jkorous updated this revision to Diff 199712.
jkorous added a comment.

A major clean-up.



- specification, documentation, tests
- returning only filenames instead of paths (or empty string when the event is 
related to the watched dir itself)
- removed unsound event deduplication during/right after the initial scan
- simplified how is OS-specific implementation selected


- properly terminating threads
- added pthreads to fix shared libs build


- simplified synchronization by removing semaphores
- workarounds in FSEvents use

I am not entirely happy about my tests - since we're handling notifications 
from kernel asynchronously it's hard to write a deterministic test. I just use 
some 100 ms sleeps as a workaround. Happy to use something more robust if 
anyone has some ideas. Tests seem fine with msan & tsan on linux and tsan on 
macos but given their scope it doesn't mean that much.




Index: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+//===- unittests/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp ----------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Mutex.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <thread>
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::sys;
+using namespace llvm::sys::fs;
+using namespace clang;
+namespace clang {
+static bool operator==(const DirectoryWatcher::Event &lhs,
+                       const DirectoryWatcher::Event &rhs) {
+  return lhs.Filename == rhs.Filename &&
+         static_cast<int>(lhs.Kind) == static_cast<int>(rhs.Kind);
+} // namespace clang
+namespace {
+// Intentionally trivial - expecting just a very small numbers of events.
+class TestEventConsumer {
+  std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> InitialEvents;
+  std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> NonInitialEvents;
+  sys::Mutex Mtx;
+  // Expecting only very small sets - don't bother with anything smart.
+  static bool
+  AreExpectedPresent(const std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> &actual,
+                     const std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> &expected) {
+    for (const auto &e : expected) {
+      if (std::find(actual.begin(), actual.end(), e) == actual.end())
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void push(llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events, bool isInitial) {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    if (isInitial) {
+      for (const auto &E : Events)
+        InitialEvents.push_back(E);
+    } else {
+      for (const auto &E : Events)
+        NonInitialEvents.push_back(E);
+    }
+  }
+  std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> getInitialEvents() {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    return InitialEvents;
+  }
+  std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> getNonInitialEvents() {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    return NonInitialEvents;
+  }
+  // Fool-proof way how to compare.
+  bool AreExpectedPresentInInitial(
+      const std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> &expected) {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    return AreExpectedPresent(InitialEvents, expected);
+  }
+  // Fool-proof way how to compare.
+  bool AreExpectedPresentInNonInitial(
+      const std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> &expected) {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    return AreExpectedPresent(NonInitialEvents, expected);
+  }
+struct DirectoryWatcherTestFixture {
+  std::string TestRootDir;
+  std::string TestWatchedDir;
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture() {
+    SmallString<128> pathBuf;
+    assert(!createUniqueDirectory("dirwatcher", pathBuf));
+    TestRootDir = pathBuf.str();
+    path::append(pathBuf, "watch");
+    TestWatchedDir = pathBuf.str();
+    assert(!create_directory(TestWatchedDir, false));
+  }
+  ~DirectoryWatcherTestFixture() { remove_directories(TestRootDir); }
+  SmallString<128> getPathInWatched(const std::string &testFile) {
+    SmallString<128> pathBuf;
+    pathBuf = TestWatchedDir;
+    path::append(pathBuf, testFile);
+    return pathBuf;
+  }
+  void addFile(const std::string &testFile) {
+    Expected<file_t> ft = openNativeFileForWrite(getPathInWatched(testFile),
+                                                 CD_CreateNew, OF_None);
+    if (ft) {
+      closeFile(*ft);
+    } else {
+      llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(ft.takeError()) << "\n";
+      llvm::errs() << getPathInWatched(testFile) << "\n";
+      llvm_unreachable("Couldn't create test file.");
+    }
+  }
+  void deleteFile(const std::string &testFile) {
+    std::error_code EC =
+        remove(getPathInWatched(testFile), /*IgnoreNonExisting=*/false);
+  }
+void WaitForAsync() {
+  // This is just a heuristic - trying to wait for changes to FS to propagate so
+  // the async event handling picks them up. Can make this test flaky.
+  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); // 0.1s
+} // namespace
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, initialScanSync) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  fixture.addFile("a");
+  fixture.addFile("b");
+  fixture.addFile("c");
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  std::string error;
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/true, error);
+  assert(error.empty());
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 3u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "a"},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "b"},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "c"}}));
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, initialScanAsync) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  fixture.addFile("a");
+  fixture.addFile("b");
+  fixture.addFile("c");
+  // Don't want duplicate events during initial scan.
+  WaitForAsync();
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  std::string error;
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/false, error);
+  assert(error.empty());
+  // Wait for async scan to finish.
+  WaitForAsync();
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 3u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "a"},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "b"},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "c"}}));
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, addFiles) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  std::string error;
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/true, error);
+  assert(error.empty());
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  // Wait for async events to be processed.
+  WaitForAsync();
+  fixture.addFile("a");
+  fixture.addFile("b");
+  fixture.addFile("c");
+  // Wait for async events to be processed.
+  WaitForAsync();
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 3u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInNonInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "a"},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "b"},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, "c"}}));
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, modifyFile) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  fixture.addFile("b");
+  WaitForAsync();
+  std::string error;
