Typz updated this revision to Diff 226246.
Typz added a comment.


  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
--- clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -5734,9 +5734,9 @@
   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaa //\n"
                "                  ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-               "                  : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb //\n"
-               "                        ? ccccccccccccccc\n"
-               "                        : ddddddddddddddd;");
+               "              : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb //\n"
+               "                  ? ccccccccccccccc\n"
+               "                  : ddddddddddddddd;");
   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaa //\n"
                "                  ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
                "                  : (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb //\n"
@@ -5798,6 +5798,113 @@
                "                     // comment\n"
                "                     ? a = b\n"
                "                     : a;");
+  // Chained conditionals
+  FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
+  Style.ColumnLimit = 70;
+  Style.AlignOperands = true;
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbb     ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaa         ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                          : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 222222\n"
+               "                        : 333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "       : cccccccccccccc ? 3333333333333333\n"
+               "                        : 4444444444444444;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaa ? bbb : ccc)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : (aaa ? bbb : ccc);",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : cccccccccccccccccc)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : cccccccccccccccccc)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? a = (aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : dddddddddddddddddd)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? a + (aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : dddddddddddddddddd)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : a + (aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : dddddddddddddddddd)\n",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : cccccccccccccccccc);",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                           : ccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd\n"
+               "                                             : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa    ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                           : ccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd\n"
+               "                                             : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                           : cccccccccccc    ? dddddddddddddddddd\n"
+               "                                             : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                                             : cccccccccccccccccc\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "                          : cccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd\n"
+               "                                             : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                        : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "           ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "              : cccccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd\n"
+               "                                   : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                             : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "           ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "             : cccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd\n"
+               "                                : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\n"
+               "       : bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222\n"
+               "                                 : 3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksConditionalExpressionsAfterOperator) {
@@ -5885,9 +5992,9 @@
   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? //\n"
                "                  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :\n"
-               "                  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? //\n"
-               "                      ccccccccccccccc :\n"
-               "                      ddddddddddddddd;",
+               "              bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? //\n"
+               "                  ccccccccccccccc :\n"
+               "                  ddddddddddddddd;",
   verifyFormat("bool aaaaaa = aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? //\n"
                "                  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :\n"
@@ -5903,6 +6010,110 @@
                "           aaaaa :\n"
                "           bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc;",
+  // Chained conditionals
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbb       ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaa       ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 222222 :\n"
+               "                          333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "       cccccccccccccccc ? 3333333333333333 :\n"
+               "                          4444444444444444;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaa ? bbb : ccc) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          (aaa ? bbb : ccc);",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               cccccccccccccccccc) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               cccccccccccccccccc) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? a = (aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               dddddddddddddddddd) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? a + (aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               dddddddddddddddddd) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaa        ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          a + (aaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               dddddddddddddddddd)\n",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? 1111111111111111 :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               cccccccccccccccccc);",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                           ccccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd :\n"
+               "                                               eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                           ccccccccccccc     ? dddddddddddddddddd :\n"
+               "                                               eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? (aaaaaaaaaaaaa     ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                           ccccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd :\n"
+               "                                               eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                                               cccccccccccccccccc :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "                          cccccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd :\n"
+               "                                               eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                          3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?\n"
+               "           (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "            cccccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd :\n"
+               "                                 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                               3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?\n"
+               "           aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :\n"
+               "           cccccccccccccccccccc ? dddddddddddddddddd :\n"
+               "                                  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :\n"
+               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ? 2222222222222222 :\n"
+               "                               3333333333333333;",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DeclarationsOfMultipleVariables) {
Index: clang/lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.h
--- clang/lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.h
+++ clang/lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
 #include "clang/Format/Format.h"
 #include <string>
+#include <tuple>
 namespace clang {
 namespace format {
@@ -157,11 +158,16 @@
     const Change *StartOfBlockComment;
     int IndentationOffset;
-    // A combination of indent level and nesting level, which are used in
-    // tandem to compute lexical scope, for the purposes of deciding
+    // Depth of conditionals. Computed from tracking fake parenthesis, except
+    // it does not increase the indent for "chained" conditionals.
