sfantao added a comment.

Hi Alexey,

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp:816-822
@@ -801,6 +815,9 @@
+  // A DSA refers to this captured region if the parent contexts match.
+  auto *ParentContext = RSI->TheCapturedDecl->getParent();
   for (auto I = Stack.rbegin(), EE = Stack.rend(); I != EE; ++I)
-    if (I->CurScope == S)
+    if (I->ParentDeclContext == ParentContext)
       return I->Directive;
   return OMPD_unknown;
ABataev wrote:
> sfantao wrote:
> > ABataev wrote:
> > > Actually, I think, we need to rework the whole IsOpenMPCapturedByRef() 
> > > function. I'm not sure that it is even required. It looks like some 
> > > optimization hack in the frontend. I'm against any not-necessary 
> > > optimizations in frontend. If scalar value is a firstprivate, it must be 
> > > handled in codegen, not by handling it by copy.
> > 'IsOpenMPCapturedByRef' goal is to change the signature of the outlined 
> > function. We don't want to have reference types in target region arguments 
> > unless they are really required. We have seen performance being greatly 
> > affected just because of that. Of course a consequence of this is to have 
> > variables that become first private.
> > 
> > The current implementation of OpenMP firstprivate doesn't change the the 
> > function signatures, only the codegen inside the region is affected. So, 
> > this is not a complete overlap.
> > 
> > With this, I am not saying that this cannot be done in codegen. The reason 
> > I am doing it here is your initial guideline that we should attempt to fix 
> > most of the things in Sema and avoid complicating codegen which is a more 
> > sensitive part.
> > 
> > Doing this in Codegen would require changing the implementation of 
> > `GenerateOpenMPCapturedVars` and `GenerateOpenMPCapturedStmtFunction`. We 
> > wouldn't need the tracking of the context anymore (checking the directive 
> > would be sufficient), but we would still need to see what't in the map 
> > clauses.
> > 
> > So, do you think we should change this?
> I think we should not dot it at all for now. Performance is an important 
> thing, of course, but at first we must have just working solution and only 
> after that we will think about performance.
> Early optimization leads to many troubles. The code becomes very hard to 
> understand. It just increases the time of the development.
> I suggest to remove all optimizations for now and emit the code as is, before 
> we have a working solution.
> Also, this function may lead to incorrect codegen. You don't check that 
> CapturedRegion is actually an OpenMP region. If we have non-OpenMP cpatured 
> region between OpenMP regions it will lead to incorrect code.
I don't agree. As you know, several components on the codegen depend on how 
things are captured. So in my view, identifying the best possible 
implementation (including performance-wise) as early as possible is in our best 
interest to avoid major refactoring down the road.

All the offloading implementation that we have working today in the trunk is 
relying on this already. So, by rolling back to capture by reference 
everything, will require to refactor all the offloading code/patches/regression 
tests just to have to redo them again in the near future because of the issues 
we have identified already. 

I'd rather spend that effort to have the capture by copy to work in a 
acceptable way and I can move this logic to codegen if you think that is the 
best way to do it. Note that will require checking the expressions of the map 
clause in `GenerateOpenMPCapturedVars` and 
`GenerateOpenMPCapturedStmtFunction`, something that Sema will have to do 

Let me know your thoughts. 


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