Anastasia marked an inline comment as done.
Anastasia added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h:5363
+    if (ResultType.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::Default &&
+        (ResultType.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::opencl_private)) {
rjmccall wrote:
> Anastasia wrote:
> > I am trying to be a bit more helpful here although I am not sure if we 
> > should instead require explicit template parameter and fail the template 
> > deduction instead.
> > 
> > Basically, do we want the following code to always require specifying 
> > template argument explicitly:
> > 
> > 
> > ```
> > template <class T>
> > T xxx(T *in) {
> >   T *i = in;
> >   return *i;
> > }
> > 
> > __kernel void test() {
> >   int foo[10];
> >   xxx<int>(&foo[0]); // if we deduce type from foo, it ends up being 
> > qualified by __private that we currently diagnose. However private is 
> > default (implicit) address space for return type so technically there is no 
> > danger in just allowing xxx(&foo[0])
> > }
> > ```
> Implicitly ignoring all address-space qualifiers on the return type seems 
> like the right thing to do; I don't think it needs to be limited to 
> `__private`.  That's probably also the right thing to do for locals, but I'm 
> less certain about it.
Just to clarify by "Implicitly ignoring" you mean ignoring if the templ 
parameters were deduced?

Although I am a bit concerned about allowing other than `__private` address 
spaces in return types as we reject them in return types of functions 
generally. Would it not be somehow inconsistent?


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