ymandel marked 4 inline comments as done.
ymandel added a comment.

Thanks for the review!

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Stencil.h:181
+/// This supports user-defined extensions to the Stencil language.
+StencilPart run(MatchConsumer<std::string> C);
gribozavr wrote:
> ymandel wrote:
> > gribozavr wrote:
> > > We could reimplement all other stencils through `run()` and eliminate 
> > > `StencilPartInterface`. 
> > > 
> > > The idea is to make `StencilPart` contain a 
> > > `std::shared_ptr<MatchConsumer<std::string>>`. Then `run()` can be 
> > > implemented as creating a `StencilPart` directly, and everything else can 
> > > be implemented in terms of `run()`.
> > > 
> > > WDYT?
> > Answering both questions together: the equality function is designed to 
> > make testing of the format-string parser feasible (or, at least, 
> > reasonable).  As is, the only reason not to do what you suggest above is 
> > exactly the equality function -- otherwise, StencilPart is just 
> > `std::shared_ptr<MatchConsumer<std::string>>`.
> > 
> > I can also plausibly imagine that we'll extend the interface to include a 
> > "print" function as well at some point.  
> > 
> > However, currently the parser hasn't been upstreamed and the print function 
> > is only an idea, so it would be reasonable to drop `StencilPartInterface` 
> > and all the associated baggage and we could reinstate it later as needed.  
> > Or, if you can think of a good way to test the parser that doesn't require 
> > an equality function, that too would be convincing.
> Ilya suggested that rather than comparing objects, a better way is to compare 
> pretty-printed strings. First, it avoids the need for equality (which might 
> get used for other things), and second, test failures will be more debuggable 
> because we will have an obvious diff in the pretty printed string.
> With that, I agree that `StencilPartInterface` has to stay since we are going 
> to have at least two operations.
Yes, I like that!  Pretty printing has obvious other benefits, which equality 
doesn't.  Will do in followup patch. Thanks!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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