
+      testPathURI("remote/project/lib/File.cpp", Strings)));
+  // RemoteIndexRoot has to be be a prefix of the file path.
+  Marshaller WrongMarshaller(
+      /*RemoteIndexRoot=*/testPath("remote/other/project/"),
+      /*LocalIndexRoot=*/"");
+  EXPECT_FALSE(WrongMarshaller.uriToRelativePath(
+      testPathURI("remote/project/lib/File.cpp", Strings)));
 } // namespace
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/server/Server.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/server/Server.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/server/Server.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
       : Index(std::move(Index)) {
     llvm::SmallString<256> NativePath = IndexRoot;
-    IndexedProjectRoot = std::string(NativePath);
+    ProtobufMarshaller = std::unique_ptr<Marshaller>(new Marshaller(
+        /*RemoteIndexRoot=*/llvm::StringRef(NativePath),
+        /*LocalIndexRoot=*/""));
@@ -65,9 +67,11 @@
     Index->lookup(Req, [&](const clangd::Symbol &Sym) {
+      auto SerializedSymbol = ProtobufMarshaller->toProtobuf(Sym);
+      if (!SerializedSymbol)
+        return;
       LookupReply NextMessage;
-      *NextMessage.mutable_stream_result() =
-          toProtobuf(Sym, IndexedProjectRoot);
+      *NextMessage.mutable_stream_result() = *SerializedSymbol;
     LookupReply LastMessage;
@@ -79,11 +83,13 @@
   grpc::Status FuzzyFind(grpc::ServerContext *Context,
                          const FuzzyFindRequest *Request,
                          grpc::ServerWriter<FuzzyFindReply> *Reply) override {
-    const auto Req = fromProtobuf(Request, IndexedProjectRoot);
+    const auto Req = ProtobufMarshaller->fromProtobuf(Request);
     bool HasMore = Index->fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const clangd::Symbol &Sym) {
+      auto SerializedSymbol = ProtobufMarshaller->toProtobuf(Sym);
+      if (!SerializedSymbol)
+        return;
       FuzzyFindReply NextMessage;
-      *NextMessage.mutable_stream_result() =
-          toProtobuf(Sym, IndexedProjectRoot);
+      *NextMessage.mutable_stream_result() = *SerializedSymbol;
     FuzzyFindReply LastMessage;
@@ -102,8 +108,11 @@
     bool HasMore = Index->refs(Req, [&](const clangd::Ref &Reference) {
+      auto SerializedRef = ProtobufMarshaller->toProtobuf(Reference);
+      if (!SerializedRef)
+        return;
       RefsReply NextMessage;
-      *NextMessage.mutable_stream_result() = toProtobuf(Reference, IndexRoot);
+      *NextMessage.mutable_stream_result() = *SerializedRef;
     RefsReply LastMessage;
@@ -113,7 +122,7 @@
   std::unique_ptr<clangd::SymbolIndex> Index;
-  std::string IndexedProjectRoot;
+  std::unique_ptr<Marshaller> ProtobufMarshaller;
 void runServer(std::unique_ptr<clangd::SymbolIndex> Index,
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.h
@@ -5,31 +5,6 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// Marshalling provides translation between native clangd types into the
-// Protobuf-generated classes. Most translations are 1-to-1 and wrap variables
-// into appropriate Protobuf types.
-// A notable exception is URI translation. Because paths to files are different
-// on indexing machine and client machine
-// ("/remote/machine/projects/llvm-project/llvm/include/HelloWorld.h" versus
-// "/usr/local/username/llvm-project/llvm/include/HelloWorld.h"), they need to
-// be converted appropriately. Remote machine strips the prefix from the
-// absolute path and passes paths relative to the project root over the wire
-// ("include/HelloWorld.h" in this example). The indexed project root is passed
-// to the remote server. Client receives this relative path and constructs a URI
-// that points to the relevant file in the filesystem. The relative path is
-// appended to IndexRoot to construct the full path and build the final URI.
-// Index root is the absolute path to the project and includes a trailing slash.
-// The relative path passed over the wire has unix slashes.
-// toProtobuf() functions serialize native clangd types and strip IndexRoot from
-// the file paths specific to indexing machine. fromProtobuf() functions
-// deserialize clangd types and translate relative paths into machine-native
-// URIs.
