Author: Richard Smith
Date: 2020-06-29T14:33:21-07:00
New Revision: 4d1b7e9820ee9c87541619ce4dd41e92dc43cd9c


LOG: Fix a few cases that were incorrectly parsed as unary-expressions
instead of postfix-expressions, and improve error recovery for postfix
operators after unary-expressions.

This covers nullptr, __null, and some calls to type traits with special
parsing rules. We would previously not parse a postfix-expression suffix
for these expressions, so would reject expressions such as

For the case where a postfix-expression suffix is *not* permitted after
a unary-expression (for example, after a new-expression or sizeof
expression), produce a diagnostic if one appears there anyway. That's
always ill-formed, but previously produced very bad diagnostics.




diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/ 
index 5d57cfd6e71d..f5b32a6ba5fa 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ def err_function_declared_typedef : Error<
 def err_at_defs_cxx : Error<"@defs is not supported in Objective-C++">;
 def err_at_in_class : Error<"unexpected '@' in member specification">;
 def err_unexpected_semi : Error<"unexpected ';' before %0">;
+def err_postfix_after_unary_requires_parens : Error<
+  "expression cannot be followed by a postfix %0 operator; add parentheses">;
 def err_unparenthesized_non_primary_expr_in_requires_clause : Error<
   "parentheses are required around this expression in a requires clause">;
 def note_unparenthesized_non_primary_expr_in_requires_clause : Note<

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
index bd003204a97c..bfc465f89628 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
@@ -920,6 +920,11 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
   auto SavedType = PreferredType;
   NotCastExpr = false;
+  // Are postfix-expression suffix operators permitted after this
+  // cast-expression? If not, and we find some, we'll parse them anyway and
+  // diagnose them.
+  bool AllowSuffix = true;
   // This handles all of cast-expression, unary-expression, postfix-expression,
   // and primary-expression.  We handle them together like this for efficiency
   // and to simplify handling of an expression starting with a '(' token: which
@@ -929,8 +934,7 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
   // If the parsed tokens consist of a primary-expression, the cases below
   // break out of the switch;  at the end we call ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix
   // to handle the postfix expression suffixes.  Cases that cannot be followed
-  // by postfix exprs should return without invoking
-  // ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix.
+  // by postfix exprs should set AllowSuffix to false.
   switch (SavedKind) {
   case tok::l_paren: {
     // If this expression is limited to being a unary-expression, the paren can
@@ -953,8 +957,11 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
     Res = ParseParenExpression(ParenExprType, false/*stopIfCastExr*/,
                                isTypeCast == IsTypeCast, CastTy, RParenLoc);
+    // FIXME: What should we do if a vector literal is followed by a
+    // postfix-expression suffix? Usually postfix operators are permitted on
+    // literals.
     if (isVectorLiteral)
-        return Res;
+      return Res;
     switch (ParenExprType) {
     case SimpleExpr:   break;    // Nothing else to do.
@@ -992,11 +999,13 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
   case tok::kw___objc_yes:
   case tok::kw___objc_no:
-      return ParseObjCBoolLiteral();
+    Res = ParseObjCBoolLiteral();
+    break;
   case tok::kw_nullptr:
     Diag(Tok, diag::warn_cxx98_compat_nullptr);
-    return Actions.ActOnCXXNullPtrLiteral(ConsumeToken());
+    Res = Actions.ActOnCXXNullPtrLiteral(ConsumeToken());
+    break;
   case tok::annot_uneval_primary_expr:
   case tok::annot_primary_expr:
@@ -1295,7 +1304,8 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
     Res = ParseGenericSelectionExpression();
   case tok::kw___builtin_available:
-    return ParseAvailabilityCheckExpr(Tok.getLocation());
+    Res = ParseAvailabilityCheckExpr(Tok.getLocation());
+    break;
   case tok::kw___builtin_va_arg:
   case tok::kw___builtin_offsetof:
   case tok::kw___builtin_choose_expr:
@@ -1307,9 +1317,11 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
   case tok::kw___builtin_LINE:
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
+    // This parses the complete suffix; we can return early.
     return ParseBuiltinPrimaryExpression();
   case tok::kw___null:
-    return Actions.ActOnGNUNullExpr(ConsumeToken());
+    Res = Actions.ActOnGNUNullExpr(ConsumeToken());
+    break;
   case tok::plusplus:      // unary-expression: '++' unary-expression [C99]
   case tok::minusminus: {  // unary-expression: '--' unary-expression [C99]
@@ -1421,7 +1433,9 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
   case tok::kw___builtin_omp_required_simd_align:
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-    return ParseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpression();
+    AllowSuffix = false;
+    Res = ParseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpression();
+    break;
   case tok::ampamp: {      // unary-expression: '&&' identifier
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
@@ -1437,7 +1451,8 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
     Res = Actions.ActOnAddrLabel(AmpAmpLoc, Tok.getLocation(), LD);
-    return Res;
+    AllowSuffix = false;
+    break;
   case tok::kw_const_cast:
   case tok::kw_dynamic_cast:
@@ -1632,12 +1647,16 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
     if ( {
       if (NotPrimaryExpression)
         *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-      return ParseCXXNewExpression(true, CCLoc);
+      Res = ParseCXXNewExpression(true, CCLoc);
+      AllowSuffix = false;
+      break;
     if ( {
       if (NotPrimaryExpression)
         *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-      return ParseCXXDeleteExpression(true, CCLoc);
+      Res = ParseCXXDeleteExpression(true, CCLoc);
+      AllowSuffix = false;
+      break;
     // This is not a type name or scope specifier, it is an invalid expression.
@@ -1648,15 +1667,21 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
   case tok::kw_new: // [C++] new-expression
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-    return ParseCXXNewExpression(false, Tok.getLocation());
+    Res = ParseCXXNewExpression(false, Tok.getLocation());
+    AllowSuffix = false;
+    break;
   case tok::kw_delete: // [C++] delete-expression
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-    return ParseCXXDeleteExpression(false, Tok.getLocation());
+    Res = ParseCXXDeleteExpression(false, Tok.getLocation());
+    AllowSuffix = false;
+    break;
   case tok::kw_requires: // [C++2a] requires-expression
-    return ParseRequiresExpression();
+    Res = ParseRequiresExpression();
+    AllowSuffix = false;
+    break;
   case tok::kw_noexcept: { // [C++0x] 'noexcept' '(' expression ')'
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
@@ -1672,32 +1697,36 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
     //   which is an unevaluated operand, can throw an exception.
     EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(
         Actions, Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContext::Unevaluated);
-    ExprResult Result = ParseExpression();
+    Res = ParseExpression();
-    if (!Result.isInvalid())
-      Result = Actions.ActOnNoexceptExpr(KeyLoc, T.getOpenLocation(),
-                                         Result.get(), T.getCloseLocation());
-    return Result;
+    if (!Res.isInvalid())
+      Res = Actions.ActOnNoexceptExpr(KeyLoc, T.getOpenLocation(), Res.get(),
+                                      T.getCloseLocation());
+    AllowSuffix = false;
+    break;
 #define TYPE_TRAIT(N,Spelling,K) \
   case tok::kw_##Spelling:
 #include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.def"
-    return ParseTypeTrait();
+    Res = ParseTypeTrait();
+    break;
   case tok::kw___array_rank:
   case tok::kw___array_extent:
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-    return ParseArrayTypeTrait();
+    Res = ParseArrayTypeTrait();
+    break;
   case tok::kw___is_lvalue_expr:
   case tok::kw___is_rvalue_expr:
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
       *NotPrimaryExpression = true;
-    return ParseExpressionTrait();
+    Res = ParseExpressionTrait();
+    break;
   case tok::at: {
     if (NotPrimaryExpression)
@@ -1754,6 +1783,41 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(CastParseKind 
     // parsed.
     return Res;
+  if (!AllowSuffix) {
+    // FIXME: Don't parse a primary-expression suffix if we encountered a parse
+    // error already.
+    if (Res.isInvalid())
+      return Res;
+    switch (Tok.getKind()) {
+    case tok::l_square:
+    case tok::l_paren:
+    case tok::plusplus:
+    case tok::minusminus:
+      // "expected ';'" or similar is probably the right diagnostic here. Let
+      // the caller decide what to do.
+      if (Tok.isAtStartOfLine())
+        return Res;
+    case tok::period:
+    case tok::arrow:
+      break;
+    default:
+      return Res;
+    }
+    // This was a unary-expression for which a postfix-expression suffix is
+    // not permitted by the grammar (eg, a sizeof expression or
+    // new-expression or similar). Diagnose but parse the suffix anyway.
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_postfix_after_unary_requires_parens)
+        << Tok.getKind() << Res.get()->getSourceRange()
+        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(Res.get()->getBeginLoc(), "(")
+        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(PP.getLocForEndOfToken(PrevTokLocation),
+                                      ")");
+  }
   // These can be followed by postfix-expr pieces.
   PreferredType = SavedType;
   Res = ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix(Res);

