Author: Eduardo Caldas
Date: 2020-07-08T14:09:40Z
New Revision: ea8bba7e8d0db3541a386ad649c4bf21d53e8380


LOG: Fix crash on overloaded postfix unary operators due to invalid sloc

Subscribers: cfe-commits

Tags: #clang

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/BuildTree.cpp 
index 4371a303bb9d..361455e69f5a 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/BuildTree.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Tooling/Syntax/BuildTree.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
 #include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
 #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
 #include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
@@ -114,6 +115,85 @@ struct GetStartLoc : TypeLocVisitor<GetStartLoc, 
SourceLocation> {
 } // namespace
+static syntax::NodeKind getOperatorNodeKind(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &E) {
+  switch (E.getOperator()) {
+  // Comparison
+  case OO_EqualEqual:
+  case OO_ExclaimEqual:
+  case OO_Greater:
+  case OO_GreaterEqual:
+  case OO_Less:
+  case OO_LessEqual:
+  case OO_Spaceship:
+  // Assignment
+  case OO_Equal:
+  case OO_SlashEqual:
+  case OO_PercentEqual:
+  case OO_CaretEqual:
+  case OO_PipeEqual:
+  case OO_LessLessEqual:
+  case OO_GreaterGreaterEqual:
+  case OO_PlusEqual:
+  case OO_MinusEqual:
+  case OO_StarEqual:
+  case OO_AmpEqual:
+  // Binary computation
+  case OO_Slash:
+  case OO_Percent:
+  case OO_Caret:
+  case OO_Pipe:
+  case OO_LessLess:
+  case OO_GreaterGreater:
+  case OO_AmpAmp:
+  case OO_PipePipe:
+  case OO_ArrowStar:
+  case OO_Comma:
+    return syntax::NodeKind::BinaryOperatorExpression;
+  case OO_Tilde:
+  case OO_Exclaim:
+    return syntax::NodeKind::PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression;
+  // Prefix/Postfix increment/decrement
+  case OO_PlusPlus:
+  case OO_MinusMinus:
+    switch (E.getNumArgs()) {
+    case 1:
+      return syntax::NodeKind::PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression;
+    case 2:
+      return syntax::NodeKind::PostfixUnaryOperatorExpression;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Invalid number of arguments for operator");
+    }
+  // Operators that can be unary or binary
+  case OO_Plus:
+  case OO_Minus:
+  case OO_Star:
+  case OO_Amp:
+    switch (E.getNumArgs()) {
+    case 1:
+      return syntax::NodeKind::PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression;
+    case 2:
+      return syntax::NodeKind::BinaryOperatorExpression;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Invalid number of arguments for operator");
+    }
+    return syntax::NodeKind::BinaryOperatorExpression;
+  // Not yet supported by SyntaxTree
+  case OO_New:
+  case OO_Delete:
+  case OO_Array_New:
+  case OO_Array_Delete:
+  case OO_Coawait:
+  case OO_Call:
+  case OO_Subscript:
+  case OO_Arrow:
+    return syntax::NodeKind::UnknownExpression;