@@ -43,33 +18,76 @@
 namespace clangd {
 namespace remote {
-clangd::FuzzyFindRequest fromProtobuf(const FuzzyFindRequest *Request,
-                                      llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
-llvm::Optional<clangd::Symbol> fromProtobuf(const Symbol &Message,
-                                            llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings,
-                                            llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
-llvm::Optional<clangd::Ref> fromProtobuf(const Ref &Message,
-                                         llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings,
-                                         llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
+// Marshalling provides an interface for translattion between native clangd
+// types into the Protobuf-generated classes. Most translations are 1-to-1 and
+// wrap variables into appropriate Protobuf types.
+/// A notable exception is URI translation. Because paths to files are different
+/// on indexing machine and client machine
+/// ("/remote/machine/projects/llvm-project/llvm/include/HelloWorld.h" versus
+/// "/usr/local/username/llvm-project/llvm/include/HelloWorld.h"), they need to
+/// be converted appropriately. Remote machine strips the prefix
+/// (RemoteIndexRoot) from the absolute path and passes paths relative to the
+/// project root over the wire ("include/HelloWorld.h" in this example). The
+/// indexed project root is passed to the remote server. Client receives this
+/// relative path and constructs a URI that points to the relevant file in the
+/// filesystem. The relative path is appended to LocalIndexRoot to construct the
+/// full path and build the final URI.
+class Marshaller {
+  Marshaller() = delete;
+  Marshaller(llvm::StringRef RemoteIndexRoot, llvm::StringRef LocalIndexRoot);
+  clangd::FuzzyFindRequest fromProtobuf(const FuzzyFindRequest *Request);
+  llvm::Optional<clangd::Symbol> fromProtobuf(const Symbol &Message);
+  llvm::Optional<clangd::Ref> fromProtobuf(const Ref &Message);
+  /// toProtobuf() functions serialize native clangd types and strip IndexRoot
+  /// from the file paths specific to indexing machine. fromProtobuf() functions
+  /// deserialize clangd types and translate relative paths into machine-native
+  /// URIs.
+  LookupRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::LookupRequest &From);
+  FuzzyFindRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::FuzzyFindRequest &From);
+  RefsRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::RefsRequest &From);
+  llvm::Optional<Ref> toProtobuf(const clangd::Ref &From);
+  llvm::Optional<Symbol> toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol &From);
-LookupRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::LookupRequest &From);
-FuzzyFindRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::FuzzyFindRequest &From,
-                            llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
-RefsRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::RefsRequest &From);
+  /// Translates \p RelativePath into the absolute path and builds URI for the
+  /// user machine. This translation happens on the client side with the
+  /// \p RelativePath received from remote index server and \p IndexRoot is
+  /// provided by the client.
+  ///
+  /// The relative path passed over the wire has unix slashes.
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> relativePathToURI(llvm::StringRef RelativePath);
+  /// Translates a URI from the server's backing index to a relative path
+  /// suitable to send over the wire to the client.
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> uriToRelativePath(llvm::StringRef URI);
-Ref toProtobuf(const clangd::Ref &From, llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
-Symbol toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol &From, llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
+  clangd::SymbolLocation::Position fromProtobuf(const Position &Message);
+  Position toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation::Position &Position);
+  clang::index::SymbolInfo fromProtobuf(const SymbolInfo &Message);
+  SymbolInfo toProtobuf(const clang::index::SymbolInfo &Info);
+  llvm::Optional<clangd::SymbolLocation>
+  fromProtobuf(const SymbolLocation &Message);
+  llvm::Optional<SymbolLocation>
+  toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation &Location);
+  llvm::Optional<HeaderWithReferences>
+  toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &IncludeHeader);
+  llvm::Optional<clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences>
+  fromProtobuf(const HeaderWithReferences &Message);
-/// Translates \p RelativePath into the absolute path and builds URI for the
-/// user machine. This translation happens on the client side with the
-/// \p RelativePath received from remote index server and \p IndexRoot is
-/// provided by the client.