+    int ConditionalsLevel;
+    // A combination of indent, nesting and conditionals levels, which are used
+    // in tandem to compute lexical scope, for the purposes of deciding
     // when to stop consecutive alignment runs.
-    std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> indentAndNestingLevel() const {
-      return std::make_pair(Tok->IndentLevel, Tok->NestingLevel);
+    std::tuple<unsigned, unsigned, unsigned> indentAndNestingLevel() const {
+      return std::make_tuple(Tok->IndentLevel, Tok->NestingLevel,
+                             ConditionalsLevel);
@@ -180,6 +186,9 @@
   /// Align consecutive declarations over all \c Changes.
   void alignConsecutiveDeclarations();
+  /// Align consecutive declarations over all \c Changes.
+  void alignChainedConditionals();
   /// Align trailing comments over all \c Changes.
   void alignTrailingComments();
Index: clang/lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp
--- clang/lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
+  alignChainedConditionals();
@@ -226,6 +227,32 @@
       LastBlockComment = nullptr;
+  // Compute conditional nesting level
+  // Level is increased for each conditional, unless this conditional continues
+  // a chain of conditional, i.e. starts immediately after the colon of another
+  // conditional.
+  SmallVector<bool, 16> ScopeStack;
+  int ConditionalsLevel = 0;
+  for (auto &Change : Changes) {
+    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Change.Tok->FakeLParens.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+      bool isNestedConditional =
+          Change.Tok->FakeLParens[e - 1 - i] == prec::Conditional &&
+          !(i == 0 && Change.Tok->Previous &&
+            Change.Tok->Previous->is(TT_ConditionalExpr) &&
+            Change.Tok->Previous->is(tok::colon));
+      if (isNestedConditional)
+        ++ConditionalsLevel;
+      ScopeStack.push_back(isNestedConditional);
+    }
+    Change.ConditionalsLevel = ConditionalsLevel;
+    for (unsigned i = Change.Tok->FakeRParens; i > 0 && ScopeStack.size(); --i) {
+      if (ScopeStack.pop_back_val())
+        --ConditionalsLevel;
+    }
+  }
 // Align a single sequence of tokens, see AlignTokens below.
@@ -247,6 +274,7 @@
   //          double z);
   // In the above example, we need to take special care to ensure that
   // 'double z' is indented along with it's owning function 'b'.
+  // Special handling is required for 'nested' ternary operators.
   SmallVector<unsigned, 16> ScopeStack;
   for (unsigned i = Start; i != End; ++i) {
@@ -287,7 +315,10 @@
       unsigned ScopeStart = ScopeStack.back();
       if (Changes[ScopeStart - 1].Tok->is(TT_FunctionDeclarationName) ||
           (ScopeStart > Start + 1 &&
-           Changes[ScopeStart - 2].Tok->is(TT_FunctionDeclarationName)))
+           Changes[ScopeStart - 2].Tok->is(TT_FunctionDeclarationName)) ||
+          Changes[i].Tok->is(TT_ConditionalExpr) ||
+          (Changes[i].Tok->Previous &&
+           Changes[i].Tok->Previous->is(TT_ConditionalExpr)))
         Changes[i].Spaces += Shift;
@@ -340,7 +371,7 @@
   // abort when we hit any token in a higher scope than the starting one.
