hokein updated this revision to Diff 205963.
hokein added a comment.

Improve the tests.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang/lib/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.cpp
--- clang/lib/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.cpp
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
+const NamedDecl *RenameOccurrences::getRenameDecl() const { return ND; }
 RenameOccurrences::createSourceReplacements(RefactoringRuleContext &Context) {
   Expected<SymbolOccurrences> Occurrences = findSymbolOccurrences(ND, Context);
Index: clang/include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.h
--- clang/include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.h
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
   static const RefactoringDescriptor &describe();
+  const NamedDecl *getRenameDecl() const;
   RenameOccurrences(const NamedDecl *ND, std::string NewName)
       : ND(ND), NewName(std::move(NewName)) {}
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
 namespace clangd {
 namespace {
+MATCHER_P2(RenameRange, Code, Range, "") {
+  return replacementToEdit(Code, arg).range == Range;
 TEST(RenameTest, SingleFile) {
   struct Test {
     const char* Before;
@@ -87,6 +91,67 @@
+TEST(RenameTest, Renameable) {
+  // Test cases where the symbol is declared in header.
+  const char *Headers[] = {
+      R"cpp(// allow -- function-local
+        void f(int [[Lo^cal]]) {
+          [[Local]] = 2;
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      R"cpp(// allow -- symbol is indexable and has no refs in index.
+        void [[On^lyInThisFile]]();
+      )cpp",
+      R"cpp(// disallow -- symbol is indexable and has other refs in index.
+        void f() {
+          Out^side s;
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      R"cpp(// disallow -- symbol is not indexable.
+        namespace {
+        class Unin^dexable {};
+        }
+      )cpp",
+  };
+  const char *CommonHeader = "class Outside {};";
+  TestTU OtherFile = TestTU::withCode("Outside s;");
+  OtherFile.HeaderCode = CommonHeader;
+  OtherFile.Filename = "other.cc";
+  // The index has a "Outside" reference.
+  auto OtherFileIndex = OtherFile.index();
+  for (const char *Header : Headers) {
+    Annotations T(Header);
+    // We open the .h file as the main file.
+    TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(T.code());
+    TU.Filename = "test.h";
+    TU.HeaderCode = CommonHeader;
+    TU.ExtraArgs.push_back("-xc++");
+    auto AST = TU.build();
+    auto Results = renameWithinFile(AST, testPath(TU.Filename), T.point(),
+                                    "dummyNewName", OtherFileIndex.get());
+    bool WantRename = true;
+    if (T.ranges().empty())
+      WantRename = false;
+    if (!WantRename) {
+      EXPECT_FALSE(Results) << "expected renameWithinFile returned an error: "
+                            << T.code();
+      llvm::consumeError(Results.takeError());
+    } else {
+      EXPECT_TRUE(bool(Results)) << "renameWithinFile returned an error: "
+                                 << llvm::toString(Results.takeError());
+      std::vector<testing::Matcher<tooling::Replacement>> Expected;
+      for (const auto &R : T.ranges())
+        Expected.push_back(RenameRange(TU.Code, R));
+      EXPECT_THAT(*Results, UnorderedElementsAreArray(Expected));
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.h
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 /// Renames all occurrences of the symbol at \p Pos to \p NewName.
 /// Occurrences outside the current file are not modified.
-llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacements> renameWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST,
-                                                       llvm::StringRef File,
-                                                       Position Pos,
-                                                       llvm::StringRef NewName);
+/// Only support renaming symbols not being used outside the file.
+renameWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef File, Position Pos,
+                 llvm::StringRef NewName, const SymbolIndex *Index = nullptr);
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 #include "refactor/Rename.h"
+#include "AST.h"
+#include "Logger.h"
+#include "index/SymbolCollector.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/RefactoringResultConsumer.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.h"
@@ -46,11 +49,95 @@
   return Err;
+llvm::Optional<std::string> filePath(const SymbolLocation &Loc,
+                                     llvm::StringRef HintFilePath) {
+  if (!Loc)
+    return None;
+  auto Uri = URI::parse(Loc.FileURI);
+  if (!Uri) {
+    elog("Could not parse URI {0}: {1}", Loc.FileURI, Uri.takeError());
+    return None;
+  }
+  auto U = URIForFile::fromURI(*Uri, HintFilePath);
+  if (!U) {
+    elog("Could not resolve URI {0}: {1}", Loc.FileURI, U.takeError());
+    return None;
+  }
+  return U->file().str();
+// Query the index to get other file where the Decl is referenced.
