hokein added a comment.

Thanks, I think we can simplify the interface further, see my comments inline.

The boundary of this patch seems unclear, currently it contains C++ APIs, and 
some implementations for semantic highlighting LSP. I think we should merely 
focus on the C++ APIs in this patch.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.cpp:32
+  void addSymbol(Decl *D, SemanticScope Scope) {
+    auto Loc = D->getLocation();
+    SemanticToken S;
Looks like the code doesn't handle the case where D is expanded from a macro 
(Loc is a macro location).

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.cpp:129
+std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> getSemanticScopes() {
+  return {{"variable"}, {"entity.name.function"}};
This is Textmate-specific, I think we should lift it to a new File 
(TextMate.cpp). We can do it in a separate patch.

I'd use a map to explicitly express the relationship between `SemanticScope` 
and TextMate scope, the current implementation is not obvious.

{SemanticScope::Function, "entity.name.function"},
{SemanticScope::Variable, "variable.other"},

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.cpp:133
+std::vector<LineHighlight> getASTHighlights(ASTContext &AST) {
+  SemanticSymbolASTCollector Collector(AST);
+  Collector.TraverseAST(AST);
We should only collect the highlights from the main AST, I think we should set 
traversal scope only to `localTopDecls` (use `ParsedAST` as parameter would 
help here)


Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:14
nit: the name of header guard doesn't reflect the file name.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:21
+#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
please clean-up your #includes:
-  Headers.h is unused
- we use RecursiveASTVisitor, Lexer in the .cpp file, we should include these 
headers in the .cpp file rather the `.h` file.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:26
+// ScopeIndex represents the mapping from the scopes list to a type of
+// expression.
The comment seems not very related to this structure.

We'd use this `enum` class to find a corresponding `TextMate` scope in the 
future, but this is implementation detail, the comment here should mention the 
high-level things about this structure.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:28
+// expression.
+enum class SemanticScope : int {
+  VariableDeclaration = 0,
TextMate is using the term `scope` for different tokens, but the scope has 
different meaning in C++ world (usually the namespace "ns::" of a symbol). I'd 
avoid using this word in the C++ interface.

Just `SemanticHighlightingKind`?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:29
+enum class SemanticScope : int {
+  VariableDeclaration = 0,
+  FunctionDeclaration = 1,
not exactly sure whether we should distinguish these cases at the moment 
(function declaration vs function calls, variable declaration vs variable 

I think we could just use `Variable`, `Function` at the beginning, and add more 
kinds afterwards.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:39
+  SemanticScope Scope;
+  Position StartPosition;
+  unsigned int Len;
instead of using `start position + length`, I'd use `Range R;`

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlight.h:61
+// ascending order by their coumn number.
+std::vector<LineHighlight> getASTHighlights(ASTContext &AST);
+std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> getSemanticScopes();
I'd drop the `AST` word, how about naming it "getSemanticHighlights"?

I think we can just return "vector<HighlightingToken>", and we could we could 
group them by line when returning a LSP result. 

The function parameter should be `ParsedAST`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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