   auto IndentAndNestingLevel = StartAt < Changes.size()
                                    ? Changes[StartAt].indentAndNestingLevel()
-                                   : std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(0, 0);
+                                   : std::tuple<unsigned, unsigned, unsigned>();
   // Keep track of the number of commas before the matching tokens, we will only
   // align a sequence of matching tokens if they are preceded by the same number
@@ -408,8 +439,8 @@
       StartOfSequence = i;
     unsigned ChangeMinColumn = Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
-    int LineLengthAfter = -Changes[i].Spaces;
-    for (unsigned j = i; j != e && Changes[j].NewlinesBefore == 0; ++j)
+    int LineLengthAfter = Changes[i].TokenLength;
+    for (unsigned j = i + 1; j != e && Changes[j].NewlinesBefore == 0; ++j)
       LineLengthAfter += Changes[j].Spaces + Changes[j].TokenLength;
     unsigned ChangeMaxColumn = Style.ColumnLimit - LineLengthAfter;
@@ -607,6 +638,52 @@
       Changes, /*StartAt=*/0);
+void WhitespaceManager::alignChainedConditionals()
+  if (Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators) {
+    AlignTokens(Style,
+                [](Change const &C) {
+                  // Align question operators and last colon
+                  return C.Tok->is(TT_ConditionalExpr) &&
+                         ((C.Tok->is(tok::question) && !C.NewlinesBefore) ||
+                          (C.Tok->is(tok::colon) && C.Tok->Next &&
+                           (C.Tok->Next->FakeLParens.size() == 0 ||
+                            C.Tok->Next->FakeLParens.back() !=
+                                    prec::Conditional)));
+                },
+                Changes, /*StartAt=*/0);
+  } else {
+    static auto AlignWrappedOperand = [](Change const &C) {
+      auto Previous = C.Tok->getPreviousNonComment();//Previous;
+      return C.NewlinesBefore && Previous && Previous->is(TT_ConditionalExpr) &&
+             (Previous->is(tok::question) ||
+              (Previous->is(tok::colon) &&
+               (C.Tok->FakeLParens.size() == 0 ||
+                C.Tok->FakeLParens.back() != prec::Conditional)));
+    };
+    // Ensure we keep alignment of wrapped operands with non-wrapped operands
+    // Since we actually align the operators, the wrapped operands need the
+    // extra offset to be properly aligned.
+    for (Change & C: Changes) {
+      if (AlignWrappedOperand(C))
+        C.StartOfTokenColumn -= 2;
+    }
+    AlignTokens(Style,
+                [this](Change const &C) {
+                  // Align question operators if next operand is not wrapped, as
+                  // well as wrapped operands after question operator or last
+                  // colon in conditional sequence
+                  return (C.Tok->is(TT_ConditionalExpr) &&
+                          C.Tok->is(tok::question) &&
+                          &C != &Changes.back() &&
+                          (&C + 1)->NewlinesBefore == 0 &&
+                          !(&C + 1)->IsTrailingComment) ||
+                         AlignWrappedOperand(C);
+                },
+                Changes, /*StartAt=*/0);
+  }
 void WhitespaceManager::alignTrailingComments() {
   unsigned MinColumn = 0;
   unsigned MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
Index: clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.h
--- clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.h
+++ clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.h
@@ -208,7 +208,8 @@
         LastOperatorWrapped(true), ContainsLineBreak(false),
         ContainsUnwrappedBuilder(false), AlignColons(true),
         ObjCSelectorNameFound(false), HasMultipleNestedBlocks(false),
-        NestedBlockInlined(false), IsInsideObjCArrayLiteral(false) {}
+        NestedBlockInlined(false), IsInsideObjCArrayLiteral(false),
+        IsChainedConditional(false) {}
   /// \brief The token opening this parenthesis level, or nullptr if this level
   /// is opened by fake parenthesis.