+llvm::Optional<std::string> getOtherRefFile(const NamedDecl &Decl,
+                                            StringRef MainFile,
+                                            const SymbolIndex &Index) {
+  RefsRequest Req;
+  // We limit the number of results, this is a correctness/performance
+  // tradeoff. We expect the number of symbol references in the current file
+  // is smaller than the limit.
+  Req.Limit = 100;
+  if (auto ID = getSymbolID(&Decl))
+    Req.IDs.insert(*ID);
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> OtherFile;
+  Index.refs(Req, [&](const Ref &R) {
+    if (OtherFile)
+      return;
+    if (auto RefFilePath = filePath(R.Location, /*HintFilePath=*/MainFile)) {
+      if (*RefFilePath != MainFile)
+        OtherFile = *RefFilePath;
+    }
+  });
+  return OtherFile;
+enum ReasonToReject {
+  NoIndexProvided,
+  NonIndexable,
+  UsedOutsideFile,
+// Check the symbol Decl is renameable, details are:
+//   1. symbol declared in the main file (not a header) => allow
+//   2. symbol declared in the header
+//      1) symbol is function-local => allow
+//      2) symbol is not indexable => disallow
+//      3) symbol is indexable and has no refs in index => allow
+//      4) symbol is indexable and has refs from other files => disallow (for
+//         now)
+renamable(const NamedDecl &Decl, StringRef MainFile, const SymbolIndex *Index) {
+  auto &ASTCtx = Decl.getASTContext();
+  const auto &SM = ASTCtx.getSourceManager();
+  bool MainFileIsHeader = llvm::sys::path::extension(MainFile) == ".h";
+  bool DeclaredInMainFile =
+      SM.isWrittenInMainFile(SM.getExpansionLoc(Decl.getLocation()));
+  bool DeclaredInHeader =
+      !DeclaredInMainFile || (DeclaredInMainFile && MainFileIsHeader);
+  if (!DeclaredInHeader)
+    return None; // Case 1
+  if (Decl.getParentFunctionOrMethod())
+    return None; // Case 2.1: function-local
+  if (!Index)
+    return ReasonToReject::NoIndexProvided;
+  bool IsIndexable =
+      SymbolCollector::shouldCollectSymbol(Decl, ASTCtx, {}, false);
+  if (!IsIndexable)
+    return ReasonToReject::NonIndexable; // Case 2.2
+  // query index for xrefs. (not support for now)
+  auto OtherFile = getOtherRefFile(Decl, MainFile, *Index);
+  if (!OtherFile)
+    return None; // Case 2.3
+  return ReasonToReject::UsedOutsideFile; // Case 2.4
 } // namespace
 renameWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef File, Position Pos,
-                 llvm::StringRef NewName) {
+                 llvm::StringRef NewName, const SymbolIndex *Index) {
   RefactoringResultCollector ResultCollector;
   ASTContext &ASTCtx = AST.getASTContext();
   SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg = clangd::getBeginningOfIdentifier(
@@ -62,6 +149,25 @@
   if (!Rename)
     return expandDiagnostics(Rename.takeError(), ASTCtx.getDiagnostics());
+  const auto *RenameDecl = Rename->getRenameDecl();
+  assert(RenameDecl && "symbol must be found at this point");
+  if (auto Reject = renamable(*RenameDecl, File, Index)) {
+    auto Message = [](ReasonToReject Reason) {
+      switch (Reason) {
+      case NoIndexProvided:
+        return "no index is provided";
+      case UsedOutsideFile:
+        return "the symbol is used outside main file";
+      case NonIndexable:
+        return "the symbol is not indexable";
+      }
+      llvm_unreachable("unhandled reason kind");
+    };
+    return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+        llvm::formatv("reject to rename: {0}", Message(*Reject)),
+        llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+  }
   Rename->invoke(ResultCollector, Context);
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
@@ -277,12 +277,12 @@
 void ClangdServer::rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
                           Callback<std::vector<TextEdit>> CB) {
-  auto Action = [Pos](Path File, std::string NewName,
-                      Callback<std::vector<TextEdit>> CB,
-                      llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
+  auto Action = [Pos, this](Path File, std::string NewName,
+                            Callback<std::vector<TextEdit>> CB,
+                            llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
     if (!InpAST)
       return CB(InpAST.takeError());
-    auto Changes = renameWithinFile(InpAST->AST, File, Pos, NewName);
+    auto Changes = renameWithinFile(InpAST->AST, File, Pos, NewName, Index);
     if (!Changes)
       return CB(Changes.takeError());
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