krasimir added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp:2348
+// its not then rewind to the original position
+bool UnwrappedLineParser::tryToParseAttribute() {
+  unsigned StoredPosition = Tokens->getPosition();
MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> curdeius wrote:
> > MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > > MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > > > This so makes me feel like we need a peekNextToken()
> > > which is like all the time I have to write
> > > 
> > > ```
> > > Tok->Next && Tok->Next->is(tok::XXX)
> > > Tok->Previous && Tok->Previous ->is(tok::XXX)
> > > ```
> > > 
> > > would be so much smaller code if we had
> > > 
> > > ```
> > > Tok->isNext(tok::XXX)
> > > Tok->isPrevious(tok::XXX)
> > > ```
> > `peekNextToken()` probably should be done in a separate revision, nope?
> > It would be good to have it IMO.
> yes I was just thinking out loud..
I think this should be more strict and check for the sequence of 5 tokens: 
tok::l_square, tok::l_square, tok::identifier, tok::r_square, tok::r_square

Unfortunately `[[` may start a nested Objective-C-style method call, e.g., 
[[obj1 method1:arg1] method2:arg2]
(I'm not super familiar with Objective-C-syntax, please correct me if I'm wrong 
about that.)

(Only checking for the last `]]`, or a combination of `[[` and `]]` that 
doesn't examine //the meat in-between// would suffer from similar ambiguities.)

Of course, attributes can be more complicated and can have a rich internal 
structure (looking at 
Consider renaming this to `tryToParseSimpleAttribute` to not give folks false 
hopes that this deals with the general problem for now (we can rename this 
later as we improve this C++ attribute parsing to handle more of the 
interesting cases).

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp:2351
+  FormatToken *Tok = Tokens->getNextToken();
+  FormatTok = Tokens->setPosition(StoredPosition);
+  if (Tok->is(tok::l_square)) {
curdeius wrote:
> Maybe add `assert(Tok);`. How can you be know for sure that there's a next 
> token?
+1, but instead of `assert`-ing which may/will crash clang-format on weird 
inputs and may lead to UB below in release builds, just `return false` and move 


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