ychen added a comment.

High-level request: how about split this patch into two, the first for the 
`require` pass part; the second for the PassInstrument callback. Then we could 
discuss the choices of first patch and D82344 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D82344>.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/IR/PassInstrumentation.h:150
     for (auto &C : Callbacks->BeforePassCallbacks)
-      ShouldRun &= C(Pass.name(), llvm::Any(&IR));
+      ShouldRun &= C(Pass.name(), Pass.isRequired(), llvm::Any(&IR));
     return ShouldRun;
aeubanks wrote:
> aeubanks wrote:
> > ychen wrote:
> > > Could we do this to not changing the callback API?
> > > `ShouldRun &= C(Pass.name(), llvm::Any(&IR)) || Pass.isRequired();`
> > Each pass instrumentation should decide whether or not to run the pass 
> > based on whether or not the pass is required or optional. An optional pass 
> > may still be run, (which should be the case for the vast majority of 
> > instances).
> > 
> > For example, the optnone would only care if a pass is required or not if it 
> > sees that a function is marked optnone.
> > Similarly, opt-bisect would only care if a pass is required if it's hit the 
> > bisect limit.
> Sorry, now I understand what you mean, the ands and ors confused me.
> I don't want to rule out the possibility of some future pass instrumentation 
> wanting to skip even a required pass. But I am open to discussion on this 
> point.
> I don't want to rule out the possibility of some future pass instrumentation 
> wanting to skip even a required pass. But I am open to discussion on this 
> point.

That makes sense. However, since this requires changing the callback API(return 
value or parameter), and there is no real use of it for the moment. IMHO we 
should defer it to the use case comes up. If there was no change to the 
callback API, I wouldn't mind doing this for now.

The immediate motivation for the `require` is the same as D82344 (the approach 
is a little bit different). That's we don't want to consider infrastructure 
passes (pass managers, adaptor passes that have a nested pass manager)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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