-llvm::Optional<std::string> relativePathToURI(llvm::StringRef RelativePath,
-                                              llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
-/// Translates a URI from the server's backing index to a relative path suitable
-/// to send over the wire to the client.
-llvm::Optional<std::string> uriToRelativePath(llvm::StringRef URI,
-                                              llvm::StringRef IndexRoot);
+  /// RemoteIndexRoot and LocalIndexRoot are absolute paths to the project (on
+  /// remote and local machine respectively) and include a trailing slash. One
+  /// of them can be missing (if the machines are different they don't know each
+  /// other's specifics and will only do one-way translation), but both can not
+  /// be missing at the same time.
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> RemoteIndexRoot;
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> LocalIndexRoot;
+  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
+  llvm::UniqueStringSaver Strings;
 } // namespace remote
 } // namespace clangd
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/marshalling/Marshalling.cpp
@@ -30,101 +30,28 @@
 namespace clangd {
 namespace remote {
-namespace {
-clangd::SymbolLocation::Position fromProtobuf(const Position &Message) {
-  clangd::SymbolLocation::Position Result;
-  Result.setColumn(static_cast<uint32_t>(Message.column()));
-  Result.setLine(static_cast<uint32_t>(Message.line()));
-  return Result;
-Position toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation::Position &Position) {
-  remote::Position Result;
-  Result.set_column(Position.column());
-  Result.set_line(Position.line());
-  return Result;
-clang::index::SymbolInfo fromProtobuf(const SymbolInfo &Message) {
-  clang::index::SymbolInfo Result;
-  Result.Kind = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolKind>(Message.kind());
-  Result.SubKind = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolSubKind>(Message.subkind());
-  Result.Lang = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolLanguage>(Message.language());
-  Result.Properties =
-      static_cast<clang::index::SymbolPropertySet>(;
-  return Result;
-SymbolInfo toProtobuf(const clang::index::SymbolInfo &Info) {
-  SymbolInfo Result;
-  Result.set_kind(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Kind));
-  Result.set_subkind(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.SubKind));
-  Result.set_language(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Lang));
-  Result.set_properties(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Properties));
-  return Result;
-fromProtobuf(const SymbolLocation &Message, llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings,
-             llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
-  clangd::SymbolLocation Location;
-  auto URIString = relativePathToURI(Message.file_path(), IndexRoot);
-  if (!URIString)
-    return llvm::None;
-  Location.FileURI = Strings->save(*URIString).begin();
-  Location.Start = fromProtobuf(Message.start());
-  Location.End = fromProtobuf(Message.end());
-  return Location;
-toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation &Location, llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
-  remote::SymbolLocation Result;
-  auto RelativePath = uriToRelativePath(Location.FileURI, IndexRoot);
-  if (!RelativePath)
-    return llvm::None;
-  *Result.mutable_file_path() = *RelativePath;
-  *Result.mutable_start() = toProtobuf(Location.Start);
-  *Result.mutable_end() = toProtobuf(Location.End);
-  return Result;
-toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &IncludeHeader,
-           llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
-  HeaderWithReferences Result;
-  Result.set_references(IncludeHeader.References);
-  const std::string Header = IncludeHeader.IncludeHeader.str();
-  if (isLiteralInclude(Header)) {
-    Result.set_header(Header);
-    return Result;
+Marshaller::Marshaller(llvm::StringRef RemoteIndexRoot,
+                       llvm::StringRef LocalIndexRoot)
+    : Strings(Arena) {
+  if (!RemoteIndexRoot.empty()) {
+    assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(RemoteIndexRoot));
+    assert(RemoteIndexRoot ==
+           llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(RemoteIndexRoot));
+    assert(RemoteIndexRoot.endswith(llvm::sys::path::get_separator()));
