beanz added a comment.

In D61909#1510975 <>, @E5ten wrote:

> @beanz But if libclang_shared is intended to be a shippable binary and 
> BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is only intended to be an option used in developer builds, 
> and libclang_shared while not causing conflicts (thanks for the info on how 
> that works by the way) would be redundant in a local developer build one 
> would see BUILD_SHARED_LIBS enabled in wouldn't it? And also to me it doesn't 
> really make sense to enable the intended shippable binary in a build that is 
> specifically enabling a developer option, and so is obviously not intended 
> for shipment (I get that in the arch case it is intended for shipment but 
> that case is them using an option they shouldn't not the option being one 
> that should be used when the built products are intended for redistribution).

Best way to make sure a shippable binary builds and works is for developers to 
be building it. In general we should avoid developers doing things that aren't 
representative of what we expect to be in the hands of users. 
`BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` is an unusual exception to this that I wish would go away. 
The reason we keep it around is because of how significant of a workflow 
improvement it provides.

  rC Clang


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