fhahn added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:511
+    *r = *a +  (*b * *c);
+  }
rjmccall wrote:
> This is kindof an unnecessarily unreadable example.  I know you haven't 
> decided on calling convention treatment yet, but maybe the leading example 
> could be just a little ahead of the implementation and just take the matrices 
> as arguments and then return the result.
I wasn't sure if that would be fine, but it indeed makes things much more 
readable. Updated.

Comment at: clang/docs/MatrixTypes.rst:29
+A *matrix element type* must be a real type (as in C99 6.2.5p17) excluding
+enumeration types or an implementation-defined half-precision floating point
+type, otherwise the program is ill-formed.
rjmccall wrote:
> fhahn wrote:
> > rjmccall wrote:
> > > fhahn wrote:
> > > > SjoerdMeijer wrote:
> > > > > Now I am wondering if this requires some explanations on binary 
> > > > > operations for these implemenation-defined types? For example, for 
> > > > > `__fp16` and matrices with this `__fp16` element type, I assume 
> > > > > arithmetic is performed in at least the (single) floating-point 
> > > > > precision. So I guess in section "Arithmetic Conversions" a rule 
> > > > > needs to be added that the conversion of these implementation defined 
> > > > > types need to performed?
> > > > > 
> > > > I don't think we need to specifically discuss the implementation 
> > > > defined types here, as the conversions and binary operator definitions 
> > > > are framed in terms of the existing rules for the element types used. I 
> > > > am potentially missing something, but with the current wording the 
> > > > conversions for `__fp16` would use the conversion rules for that type 
> > > > and the binary operators would use the arithmetic rules for it.
> > > Yeah, for the scalar conversions / scalar operands, you should just say 
> > > that the source has to be a real type and not otherwise restrict it.  All 
> > > of those types should already be convertible to any matrix element type.
> > Thanks, I've updated the wording to ensure the scalar values are of a real 
> > type in the scalar -> matrix conversion and scalar, matrix binary operator 
> > contexts. I hope that is enough to clarify things.
> This would be clearer as something like:
> > Currently, the element type of a matrix is only permitted to be one of the 
> > following types:
> >
> > - an integer type (as in C2x 6.2.5p19), but excluding enumerated types and 
> > `_Bool`
> > - a standard floating type (as in C2x 6.2.5p10)
> > - a half-precision floating point type, if one is supported on the target
> >
> > Other types may be supported in the future.
> Although I don't know if you actually want to unconditionally support `long 
> double`; you might just want to say "the standard floating types `float` and 
> `double`".
That's much better, thanks! I've also applied your suggestion to exclude `long 
double` for now.

Comment at: clang/docs/MatrixTypes.rst:167
+operations on matrix types match the behavior of the elementwise operations
+in the corresponding expansions provided above.
rjmccall wrote:
> The expansions have a lot of statement boundaries that contraction wouldn't 
> be allowed across.  I'd suggest saying something like:
> > Operations on floating-point matrices have the same rounding and 
> > floating-point environment behavior as ordinary floating-point operations 
> > in the expression's context.  For the purposes of floating-point 
> > contraction, all calculations done as part of a matrix operation are 
> > considered intermediate operations, and their results need not be rounded 
> > to the format of the element type until the final result in the containing 
> > expression.  This is subject to the normal restrictions on contraction, 
> > such as `#pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT`.
Updated, thanks!

Comment at: clang/docs/MatrixTypes.rst:216
+to ``row`` and ``col`` respectively. The parameter ``columnStride`` is optional
+and if ommitted ``row`` is used as ``columnStride``.
rjmccall wrote:
> "omitted".
> I would expect these operands to have type either `size_t` or `ptrdiff_t`.  
> Of course it only really matters for `columnStride`.
> "omitted".

Done, thanks!

> I would expect these operands to have type either size_t or ptrdiff_t. Of 
> course it only really matters for columnStride.
Yes, I update them to size_t. This should give the implementations the most 
freedom with respect to choosing the implementation defined limits of 
rows/columns. `size_t` also makes the most sense for the stride I think, as it 
is required to be >= the number of rows in the matrix.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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