wristow added a comment.

> A separate question is the interaction of `-ffast-math` with 
> `-ffp-contract=`.  Currently, there is no such interaction whatsoever in GCC: 
> `-ffast-math` does not imply any particular `-ffp-contract=` setting, and 
> vice versa the `-ffp-contract=` setting is not considered at all when 
> defining `__FAST_MATH__`. This seems at least internally consistent.

That's interesting, and as you said, internally consistent behavior in GCC.  I 
think it would be a fine idea for us to do the same thing.

Looking into this point, I see that (ignoring fastmath for the moment) our 
default `-ffp-contract` behavior is different than GCC's.  GCC enables FMA by 
default when optimization is high enough ('-O2') without any special switch 
needed.  For example, taking an architecture that supports FMA (Haswell), GCC 
has the following behavior:

  float test(float a, float b, float c)
    // FMA is enabled by default for GCC (on Haswell), so done at -O2:
    //    gcc -S -O2 -march=haswell test.c  # FMA happens
    //    $ gcc -S -march=haswell test.c ; egrep 'mul|add' test.s
    //            vmulss  -12(%rbp), %xmm0, %xmm0
    //            vaddss  -4(%rbp), %xmm0, %xmm0
    //    $ gcc -S -O2 -march=haswell test.c ; egrep 'mul|add' test.s
    //            vfmadd231ss     %xmm2, %xmm1, %xmm0
    //    $
    return a + (b * c);

As we'd expect, GCC does disable FMA with `-ffp-contract=off` (this is 
irrespective of whether `-ffast-math` was specified).  Loosely, GCC's behavior 
can be summarized very simply on this point as:
//Suppress FMA when `-ffp-contract=off`.//
(As an aside, GCC's behavior with `-ffp-contract=on` is non-intuitive to me.  
It relates to the FP_CONTRACT pragma, which as far as I can see is ignored by 

In contrast, we do //not// enable FMA by default (via general optimization, 
such as '-O2').  For example:

  $ clang -S -O2 -march=haswell test.c ; egrep 'mul|add' test.s
          vmulss  %xmm2, %xmm1, %xmm1
          vaddss  %xmm0, %xmm1, %xmm0

I think that whether we want to continue doing that (or instead, enable it at 
'-O2', like GCC does), is a separate issue.  I can see arguments either way.

We do enable FMA with `-ffp-contract=fast`, as desired (and also with 
`-ffp-contract=on`).  And we do "leave it disabled" with `-ffp-contract=off` 
(as expected).

Now, bringing fastmath back into the discussion, we //do// enable FMA with 
`-fffast-math`.  If we decide to continue leaving it disabled by default, then 
enabling it with `-ffast-math` seems perfectly sensible.  (If we decide to 
enable it by default when optimization is high enough, like GCC, then turning 
on `-ffast-math` should not disable it of course.)

The problem I want to address here is that if the compiler is a mode where FMA 
is enabled (whether that's at '-O2' "by default", or whether it's because the 
user turned on `-ffast-math`), then appending `-ffp-contract=off` //should// 
disable FMA.  I think this patch (along with the small change to 
"DAGCombiner.cpp", in an earlier version of this patch) is a reasonable 
approach to solving that.  I'd say this patch/review/discussion has raised two 
additional questions:

1. Under what conditions should `__FAST_MATH__` be defined?
2. Should we enable FMA "by default" at (for example) '-O2'?

I think these additional questions are best addressed separately.  My 2 cents 
are that for (1), mimicking GCC's behavior seems reasonable (although that's 
assuming we don't find out that GCC's `__FAST_MATH__` behavior is a bug).  And 
for (2), I don't have a strong preference.



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