sammccall added a comment.

In D80950#2072926 <>, @MyDeveloperDay 

> The same function with smaller variables isn't quite so readable
>   LOG_IF(DFATAL, a < b) << "Equality condition can never be satisfied:"
>                         << " foo=" << a << " bar=" << b;

FWIW, this looks fine to me, it's the split between = and variable I was 
objecting to motsly.
We could still get unlucky depending on line lengths:

  LOG << "blah"
    << "foo=" << foo << " bar="
    << b;

In which case I'd probably split the space away from bar, writing the second 
line as `"<< "foo=" << foo << " "`...

> and there is inconsistency between
>   LOG_IF(DFATAL, a < b) << "Equality condition can never be satisfied:"
>                         << " foo=" << a << " is less than "
>                         << " bar=" << b;
>   std::string reason = " is less than ";
>   LOG_IF(DFATAL, a < b) << "Equality condition can never be satisfied:"
>                         << " foo=" << a << reason << " bar=" << b;

Maybe I'm used to it, but that seems like a natural difference rather than an 
annoying inconsistency to me.
(The latter is clearly less readable with or without formatting, precisely 
*because* it's pasting together variables that we have to understand the 
semantics of to get any understanding).

>   std::string reason = " is less than ";
>   LOG_IF(DFATAL, a < b) << "=" << " foo=" << a << reason << " bar=" << b;
> because that actually looks a little better IMHO than
>   std::string reason = " is less than ";
>   LOG_IF(DFATAL, a < b) << "="
>                         << " foo=" << a << reason << " bar=" << b;

This is clearly a question of taste :-)

An option seems attractive here. We haven't met the bar of multiple competing 
published style guides, but here the historical behaviour is idiosyncratic but 
long-standing and does some things people want...

I'd ask that we call the existing behavior something flexible like `Heuristic` 
or so... e.g. today we break after `endl`, and we should probably extend that 
to strings ending in `"\n"` since endl is often silly.
(If I was actually in a position to hack on clang-format more, I'd want to look 
at having a lower penalty when strings end in `=` etc, to encourage semantic 

> But whatever we do I think we should leave the current one as the default.

I think we'd like to keep it for at least Google style. Feel less strongly 
about the others, but if an option is added we might as well separate the 
implementation from the flag-flip.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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