+  case OO_Conditional: // not overloadable
+  case OO_None:
+    llvm_unreachable("Not an overloadable operator");
+  }
 /// Gets the range of declarator as defined by the C++ grammar. E.g.
 ///     `int a;` -> range of `a`,
 ///     `int *a;` -> range of `*a`,
@@ -733,8 +813,29 @@ class BuildTreeVisitor : public 
RecursiveASTVisitor<BuildTreeVisitor> {
     return true;
+  bool TraverseCXXOperatorCallExpr(CXXOperatorCallExpr *S) {
+    if (getOperatorNodeKind(*S) ==
+        syntax::NodeKind::PostfixUnaryOperatorExpression) {
+      // A postfix unary operator is declared as taking two operands. The 
+      // operand is used to distinguish from its prefix counterpart. In the
+      // semantic AST this "phantom" operand is represented as a
+      // `IntegerLiteral` with invalid `SourceLocation`. We skip visiting this
+      // operand because it does not correspond to anything written in source
+      // code
+      for (auto *child : S->children()) {
+        if (child->getSourceRange().isInvalid())
+          continue;
+        if (!TraverseStmt(child))
+          return false;
+      }
+      return WalkUpFromCXXOperatorCallExpr(S);
+    } else
+      return RecursiveASTVisitor::TraverseCXXOperatorCallExpr(S);
+  }
   bool WalkUpFromCXXOperatorCallExpr(CXXOperatorCallExpr *S) {
-    if (S->isInfixBinaryOp()) {
+    switch (getOperatorNodeKind(*S)) {
+    case syntax::NodeKind::BinaryOperatorExpression:
@@ -747,8 +848,31 @@ class BuildTreeVisitor : public 
RecursiveASTVisitor<BuildTreeVisitor> {
                        new (allocator()) syntax::BinaryOperatorExpression, S);
       return true;
+    case syntax::NodeKind::PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression:
+      Builder.markChildToken(
+          S->getOperatorLoc(),
+          syntax::NodeRole::OperatorExpression_operatorToken);
+      Builder.markExprChild(S->getArg(0),
+                            syntax::NodeRole::UnaryOperatorExpression_operand);
+      Builder.foldNode(Builder.getExprRange(S),
+                       new (allocator()) syntax::PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression,
+                       S);
+      return true;
+    case syntax::NodeKind::PostfixUnaryOperatorExpression:
+      Builder.markChildToken(
+          S->getOperatorLoc(),
+          syntax::NodeRole::OperatorExpression_operatorToken);
+      Builder.markExprChild(S->getArg(0),
+                            syntax::NodeRole::UnaryOperatorExpression_operand);
+      Builder.foldNode(Builder.getExprRange(S),
+                       new (allocator()) 
+                       S);
+      return true;
+    case syntax::NodeKind::UnknownExpression:
+      return RecursiveASTVisitor::WalkUpFromCXXOperatorCallExpr(S);
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("getOperatorNodeKind() does not return this value");
-    return RecursiveASTVisitor::WalkUpFromCXXOperatorCallExpr(S);
   bool WalkUpFromNamespaceDecl(NamespaceDecl *S) {

diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TreeTest.cpp 
index 094a495c65a8..acd0fbf2b52e 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TreeTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TreeTest.cpp
@@ -2193,11 +2193,18 @@ struct X {
   X& operator=(const X&);
   friend X operator+(X, const X&);
   friend bool operator<(const X&, const X&);
+  friend X operator<<(X&, const X&);
+  X operator,(X&);
+  // TODO: Fix crash on member function pointer and add a test for `->*`
+  // TODO: Unbox operators in syntax tree. 
+  // Represent operators by `+` instead of `IdExpression-UnqualifiedId-+`
 void test(X x, X y) {
   x = y;
   x + y;
   x < y;
+  x << y;
+  x, y;
@@ -2262,6 +2269,40 @@ void test(X x, X y) {
 | |   |   |   `-&
 | |   |   `-)
 | |   `-;
+| |-UnknownDeclaration
+| | `-SimpleDeclaration
+| |   |-friend
+| |   |-X
+| |   |-SimpleDeclarator
+| |   | |-operator
+| |   | |-<<
+| |   | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+| |   |   |-(
+| |   |   |-SimpleDeclaration
+| |   |   | |-X
+| |   |   | `-SimpleDeclarator
+| |   |   |   `-&
+| |   |   |-,
+| |   |   |-SimpleDeclaration
+| |   |   | |-const
+| |   |   | |-X
+| |   |   | `-SimpleDeclarator
+| |   |   |   `-&
+| |   |   `-)
+| |   `-;
+| |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |-X
+| | |-SimpleDeclarator
+| | | |-operator
+| | | |-,
+| | | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+| | |   |-(
+| | |   |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |   | |-X
+| | |   | `-SimpleDeclarator
+| | |   |   `-&
+| | |   `-)
+| | `-;
 | |-}
 | `-;
@@ -2319,6 +2360,185 @@ void test(X x, X y) {
     | |   `-UnqualifiedId
     | |     `-y
     | `-;
+    |-ExpressionStatement
+    | |-BinaryOperatorExpression
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-x
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-<<
+    | | `-IdExpression
+    | |   `-UnqualifiedId
+    | |     `-y
+    | `-;
+    |-ExpressionStatement
+    | |-BinaryOperatorExpression
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-x
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-,
+    | | `-IdExpression
+    | |   `-UnqualifiedId
+    | |     `-y
+    | `-;
+    `-}
+TEST_P(SyntaxTreeTest, UserDefinedUnaryPrefixOperator) {
+  if (!GetParam().isCXX()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(treeDumpEqual(
+      R"cpp(
+struct X {
+  X operator++();
+  bool operator!();
+  X* operator&();
+void test(X x) {
+  ++x;
+  !x;
+  &x;
+      R"txt(
+*: TranslationUnit
+| |-struct
+| |-X
+| |-{
+| |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |-X
+| | |-SimpleDeclarator
+| | | |-operator
+| | | |-++
+| | | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+| | |   |-(
+| | |   `-)
+| | `-;
+| |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |-bool
+| | |-SimpleDeclarator
+| | | |-operator
+| | | |-!
+| | | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+| | |   |-(
+| | |   `-)
+| | `-;
+| |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |-X
+| | |-SimpleDeclarator
+| | | |-*
+| | | |-operator
+| | | |-&
+| | | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+| | |   |-(
+| | |   `-)
+| | `-;
+| |-}
+| `-;
+  |-void
+  |-SimpleDeclarator
+  | |-test
+  | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+  |   |-(
+  |   |-SimpleDeclaration
+  |   | |-X
+  |   | `-SimpleDeclarator
+  |   |   `-x
+  |   `-)
+  `-CompoundStatement
+    |-{
+    |-ExpressionStatement
+    | |-PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-++
+    | | `-IdExpression
+    | |   `-UnqualifiedId
+    | |     `-x
+    | `-;
+    |-ExpressionStatement
+    | |-PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-!
+    | | `-IdExpression
+    | |   `-UnqualifiedId
+    | |     `-x
+    | `-;
+    |-ExpressionStatement
+    | |-PrefixUnaryOperatorExpression
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-&
+    | | `-IdExpression
+    | |   `-UnqualifiedId
+    | |     `-x
+    | `-;
+    `-}
+TEST_P(SyntaxTreeTest, UserDefinedUnaryPostfixOperator) {
+  if (!GetParam().isCXX()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(treeDumpEqual(
+      R"cpp(
+struct X {
+  X operator++(int);
+void test(X x) {
+  x++;
+      R"txt(
+*: TranslationUnit
+| |-struct
+| |-X
+| |-{
+| |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |-X
+| | |-SimpleDeclarator
+| | | |-operator
+| | | |-++
+| | | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+| | |   |-(
+| | |   |-SimpleDeclaration
+| | |   | `-int
+| | |   `-)
+| | `-;
+| |-}
+| `-;
+  |-void
+  |-SimpleDeclarator
+  | |-test
+  | `-ParametersAndQualifiers
+  |   |-(
+  |   |-SimpleDeclaration
+  |   | |-X
+  |   | `-SimpleDeclarator
+  |   |   `-x
+  |   `-)
+  `-CompoundStatement
+    |-{
+    |-ExpressionStatement
+    | |-PostfixUnaryOperatorExpression
+    | | |-IdExpression
+    | | | `-UnqualifiedId
+    | | |   `-x
+    | | `-IdExpression
+    | |   `-UnqualifiedId
+    | |     `-++
+    | `-;

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