gribozavr added a comment.

Very nice testing approach!

Comment at: clang/include/clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h:20
+/// Provides notifications for file changes in a directory.
+/// Invokes client-provided function on every filesystem event in the watched
Looks like triple slashes on empty lines got removed, splitting the doc comment.

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:40
+// FDRead.
+// Currently used just for one-off termination signal.
+struct SemaphorPipe {
Three slashes for doc comments?

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:40
+// FDRead.
+// Currently used just for one-off termination signal.
+struct SemaphorPipe {
gribozavr wrote:
> Three slashes for doc comments?
Don't write what something is used for currently, such comments go out of date 
quickly.  (Just delete the last sentence.)

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:41
+// Currently used just for one-off termination signal.
+struct SemaphorPipe {
+  // Expecting two file-descriptors opened as a pipe in the canonical POSIX

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:42
+struct SemaphorPipe {
+  // Expecting two file-descriptors opened as a pipe in the canonical POSIX
+  // order: pipefd[0] refers to the read end of the pipe. pipefd[1] refers to

Three slashes for doc comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:49
+    assert(Result != -1);
+  };
+  ~SemaphorPipe() {
Extra semicolon.

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:52
+    close(FDWrite);
+    close(FDRead);
+  }
Since it closes the file descriptors in the destructor, I feel like it should 
also be responsible for calling `pipe` in the constructor.

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:58
+// Mutex-protected queue of Events.
+class EventQueue {
Three slashes for doc comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp:120
+  // Consuming inotify events and pushing events to the Queue.
+  void InotifyPollingLoop();
"consumes", "pushes"

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:109
+  // This method is used by DirectoryWatcher
+  void consume(DirectoryWatcher::Event E, bool IsInitial) {
Please add a period at the end of the comment (everywhere in the patch).

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:153
+  // Not locking - caller has to lock Mtx
+  llvm::Optional<bool> Result() const {
+    if (ExpectedInitial.empty() && ExpectedNonInitial.empty() &&
Please name functions consistently -- there's both `consume()` that starts with 
lowercase, and `Result()` that starts with uppercase.

Please refer to the current naming rules in the style guide and apply 
everywhere in the patch.

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:210
+  // TestConsumer didn't reach the expected state in given time.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForExpectedStateResult.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(3)) ==
"If the following assertions fail, it is a sign that ..."

Also you can stream the message into the EXPECT_TRUE, it will be printed if the 
assertion fails.

EXPECT_TRUE(...) << "whatever";

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:224
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, initialScanSync) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
Test names start with an uppercase letter (`InitialScanSync`).  Please apply 
everywhere in the patch.

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:243
+      },
+      true);
Add /*waitForInitialSync=*/ ?  (everywhere in the patch)

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:304
+      {
+          {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Modified, "a"},
+      }};
Delete the comma and wrap onto one line.

Comment at: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp:419
+    std::error_code setTimeRes = 
llvm::sys::fs::setLastAccessAndModificationTime(FD, NewTimePt,
+                                                            NewTimePt);
80 columns.


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