sammccall added a comment.

This is really cool! Hm, formatting is troublesome, well spotted :-)

As you're defining a generic mechanism, it'd be useful to have more examples to 
verify that this actually generalizes.
We might have to make them up (e.g. 

If we can't show it generalizes, then I think this would still be useful enough 
just to dispense with generality and add a "renameAt" extension to CodeAction 
or something like that.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.cpp:544
+const llvm::StringLiteral ClientCommand::LSP_RENAME = "lsp.rename";
(why would "lsp" be in these names - surely this is just rename?)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:765
+// Similar to Command, but this command is executed in the LSP client (clangd
+// extension).
(If there's precedent for others using a similar protocol, we should link to it)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:777
+  // each command has a certain llvm::Optional structure for its arguments.
+  llvm::Optional<Position> renamePosition; // for LSP_RENAME
couldn't we send a range here?
That would allow the client to skip prepareRename and still use its native UI.
(In principle. no need to actually implement this in vscode)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:807
+  /// A command that will be executed in the LSP client.
+  llvm::Optional<ClientCommand> clientCommand;
(mark extension here too).

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:894
+  /// (clangd extension).
+  llvm::Optional<ClientCommand> command;
So there's a few places that the command could be specified:
1. in the code action, as a thing to do at the end (above)
2. as a parameter, when the client executes a command and the server calls 
applyWorkspaceEdit (here)
3. as the return value from executeCommand

This patch implements 1 & 2. Why this choice? (easiest to prototype is a 
perfectly sensible answer)

1 is restricted to code actions.
2 & 3 are (practically) restricted to executeCommand.
2 is restricted to when edits are applied.

(To me, implementing just 1 or just 3 seem like the strongest options...)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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