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MyDeveloperDay added a comment.
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I think fundamentally this seems like a reasonable idea, for those that don't 
need they don't need to use it.

Comment at: clang/docs/ClangFormat.rst:36
-                                -style=file) and to determine the language.
+    -assume-filename=<string> - Override filename used to determine the 
+                                When reading from stdin, clang-format assumes 
+                                filename to determine the language.
     -cursor=<uint>            - The position of the cursor when invoking
                                 clang-format from an editor integration
I agree this seems wrong, it's making it sound like -assume-filename is a file 
that will replace .clang-format .. I don't think thats true as you correctly 
point out

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp:456
+    IO.mapOptional("IncludeIsMainSourceRegex",
+                   Style.IncludeStyle.IncludeIsMainSourceRegex);
     IO.mapOptional("IndentCaseLabels", Style.IndentCaseLabels);
I think we are missing a change to the operator== in Format.h (I notice 
IncludeIsMainRegex is missing from there too)

Comment at: clang/lib/Tooling/Inclusions/HeaderIncludes.cpp:183
     CategoryRegexs.emplace_back(Category.Regex, llvm::Regex::IgnoreCase);
+  llvm::Regex MainFileRegex(Style.IncludeIsMainSourceRegex);
   IsMainFile = FileName.endswith(".c") || FileName.endswith(".cc") ||
whats the default value of `IncludeIsMainSourceRegex?`, are we making a regex 
even when its empty?

could we not or the regex after if its defined

IsMainFile = FileName.endswith(".c") || FileName.endswith(".cc") ||
               FileName.endswith(".cpp") || FileName.endswith(".c++") ||
               FileName.endswith(".cxx") || FileName.endswith(".m") ||
if (!Style.IncludeIsMainSourceRegex.empty()){
    llvm::Regex MainFileRegex(Style.IncludeIsMainSourceRegex);
    IsMainFile |= MainFileRegex.match(FileName);    

Comment at: clang/tools/clang-format/ClangFormat.cpp:79
+             "When reading from stdin, clang-format assumes this\n"
+             "filename to determine the language."),
+    cl::init("<stdin>"), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
This may be a little out of date and needs rebasing as I believe this reformat 
has already been done, but your new wording is correct

  rC Clang


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