Szelethus added a comment.

There is a parallel discussion in this patch on how we should cater to user 
requests, I wrote a lengthy comment about my opinion, but I just don't think it 
adds much -- at the end of the day, it is fair that if we implement an feature 
for a small subset of users that is known to cause unpleasant side effects, we 
shouldn't make it a part of the default user interface, because among many 
other things it inevitably forces other contributors to maintain it, even if 
they weren't enthusiastic about the idea, but its also fair to prioritize 
direct users within reason.

Since this is in the same bullpark as D32905 <>, 
I think this should land in some way or another.

> (@baloghadamsoftware) So you both are saying that I should tell the user that 
> we cannot help, the community does not support that he catches this bug in 
> early phase with the analyzer. He must catch it in the testing phase for 
> higher costs. This is not the best way to build confidence in the analyzer. 
> [...]

Nobody said we cannot help. What I say, is that we should not task the broad 
analyzer community with the maintenance of an option that is known to make 
state splits that we might not be untitled to. In fact,

> (@NoQ) [...] But you guys basically vend your own tool to your own customers 
> and bear your own responsibility and i therefore can't tell you what to do in 
> your realm, and i'm ok with having options that allow you to disagree with my 
> choices.

I don't see how this option shouldn't be alpha -- it creates paths of execution 
that might be impossible. If I understand this correctly, we would emit a false 
positive here:

  std::vector<int> V = get(); // constructs this const vector every time: { 1, 
2, 3 }
  auto i = V.erase(std::find(V.begin(), V.end(), 1)); // state split is creater 
where i is v.end()

As of now, the only way to fine-tune the analyzer through CodeChecker (edit 
`saargs.txt`, add the flag `--saargs saargs.txt` or something like that) is a 
quite a jarring interface, and is also buggy (like this thing 
<>). Eventually, it would be 
great to make the `-analyzer-checker-option-help` list visible and easily 
configurable. I wonder however, if I was a newcomer to CodeChecker, what my 
reaction would be an option that says "Enables exploration of the past-the-end 
branch for the return value of the erase() method of containers". Like, why 
wouldn't I enable that? Lets say we add a disclaimer that it could emit false 
positives. Lets say I stumble across one. Am I supposed to create a bug report, 
or is this intended behavior? Not the mention that CodeChecker might not be the 
only tool to have plans to support `-analyzer-checker-option-help`.

To be honest, I probably shouldn't even see these options straight away. Since 
this option creates state splits we might not be entitled to, we need more 
testing and data to get to a point where we could safely put in the default 
interface -- these are literally the traits of what we call alpha 
checkers/options. Its just simply not finished, and no amount of documentation 
will change that. Once I have a better feel for how the analyzer behaves or I'm 
really stuck, I may wanna go and tick a few alpha stuff as a last resort. This 
is why we should categorize such option under a different flag.

But, as you said in D77150#inline-707863 
<>, there is value in these 
forsaken options after all. They have on occasion found real bugs that saved a 
lot of time, and we have gotten a lot of feedback on alpha checkers that also 
helped us fix a lot of issues. But those are still users that decided to opt-in 
to in-development features. In retrospect, D32905 
<> should've been alpha for this very reason as 


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