@@ -329,6 +330,10 @@
   /// array literal.
   bool IsInsideObjCArrayLiteral : 1;
+  /// \brief true if the current \c ParenState represents the false branch of
+  /// a chained conditional expression (e.g. else-if)
+  bool IsChainedConditional : 1;
   bool operator<(const ParenState &Other) const {
     if (Indent != Other.Indent)
       return Indent < Other.Indent;
@@ -366,6 +371,8 @@
       return ContainsUnwrappedBuilder;
     if (NestedBlockInlined != Other.NestedBlockInlined)
       return NestedBlockInlined;
+    if (IsChainedConditional != Other.IsChainedConditional)
+      return IsChainedConditional;
     return false;
Index: clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
--- clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
@@ -356,6 +356,12 @@
       State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter && !Current.isTrailingComment() &&
       !Current.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace))
     return true;
+  if (State.Stack.back().IsChainedConditional &&
+      ((Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators && Current.is(TT_ConditionalExpr) &&
+            Current.is(tok::colon)) ||
+       (!Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators && Previous.is(TT_ConditionalExpr) &&
+            Previous.is(tok::colon))))
+    return true;
   if (((Previous.is(TT_DictLiteral) && Previous.is(tok::l_brace)) ||
        (Previous.is(TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare) &&
         Previous.ParameterCount > 1) ||
@@ -997,8 +1003,20 @@
   if (State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn != 0 &&
       ((NextNonComment->is(tok::colon) &&
         NextNonComment->is(TT_ConditionalExpr)) ||
-       Previous.is(TT_ConditionalExpr)))
+       Previous.is(TT_ConditionalExpr))) {
+    if ((NextNonComment->is(tok::colon) && NextNonComment->Next &&
+         !NextNonComment->Next->FakeLParens.empty() &&
+         NextNonComment->Next->FakeLParens.back() == prec::Conditional) ||
+        (Previous.is(tok::colon) && !Current.FakeLParens.empty() &&
+         Current.FakeLParens.back() == prec::Conditional)) {
+      //NOTE: we may tweak this slightly:
+      //    * not remove the 'lead' ContinuationIndentWidth
+      //    * always un-indent by the operator when BreakBeforeTernaryOperators=true
+      unsigned Indent = State.Stack.back().Indent - Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+      return Indent;
+    }
     return State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn;
+  }
   if (Previous.is(tok::comma) && State.Stack.back().VariablePos != 0)
     return State.Stack.back().VariablePos;
   if ((PreviousNonComment &&
@@ -1243,6 +1261,7 @@
     NewParenState.Tok = nullptr;
     NewParenState.ContainsLineBreak = false;
     NewParenState.LastOperatorWrapped = true;
+    NewParenState.IsChainedConditional = false;
     NewParenState.NoLineBreak =
         NewParenState.NoLineBreak || State.Stack.back().NoLineBreakInOperand;
@@ -1275,14 +1294,19 @@
         Style.AlignAfterOpenBracket != FormatStyle::BAS_DontAlign)
       NewParenState.StartOfFunctionCall = State.Column;
-    // Always indent conditional expressions. Never indent expression where
-    // the 'operator' is ',', ';' or an assignment (i.e. *I <=
-    // prec::Assignment) as those have different indentation rules. Indent
-    // other expression, unless the indentation needs to be skipped.
-    if (*I == prec::Conditional ||
-        (!SkipFirstExtraIndent && *I > prec::Assignment &&
-         !Current.isTrailingComment()))
+    // Indent conditional expressions, unless they are chained "else-if"
+    // conditionals. Never indent expression where the 'operator' is ',', ';' or
+    // an assignment (i.e. *I <= prec::Assignment) as those have different
+    // indentation rules. Indent other expression, unless the indentation needs
+    // to be skipped.
+    if (*I == prec::Conditional && Previous && Previous->is(tok::colon) &&
+        Previous->is(TT_ConditionalExpr) && I == Current.FakeLParens.rbegin()) {
+      NewParenState.IsChainedConditional = true;
+    } else if (*I == prec::Conditional ||
+               (!SkipFirstExtraIndent && *I > prec::Assignment &&
+                !Current.isTrailingComment())) {
       NewParenState.Indent += Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+    }
     if ((Previous && !Previous->opensScope()) || *I != prec::Comma)
       NewParenState.BreakBeforeParameter = false;
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