+    this->RemoteIndexRoot = RemoteIndexRoot.str();
-  auto RelativePath = uriToRelativePath(Header, IndexRoot);
-  if (!RelativePath)
-    return llvm::None;
-  Result.set_header(*RelativePath);
-  return Result;
-fromProtobuf(const HeaderWithReferences &Message,
-             llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings, llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
-  std::string Header = Message.header();
-  if (Header.front() != '<' && Header.front() != '"') {
-    auto URIString = relativePathToURI(Header, IndexRoot);
-    if (!URIString)
-      return llvm::None;
-    Header = *URIString;
+  if (!LocalIndexRoot.empty()) {
+    assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(LocalIndexRoot));
+    assert(LocalIndexRoot == llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(LocalIndexRoot));
+    assert(LocalIndexRoot.endswith(llvm::sys::path::get_separator()));
+    this->LocalIndexRoot = LocalIndexRoot.str();
-  return clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences{Strings->save(Header),
-                                                     Message.references()};
+  assert(!RemoteIndexRoot.empty() || !LocalIndexRoot.empty());
-} // namespace
-clangd::FuzzyFindRequest fromProtobuf(const FuzzyFindRequest *Request,
-                                      llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
+Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const FuzzyFindRequest *Request) {
+  assert(LocalIndexRoot);
   clangd::FuzzyFindRequest Result;
   Result.Query = Request->query();
   for (const auto &Scope : Request->scopes())
@@ -134,7 +61,7 @@
     Result.Limit = Request->limit();
   Result.RestrictForCodeCompletion = Request->restricted_for_code_completion();
   for (const auto &Path : Request->proximity_paths()) {
-    llvm::SmallString<256> LocalPath = llvm::StringRef(IndexRoot);
+    llvm::SmallString<256> LocalPath = llvm::StringRef(*LocalIndexRoot);
     llvm::sys::path::append(LocalPath, Path);
@@ -143,34 +70,35 @@
   return Result;
-llvm::Optional<clangd::Symbol> fromProtobuf(const Symbol &Message,
-                                            llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings,
-                                            llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
-  if (!Message.has_info() || !Message.has_definition() ||
-      !Message.has_canonical_declaration()) {
-    elog("Cannot convert Symbol from Protobuf: {0}",
-         Message.ShortDebugString());
+llvm::Optional<clangd::Symbol> Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const Symbol &Message) {
+  if (!Message.has_info() || !Message.has_canonical_declaration()) {
+    elog("Cannot convert Symbol from protobuf (missing info, definition or "
+         "declaration): {0}",
+         Message.DebugString());
     return llvm::None;
   clangd::Symbol Result;
   auto ID = SymbolID::fromStr(;
   if (!ID) {
-    elog("Cannot parse SymbolID {0} given Protobuf: {1}", ID.takeError(),
-         Message.ShortDebugString());
+    elog("Cannot parse SymbolID {0} given protobuf: {1}", ID.takeError(),
+         Message.DebugString());
     return llvm::None;
   Result.ID = *ID;
   Result.SymInfo = fromProtobuf(;
   Result.Name =;
   Result.Scope = Message.scope();
-  auto Definition = fromProtobuf(Message.definition(), Strings, IndexRoot);
-  if (!Definition)
-    return llvm::None;
-  Result.Definition = *Definition;
-  auto Declaration =
-      fromProtobuf(Message.canonical_declaration(), Strings, IndexRoot);
-  if (!Declaration)
+  if (Message.has_definition()) {
+    auto Definition = fromProtobuf(Message.definition());
+    if (Definition)
+      Result.Definition = *Definition;
+  }
+  auto Declaration = fromProtobuf(Message.canonical_declaration());
+  if (!Declaration) {
+    elog("Cannot convert Symbol from protobuf (invalid declaration): {0}",
+         Message.DebugString());
     return llvm::None;
+  }
   Result.CanonicalDeclaration = *Declaration;
   Result.References = Message.references();
   Result.Origin = static_cast<clangd::SymbolOrigin>(Message.origin());
@@ -181,39 +109,44 @@
   Result.ReturnType = Message.return_type();
   Result.Type = Message.type();
   for (const auto &Header : Message.headers()) {
-    auto SerializedHeader = fromProtobuf(Header, Strings, IndexRoot);
+    auto SerializedHeader = fromProtobuf(Header);
     if (SerializedHeader)
