Hi Aaron,

I tried using this script to update a json dump test, and it seems to not
really work very well:

1) it's really inconvenient to invoke; you need to pass in a --clang, copy
some options out from two different places in the test file (from the RUN
line and from a "--filters" line), and guess how to form the proper command
line for the tool
2) it generates a file with the wrong name (adding a -json before the
3) it doesn't strip out the CHECK lines from the previous run of the tool
4) it adds in a bunch of trailing whitespace, causing the file to not match
the one in the repository

Have you had a chance to look at making this more usable? I think the
approach taken by utils/make-ast-dump-check.sh helps a lot: run the test in
its normal configuration to generate the output, and then replace FileCheck
with a tool that updates the CHECK lines instead of checking them. (That
saves you needing to pass in --clang and --opts, at least, and makes it
really easy to update a whole bunch of tests at once by running them all
with lit.)

On Wed, 19 Jun 2019 at 08:21, Aaron Ballman via cfe-commits <
cfe-commits@lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Author: aaronballman
> Date: Wed Jun 19 08:25:24 2019
> New Revision: 363820
> URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=363820&view=rev
> Log:
> Add a script to help generate expected test output for dumping the AST to
> Patch by Abhishek Bhaskar.
> Added:
>     cfe/trunk/test/AST/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py
> Added: cfe/trunk/test/AST/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py
> URL:
> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/test/AST/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py?rev=363820&view=auto
> ==============================================================================
> --- cfe/trunk/test/AST/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py (added)
> +++ cfe/trunk/test/AST/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py Wed Jun 19 08:25:24 2019
> @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python
> +
> +from collections import OrderedDict
> +from sets import Set
> +from shutil import copyfile
> +import argparse
> +import json
> +import os
> +import pprint
> +import re
> +import subprocess
> +
> +def normalize(dict_var):
> +    for k, v in dict_var.items():
> +        if isinstance(v, OrderedDict):
> +            normalize(v)
> +        elif isinstance(v, list):
> +            for e in v:
> +                if isinstance(e, OrderedDict):
> +                    normalize(e)
> +        elif type(v) is unicode:
> +            st = v.encode('utf-8')
> +            if re.match(r"0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+", v):
> +                dict_var[k] = u'0x{{.*}}'
> +            elif os.path.isfile(v):
> +                dict_var[k] = u'{{.*}}'
> +            else:
> +                splits = (v.split(u' '))
> +                out_splits = []
> +                for split in splits:
> +                    inner_splits = split.rsplit(u':',2)
> +                    if os.path.isfile(inner_splits[0]):
> +                        out_splits.append(
> +                            u'{{.*}}:%s:%s'
> +                            %(inner_splits[1],
> +                              inner_splits[2]))
> +                        continue
> +                    out_splits.append(split)
> +
> +                dict_var[k] = ' '.join(out_splits)
> +
> +def filter_json(dict_var, filters, out):
> +    for k, v in dict_var.items():
> +        if type(v) is unicode:
> +            st = v.encode('utf-8')
> +            if st in filters:
> +                out.append(dict_var)
> +                break
> +        elif isinstance(v, OrderedDict):
> +            filter_json(v, filters, out)
> +        elif isinstance(v, list):
> +            for e in v:
> +                if isinstance(e, OrderedDict):
> +                    filter_json(e, filters, out)
> +
> +def main():
> +    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
> +    parser.add_argument("--clang", help="The clang binary (could be a
> relative or absolute path)",
> +                        action="store", required=True)
> +    parser.add_argument("--opts", help="other options",
> +                        action="store", default='', type=str)
> +    parser.add_argument("--source", help="the source file. Command used
> to generate the json will be of the format <clang> -cc1 -ast-dump=json
> <opts> <source>",
> +                        action="store", required=True)
> +    parser.add_argument("--filters", help="comma separated list of AST
> filters. Ex: --filters=TypedefDecl,BuiltinType",
> +                        action="store", default='')
> +
> +    args = parser.parse_args()
> +
> +    if not args.source:
> +        print("Specify the source file to give to clang.")
> +        return -1
> +
> +    clang_binary = os.path.abspath(args.clang)
> +    if not os.path.isfile(clang_binary):
> +        print("clang binary specified not present.")
> +        return -1
> +
> +    options = args.opts.split(' ')
> +    filters = Set(args.filters.split(',')) if args.filters else Set([])
> +
> +    cmd = [clang_binary, "-cc1"]
> +    cmd.extend(options)
> +
> +    using_ast_dump_filter = 'ast-dump-filter' in args.opts
> +
> +    cmd.extend(["-ast-dump=json", args.source])
> +
> +    try:
> +        json_str = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
> +    except Exception as ex:
> +        print("The clang command failed with %s" % ex)
> +        return -1
> +
> +    out_asts = []
> +    if using_ast_dump_filter:
> +        splits = re.split('Dumping .*:\n', json_str)
> +        if len(splits) > 1:
> +            for split in splits[1:]:
> +                j = json.loads(split.decode('utf-8'),
> object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
> +                normalize(j)
> +                out_asts.append(j)
> +    else:
> +        j = json.loads(json_str.decode('utf-8'),
> object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
> +        normalize(j)
> +
> +        if len(filters) == 0:
> +            out_asts.append(j)
> +        else:
> +            #assert using_ast_dump_filter is False,\
> +            #    "Does not support using compiler's ast-dump-filter "\
> +            #    "and the tool's filter option at the same time yet."
> +
> +            filter_json(j, filters, out_asts)
> +
> +    partition = args.source.rpartition('.')
> +    dest_path = '%s-json%s%s' % (partition[0], partition[1], partition[2])
> +
> +    print("Writing json appended source file to %s." %(dest_path))
> +    copyfile(args.source, dest_path)
> +    with open(dest_path, "a") as f:
> +        for out_ast in out_asts:
> +            append_str = json.dumps(out_ast, indent=1, ensure_ascii=False)
> +            out_str = '\n\n'
> +            index = 0
> +            for append_line in append_str.splitlines()[2:]:
> +                if index == 0:
> +                    out_str += '// CHECK: %s\n' %(append_line)
> +                    index += 1
> +                else:
> +                    out_str += '// CHECK-NEXT: %s\n' %(append_line)
> +
> +            f.write(out_str)
> +
> +    return 0
> +
> +if __name__ == '__main__':
> +    main()
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