kadircet marked 8 inline comments as done.
kadircet added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Trace.h:35
+/// itself to active tracer on destruction.
+struct Metric {
+  enum Type {
sammccall wrote:
> Conceptually there's a difference between a metric (the thing being measured, 
> such as "latency distribution by method") and the measurement (such as "code 
> completion took 90ms this time").
> The attributes such as name, type, permitted labels are associated with the 
> metric - these are schema. Whereas the measurement is a tuple `(metric, 
> actual label, value)` - it doesn't make sense to have measurements for the 
> same metric with different types. And the metric is immutable while the 
> measurement is transient.
> For the API (to emit data) it seems natural to model this split using 
> constexpr objects for the metrics, and methods for the measurement:
> ```
> constexpr Metric IncomingLatencyMS("/clangd/latency", Distribution);
> ...
> void handleCodeCompletion() {
>   ...
>   IncomingLatencyMS.record(90);
> }
> ```
> (IOW I think our favorite metrics framework got this right)
> For the SPI (to consume data), things are a bit muddier. For I think we want 
> to avoid having a protocol to explicitly register metrics, so there's an 
> attraction to just reporting the flat `(name, type, label, value)` tuple. I 
> also quite like the idea of reusing the type above and reporting this as 
> `(const Metric&, label, value)` which makes extending Metric more natural.
this looks a lot better, thanks! Changing the order of label and value to make 
it nicer for non-labeled metrics.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Trace.h:36
+struct Metric {
+  enum Type {
+    /// Occurence of an event, e.g. cache access.
sammccall wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > I think we're missing an important type: a value directly provided by the 
> > measurement, such as memory usage.
> This enum is about defining the relationship between the metric and the 
> measurements, but also about the (related) nature of the metric itself.
> The current names are measurement-centric, which is good for the former but 
> not so much for the latter, and a bit confusing if we set this enum when 
> initializing the *metric*. I'd consider having this be metric-centric and 
> documenting the measurements instead. e.g.
> ```
> enum MetricType {
>   /// A number whose value is meaningful, and may vary over time.
>   /// Each measurement replaces the current value.
>   Value,
>   /// An aggregate number whose rate of change over time is meaningful.
>   /// Each measurement is an increment for the counter.
>   Counter,
>   /// A distribution of values with a meaningful mean and count.
>   /// Each measured value is a sample for the distribution.
>   /// The distribution is assumed not to vary, samples are aggregated over 
> time.
>   Distribution,
> };
> ```
> I think we're missing an important type: a value directly provided by the 
> measurement, such as memory usage.

I was planning to extend with this later on when we added memory tracking 

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