+    else
+      elog("Cannot convert HeaderWithIncludes from protobuf: {0}",
+           Header.DebugString());
   Result.Flags = static_cast<clangd::Symbol::SymbolFlag>(Message.flags());
   return Result;
-llvm::Optional<clangd::Ref> fromProtobuf(const Ref &Message,
-                                         llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings,
-                                         llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
+llvm::Optional<clangd::Ref> Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const Ref &Message) {
   if (!Message.has_location()) {
-    elog("Cannot convert Ref from Protobuf: {}", Message.ShortDebugString());
+    elog("Cannot convert Ref from protobuf (missing location): {0}",
+         Message.DebugString());
     return llvm::None;
   clangd::Ref Result;
-  auto Location = fromProtobuf(Message.location(), Strings, IndexRoot);
-  if (!Location)
+  auto Location = fromProtobuf(Message.location());
+  if (!Location) {
+    elog("Cannot convert Ref from protobuf (invalid location): {0}",
+         Message.DebugString());
     return llvm::None;
+  }
   Result.Location = *Location;
   Result.Kind = static_cast<clangd::RefKind>(Message.kind());
   return Result;
-LookupRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::LookupRequest &From) {
+LookupRequest Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::LookupRequest &From) {
   LookupRequest RPCRequest;
   for (const auto &SymbolID : From.IDs)
   return RPCRequest;
-FuzzyFindRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::FuzzyFindRequest &From,
-                            llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
+FuzzyFindRequest Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::FuzzyFindRequest &From) {
+  assert(RemoteIndexRoot);
   FuzzyFindRequest RPCRequest;
   for (const auto &Scope : From.Scopes)
@@ -224,7 +157,8 @@
   for (const auto &Path : From.ProximityPaths) {
     llvm::SmallString<256> RelativePath = llvm::StringRef(Path);
-    if (llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix(RelativePath, IndexRoot, ""))
+    if (llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix(RelativePath, *RemoteIndexRoot,
+                                             ""))
           RelativePath, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix));
@@ -233,7 +167,7 @@
   return RPCRequest;
-RefsRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::RefsRequest &From) {
+RefsRequest Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::RefsRequest &From) {
   RefsRequest RPCRequest;
   for (const auto &ID : From.IDs)
@@ -243,18 +177,28 @@
   return RPCRequest;
-Symbol toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol &From, llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
+llvm::Optional<Symbol> Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol &From) {
   Symbol Result;
   *Result.mutable_info() = toProtobuf(From.SymInfo);
-  auto Definition = toProtobuf(From.Definition, IndexRoot);
-  if (Definition)
+  if (*From.Definition.FileURI) {
+    auto Definition = toProtobuf(From.Definition);
+    if (!Definition) {
+      elog("Can not convert Symbol to protobuf (invalid definition) {0}: {1}",
+           From, From.Definition);
+      return llvm::None;
+    }
     *Result.mutable_definition() = *Definition;
+  }
-  auto Declaration = toProtobuf(From.CanonicalDeclaration, IndexRoot);
-  if (Declaration)
-    *Result.mutable_canonical_declaration() = *Declaration;
+  auto Declaration = toProtobuf(From.CanonicalDeclaration);
+  if (!Declaration) {
+    elog("Can not convert Symbol to protobuf (invalid declaration) {0}: {1}",
+         From, From.CanonicalDeclaration);
+    return llvm::None;
+  }
+  *Result.mutable_canonical_declaration() = *Declaration;
@@ -265,9 +209,12 @@
   for (const auto &Header : From.IncludeHeaders) {
-    auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Header, IndexRoot);
-    if (!Serialized)
+    auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Header);
+    if (!Serialized) {
+      elog("Can not convert IncludeHeaderWithReferences to protobuf: {0}",
+           Header.IncludeHeader);
+    }
     auto *NextHeader = Result.add_headers();
     *NextHeader = *Serialized;
@@ -275,50 +222,38 @@
   return Result;
-// FIXME(kirillbobyrev): A reference without location is invalid.
-// llvm::Optional<Ref> here and on the server side?
