hokein added a comment.

I think this depends on how we interpret the instantiation-dependent bit. In 
clang, it currently has two semantics:

1. an expression (somehow) depends on a template parameter;
2. an expression is dependent;

Prior to RecoveryExpression being added, 1 and 2 are equal, so we use 
`isInstantiationDependent` to check whether the code is dependent. This is fine.

However since we now generalize the "dependent" concept to mean "depends on a 
template parameter, or an error", checking `isInstantiationDependent()` is 
incomplete to determine the code is dependent.

what we could do?

**Option 1** (what this patch does):

instantiation-dependence still  implies the expression involves a template 
parameter -- if a recovery expression doesn't involves a template parameter, we 
don't set this flag


- avoid unnecessary instantiations if an AST node doesn't depend on template 
parameters but contain errorss;
- more precise semantics (maybe for better error-tracking, diagnostics), we can 
express a recovery-expr involves a template parameter (`contains-errors` + 
`instantiation-dep`), or not (`contains-erros` + `no instantiation-dep`)


- as you mentioned above, we violate the "nothing can be dependent if it is not 
instantiation dependent" assumption, which may leads us to fix a long tail of 
bugs (high effort), and the fix is basically adding `containsErrors` to where 
`isInstantiaionDependent` is used.

This makes me feel like we're going back to "use containsErrors everywhere" 
solution. Not sure what pros would buy us, maybe it is not worth the effort.

**Option 2**:

Keep it as it-is now, always set it, then the `instantiation-dependent` would 
mean "an expression depends on a template parameter or an error".


- everything would work without changing anything!


- keep using the instantiation name is confusing; we could do clarify the 
document of isInstantiation

While writing this, I'm starting to like the option2, any other thoughts?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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