baloghadamsoftware marked an inline comment as done.
baloghadamsoftware added a comment.

In D71199#2125602 <>, @njames93 wrote:

> Just my 2 cents, but would it not be wise to introduce a test case that runs 
> the 2 aforementioned checks together demonstrating how they interact with 
> each other. This will also force compliance if either check is updated down 
> the line.

I can do that, and I will do it. However, all checks work on the original 
files, thus no interaction is expected.

Comment at: 
+  Simple2() : n (0) {
+    x = 0.0;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> > > > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > > > By my reading of the core guideline 
> > > > > (,
> > > > >  it looks like `n` should also be diagnosed because all of the 
> > > > > constructors in the class initialize the member to the same constant 
> > > > > value. Is there a reason to deviate from the rule (or have I missed 
> > > > > something)?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Also, I'd like to see a test case like:
> > > > > ```
> > > > > class C {
> > > > >   int n;
> > > > > public:
> > > > >   C() { n = 0; }
> > > > >   explicit C(int) { n = 12; }
> > > > > };
> > > > > ```
> > > > This check only cares for initializations inside the body (rule `C.49`, 
> > > > but if the proper fix is to convert them to default member initializer 
> > > > according to rule `C.48` then we follow that rule in the fix). For 
> > > > initializations implemented as constructor member initializers but 
> > > > according to `C.48` they should have been implemented as default member 
> > > > initializers we already have check `modernize-use-default-member-init`.
> > > Thank you for the explanation. I have the feeling that these two rules 
> > > are going to have some really weird interactions together. For instance, 
> > > the example you added at my request shows behavior I can't easily explain 
> > > as a user:
> > > ```
> > > class Complex19 {
> > >   int n;
> > >   // CHECK-FIXES: int n{0};
> > > public:
> > >   Complex19() {
> > >     n = 0;
> > >     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'n' should be initialized 
> > > in an in-class default member initializer 
> > > [cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer]
> > >     // CHECK-FIXES: {{^\ *$}}
> > >   }
> > > 
> > >   explicit Complex19(int) {
> > >     // CHECK-FIXES: Complex19(int) : n(12) {
> > >     n = 12;
> > >     // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'n' should be initialized 
> > > in a member initializer of the constructor 
> > > [cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer]
> > >     // CHECK-FIXES: {{^\ *$}}
> > >   }
> > > 
> > >   ~Complex19() = default;
> > > };
> > > ```
> > > Despite both constructors having the assignment expression `n = 
> > > <literal>;` one gets one diagnostic + fixit and the other gets a 
> > > different diagnostic + fixit.
> > > 
> > > Also, from reading C.49, I don't see anything about using in-class 
> > > initialization. I see C.49 as being about avoiding the situation where 
> > > the ctor runs a constructor for a data member only to then immediately in 
> > > the ctor body make an assignment to that member. You don't need to 
> > > initialize then reinitialize when you can use a member init list to 
> > > construct the object properly initially.
> > Thank you for your comment. While I can agree with you, I think that this 
> > check should be fully consistent with `modernize-use-default-member-init`. 
> > Thus I tried it on the following example:
> > ```
> > class C {
> >   int n;
> > public:
> >   C() : n(1) {}
> >   C(int nn) : n(nn) {}
> > 
> >   int get_n() { return n; }
> > };
> > ```
> > I got the following message from Clang-Tidy:
> > ```
> > warning: use default member initializer for 'n' 
> > [modernize-use-default-member-init]
> >   int n;
> >       ^
> >        {1}
> > ```
> > This is no surprise, however. If you take a look on the example in [[ 
> >
> >  | C.48: Prefer in-class initializers to member initializers in 
> > constructors for constant initializers ]] you can see that our code is 
> > almost the same as the example considered bad there. So rule C.49 does not 
> > speak anything about in-class initialization, but C.48 does, our check 
> > enforcing C.49 must not suggest a fixit the the check enforcing C.48 fixes 
> > again. We should not force the user to run Clang-Tidy in multiple passes. 
> > Maybe we can mention the numbers of the rules in the error messages to make 
> > them clearer.
> > This is no surprise, however.
> Agreed, but it's also a different example from the one I posted where the 
> behavior is mysterious.
> > We should not force the user to run Clang-Tidy in multiple passes.
> Agreed, but the checks are also independent of one another (e.g., I can run 
> one but not the other) and that use case needs to be considered as well as 
> the combined use case.
> I personally don't use the C++ Core Guidelines and so I'm not as well-versed 
> in their nuances -- I'm happy to let someone more familiar with the standard 
> sway my opinion, but this smells a bit like the two rules are less orthogonal 
> than the rule authors may believe. Both rules say to prefer something 
> regarding member initialization, but neither rule says what the priority 
> ordering is for those preferences when either approach works. Is it 
> implicitly assumed that lower-numbered rules take precedence and so we should 
> prefer in-class initialization over member initialization over assignment 
> (that would seem defensible, but isn't stated anywhere in the rules)?
> Agreed, but it's also a different example from the one I posted where the 
> behavior is mysterious.

The example in //C.48// is the result of the fixit of this check for //C.49// 
if I do not take //C.48// in account. Thus without considering //C.48// the 
check would suggest fixits which is bad according to //C.48//. This means that 
if the user accepts these fixits and runs //Clang-Tidy// again then the other 
check marks these fixits as bad and suggests another fixit for them.

The big question is that which one is the majority? Users who wish to conform 
to all the core guidelines or users who accept //C.49// but not //C.48//. My 
wild guess is the first one. So in my opinion the biggest problem is that if we 
suggest a fixit by one check considered as bad by another one than the problem 
that we suggest different fixits for initializations in the default 
constructors than in other constructors.

Of course, the ideal solution would be to define the execution order of the 
checks and every check should work on a code fixed by the previous check. I do 
not think this would ever happen. It could also help if I could examine in this 
check whether the other one is enabled. However, I do not think this is 
possible either.


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