-Ref toProtobuf(const clangd::Ref &From, llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
+llvm::Optional<Ref> Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::Ref &From) {
   Ref Result;
-  auto Location = toProtobuf(From.Location, IndexRoot);
-  if (Location)
-    *Result.mutable_location() = *Location;
+  auto Location = toProtobuf(From.Location);
+  if (!Location) {
+    elog("Can not convert Reference to protobuf (invalid location) {0}: {1}",
+         From, From.Location);
+    return llvm::None;
+  }
+  *Result.mutable_location() = *Location;
   return Result;
-llvm::Optional<std::string> relativePathToURI(llvm::StringRef RelativePath,
-                                              llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
+Marshaller::relativePathToURI(llvm::StringRef RelativePath) {
+  assert(LocalIndexRoot);
   assert(RelativePath == llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(
                              RelativePath, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix));
-  assert(IndexRoot == llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(IndexRoot));
-  assert(IndexRoot.endswith(llvm::sys::path::get_separator()));
-  if (RelativePath.empty())
-    return std::string();
-  if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(RelativePath)) {
-    elog("Remote index client got absolute path from server: {0}",
-         RelativePath);
+  if (RelativePath.empty()) {
     return llvm::None;
-  if (llvm::sys::path::is_relative(IndexRoot)) {
-    elog("Remote index client got a relative path as index root: {0}",
-         IndexRoot);
+  if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(RelativePath)) {
     return llvm::None;
-  llvm::SmallString<256> FullPath = IndexRoot;
+  llvm::SmallString<256> FullPath = llvm::StringRef(*LocalIndexRoot);
   llvm::sys::path::append(FullPath, RelativePath);
   auto Result = URI::createFile(FullPath);
   return Result.toString();
-llvm::Optional<std::string> uriToRelativePath(llvm::StringRef URI,
-                                              llvm::StringRef IndexRoot) {
-  assert(IndexRoot.endswith(llvm::sys::path::get_separator()));
-  assert(IndexRoot == llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(IndexRoot));
-  assert(!IndexRoot.empty());
-  if (llvm::sys::path::is_relative(IndexRoot)) {
-    elog("Index root {0} is not absolute path", IndexRoot);
-    return llvm::None;
-  }
+llvm::Optional<std::string> Marshaller::uriToRelativePath(llvm::StringRef URI) {
+  assert(RemoteIndexRoot);
   auto ParsedURI = URI::parse(URI);
   if (!ParsedURI) {
     elog("Remote index got bad URI from client {0}: {1}", URI,
@@ -326,14 +261,10 @@
     return llvm::None;
   if (ParsedURI->scheme() != "file") {
-    elog("Remote index got URI with scheme other than \"file\" {0}: {1}", URI,
-         ParsedURI->scheme());
     return llvm::None;
   llvm::SmallString<256> Result = ParsedURI->body();
-  if (!llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix(Result, IndexRoot, "")) {
-    elog("Can not get relative path from the URI {0} given the index root {1}",
-         URI, IndexRoot);
+  if (!llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix(Result, *RemoteIndexRoot, "")) {
     return llvm::None;
   // Make sure the result has UNIX slashes.
@@ -341,6 +272,94 @@
+Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const Position &Message) {
+  clangd::SymbolLocation::Position Result;
+  Result.setColumn(static_cast<uint32_t>(Message.column()));
+  Result.setLine(static_cast<uint32_t>(Message.line()));
+  return Result;
+Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation::Position &Position) {
+  remote::Position Result;
+  Result.set_column(Position.column());
+  Result.set_line(Position.line());
+  return Result;
+clang::index::SymbolInfo Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const SymbolInfo &Message) {
+  clang::index::SymbolInfo Result;
+  Result.Kind = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolKind>(Message.kind());
+  Result.SubKind = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolSubKind>(Message.subkind());
+  Result.Lang = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolLanguage>(Message.language());
+  Result.Properties =
+      static_cast<clang::index::SymbolPropertySet>(;
+  return Result;
+SymbolInfo Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clang::index::SymbolInfo &Info) {
+  SymbolInfo Result;
+  Result.set_kind(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Kind));
+  Result.set_subkind(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.SubKind));
+  Result.set_language(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Lang));
+  Result.set_properties(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Properties));