diff  --git a/clang/test/Parser/expressions.cpp 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d3123bd1de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/Parser/expressions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -verify %s
+void *operator new(__SIZE_TYPE__, void*);
+// Check that we give a good diagnostic for an attempt to use a postfix
+// operator after a unary-expression.
+namespace postfix_after_unary {
+  struct A { int n; };
+  int &a = new A->n; // expected-error {{expression cannot be followed by a 
postfix '->' operator; add parentheses}}
+  struct B { B(int); int operator()(int); };
+  int n = new (0) (B) (int()) (int()); // expected-error {{cannot be followed 
by a postfix '(}} expected-error {{not a function or function pointer}}
+  char x = sizeof(int)["hello"]; // expected-error {{cannot be followed by a 
postfix '[}}
+  char y = alignof(int)["hello"]; // expected-error {{cannot be followed by a 
postfix '[}}
+  char z = noexcept(0)["hello"]; // expected-error {{cannot be followed by a 
postfix '[}}
+  char w = requires { x == x; }["ny"]; // expected-error {{cannot be followed 
by a postfix '[}}
+  int f() {
+  label:
+    return &&label->n; // expected-error {{cannot be followed by a postfix}} 
expected-error {{not a structure or union}}
+  }
+  char k = sizeof(int) // expected-error {{expected ';'}}
+  [[noreturn]] void g();
+// Check that we do parse postfix-expression suffixes after some more unusual
+// kinds of postfix-expressions (null literals and builtin calls).
+namespace unusual_primary_exprs {
+  int a = nullptr["foo"]; // expected-error {{array subscript is not an 
+  int b = __builtin_COLUMN()["sufficiently long string constant"];
+  int c = __builtin_available(*)["ny"];
+  static_assert(__null["foo"] == 'f'); // FIXME: Warn about converting __null 
to integer in array subscripting.
+  static_assert(__is_standard_layout(int)["ny"] == 'y');
+  static_assert(__array_rank(int[1][2])["0123"] == '2');
+  static_assert(__is_lvalue_expr(a)["ny"] == 'y');

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