yaxunl added a comment.

In D75285#1902835 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D75285#1902835>, @jeroen.dobbelaere 

> In D75285#1902788 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D75285#1902788>, @Anastasia wrote:
> > In D75285#1896610 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D75285#1896610>, @rjmccall 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Are you sure `restrict` alone isn't good enough?  It doesn't directly 
> > > tell you that the memory is invariant, but it's usually simple to prove 
> > > that the memory isn't modified within the `restrict` scope, which might 
> > > be sufficient.
> >
> >
> > Do you mean to prove in analysis passes? Should we emit some sort of hints 
> > from the frontend to indicate what to look for?
> Not sure what you mean with 'hints from the frontend', but D68484 
> <https://reviews.llvm.org/D68484> (and later) contain a significant 
> improvement to clang's handling of restrict. That could make the restrict 
> path feasible (if that would support the actual use case).

I think there are cases that noalias is not sufficient to prove invariance. For 
example, a global variable, even if we mark it as restrict and we do not modify 
it in a function, the compiler is still not sure it is invariant in that 
function, since it may be modified by another thread. In this case, if a user 
knows that it is invariant in that function, he would just want to mark it as 
`__invariant__` or `__immutable__`.



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