+  return Result;
+Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const SymbolLocation &Message) {
+  clangd::SymbolLocation Location;
+  auto URIString = relativePathToURI(Message.file_path());
+  if (!URIString)
+    return llvm::None;
+  Location.FileURI =*URIString).begin();
+  Location.Start = fromProtobuf(Message.start());
+  Location.End = fromProtobuf(Message.end());
+  return Location;
+Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation &Location) {
+  remote::SymbolLocation Result;
+  auto RelativePath = uriToRelativePath(Location.FileURI);
+  if (!RelativePath)
+    return llvm::None;
+  *Result.mutable_file_path() = *RelativePath;
+  *Result.mutable_start() = toProtobuf(Location.Start);
+  *Result.mutable_end() = toProtobuf(Location.End);
+  return Result;
+llvm::Optional<HeaderWithReferences> Marshaller::toProtobuf(
+    const clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &IncludeHeader) {
+  HeaderWithReferences Result;
+  Result.set_references(IncludeHeader.References);
+  const std::string Header = IncludeHeader.IncludeHeader.str();
+  if (isLiteralInclude(Header)) {
+    Result.set_header(Header);
+    return Result;
+  }
+  auto RelativePath = uriToRelativePath(Header);
+  if (!RelativePath)
+    return llvm::None;
+  Result.set_header(*RelativePath);
+  return Result;
+Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const HeaderWithReferences &Message) {
+  std::string Header = Message.header();
+  if (Header.front() != '<' && Header.front() != '"') {
+    auto URIString = relativePathToURI(Header);
+    if (!URIString)
+      return llvm::None;
+    Header = *URIString;
+  }
+  return clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences{,
+                                                     Message.references()};
 } // namespace remote
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/Client.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/Client.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/remote/Client.cpp
@@ -29,16 +29,6 @@
   using StreamingCall = std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<ReplyT>> (
       remote::SymbolIndex::Stub::*)(grpc::ClientContext *, const RequestT &);
-  template <typename ClangdRequestT, typename RequestT>
-  RequestT serializeRequest(ClangdRequestT Request) const {
-    return toProtobuf(Request);
-  }
-  template <>
-  FuzzyFindRequest serializeRequest(clangd::FuzzyFindRequest Request) const {
-    return toProtobuf(Request, ProjectRoot);
-  }
   template <typename RequestT, typename ReplyT, typename ClangdRequestT,
             typename CallbackT>
   bool streamRPC(ClangdRequestT Request,
@@ -46,24 +36,23 @@
                  CallbackT Callback) const {
     bool FinalResult = false;
     trace::Span Tracer(RequestT::descriptor()->name());
-    const auto RPCRequest = serializeRequest<ClangdRequestT, RequestT>(Request);
+    const auto RPCRequest = ProtobufMarshaller->toProtobuf(Request);
     grpc::ClientContext Context;
     std::chrono::system_clock::time_point Deadline =
         std::chrono::system_clock::now() + DeadlineWaitingTime;
     auto Reader = (Stub.get()->*RPCCall)(&Context, RPCRequest);
-    llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
-    llvm::UniqueStringSaver Strings(Arena);
     ReplyT Reply;
     while (Reader->Read(&Reply)) {
       if (!Reply.has_stream_result()) {
         FinalResult = Reply.final_result();
-      auto Response =
-          fromProtobuf(Reply.stream_result(), &Strings, ProjectRoot);
-      if (!Response)
+      auto Response = ProtobufMarshaller->fromProtobuf(Reply.stream_result());
+      if (!Response) {
         elog("Received invalid {0}", ReplyT::descriptor()->name());
+        continue;
+      }
     SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "status", Reader->Finish().ok());
@@ -74,7 +63,9 @@
       std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> Channel, llvm::StringRef ProjectRoot,
       std::chrono::milliseconds DeadlineTime = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000))
-      : Stub(remote::SymbolIndex::NewStub(Channel)), ProjectRoot(ProjectRoot),
+      : Stub(remote::SymbolIndex::NewStub(Channel)),
+        ProtobufMarshaller(new Marshaller(/*RemoteIndexRoot=*/"",
+                                          /*LocalIndexRoot=*/ProjectRoot)),
         DeadlineWaitingTime(DeadlineTime) {}
   void lookup(const clangd::LookupRequest &Request,
@@ -105,7 +96,7 @@
   std::unique_ptr<remote::SymbolIndex::Stub> Stub;
-  std::string ProjectRoot;
+  std::unique_ptr<Marshaller> ProtobufMarshaller;
   // Each request will be terminated if it takes too long.
   std::chrono::milliseconds DeadlineWaitingTime;
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