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/true, error);
+  assert(error.empty());
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 1u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  // modify the file
+  {
+    std::error_code error;
+    llvm::raw_fd_ostream bStream(fixture.getPathInWatched("b"), error,
+                                 CD_OpenExisting);
+    assert(!error);
+    bStream << "foo";
+  }
+  WaitForAsync();
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 1u);
+  EXPECT_GT(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInNonInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Modified, "b"}}));
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, deleteFile) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  fixture.addFile("a");
+  fixture.addFile("b");
+  fixture.addFile("c");
+  WaitForAsync();
+  std::string error;
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/true, error);
+  assert(error.empty());
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 3u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  fixture.deleteFile("b");
+  WaitForAsync();
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 3u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 1u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInNonInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Removed, "b"}}));
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, deleteWatchedDir) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  std::string error;
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/true, error);
+  assert(error.empty());
+  remove_directories(fixture.TestWatchedDir);
+  WaitForAsync();
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 2u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInNonInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::DirectoryDeleted, ""},
+       {DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""}}));
+TEST(DirectoryWatcherTest, InvalidatedWatcher) {
+  DirectoryWatcherTestFixture fixture;
+  TestEventConsumer eventConsumer;
+  std::string error;
+  auto receiver =
+      [&eventConsumer](llvm::ArrayRef<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events,
+                       bool isInitial) {
+        eventConsumer.push(Events, isInitial);
+      };
+  auto DW = createDirectoryWatcher(fixture.TestWatchedDir, receiver,
+                                   /*waitInitialSync=*/true, error);
+  WaitForAsync();
+  DW.reset();
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getInitialEvents().size(), 0u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(eventConsumer.getNonInitialEvents().size(), 1u);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(eventConsumer.AreExpectedPresentInNonInitial(
+      {{DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""}}));
\ No newline at end of file
Index: clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/CMakeLists.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/unittests/DirectoryWatcher/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  Support
+  )
+  DirectoryWatcherTest.cpp
+  )
+  clangDirectoryWatcher
+  clangBasic
+  )
+  check_include_files("CoreServices/CoreServices.h" HAVE_CORESERVICES_H)
+    set(DWT_LINK_FLAGS "${DWT_LINK_FLAGS} -framework CoreServices")
+    set_property(TARGET DirectoryWatcherTests APPEND_STRING PROPERTY
+                 LINK_FLAGS ${DWT_LINK_FLAGS})
+  endif()
Index: clang/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,5 +30,6 @@
Index: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/mac/DirectoryWatcher-mac.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/mac/DirectoryWatcher-mac.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+//===- DirectoryWatcher-mac.cpp - Mac-platform directory watching ---------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "DirectoryScanner.h"
+#include "clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+static FSEventStreamRef createFSEventStream(StringRef Path,
+                                            DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver,
+                                            dispatch_queue_t);
+static void stopFSEventStream(FSEventStreamRef);
+namespace {
+class DirectoryWatcherMac : public clang::DirectoryWatcher {
+  DirectoryWatcherMac(FSEventStreamRef EventStream,
+                      DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+                      llvm::StringRef WatchedDirPath)
+      : EventStream(EventStream), Receiver(Receiver),
+        WatchedDirPath(WatchedDirPath) {}
+  ~DirectoryWatcherMac() override {
+    stopFSEventStream(EventStream);
+    EventStream = nullptr;
+    // Now it's safe to use Receiver as the only other concurrent use would have
+    // been in EventStream processing.
+    Receiver(DirectoryWatcher::Event(
+                 DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""),
+             false);
+  }
+  FSEventStreamRef EventStream;
+  DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver;
+  const std::string WatchedDirPath;
+struct EventStreamContextData {
+  std::string WatchedPath;
+  DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver;
+  EventStreamContextData(std::string &&WatchedPath,
+                         DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver)
+      : WatchedPath(std::move(WatchedPath)), Receiver(Receiver) {}
+  // Needed for FSEvents
+  static void dispose(const void *ctx) {
+    delete static_cast<const EventStreamContextData *>(ctx);
+  }
+} // namespace
+constexpr const FSEventStreamEventFlags StreamInvalidatingFlags =
+    kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped | kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped |
+    kFSEventStreamEventFlagMustScanSubDirs;
+static void eventStreamCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef Stream,
+                                void *ClientCallBackInfo, size_t NumEvents,
+                                void *EventPaths,
+                                const FSEventStreamEventFlags EventFlags[],
+                                const FSEventStreamEventId EventIds[]) {
+  auto *ctx = static_cast<EventStreamContextData *>(ClientCallBackInfo);
+  std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < NumEvents; ++i) {
+    StringRef Path = ((const char **)EventPaths)[i];
+    const FSEventStreamEventFlags Flags = EventFlags[i];
+    if (Flags & StreamInvalidatingFlags) {
+      Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event{
+          DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""});
+      break;
+    } else if (!(Flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsFile)) {
+      // Subdirectories aren't supported - if some directory got removed it
+      // must've been the watched directory itself.
+      if ((Flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved) &&
+          Path == ctx->WatchedPath) {
+        Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event{
+            DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::DirectoryDeleted, ""});
+        Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event{
+            DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""});
+        break;
+      }
+    } else if (Flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified) {
+      // WORKAROUND: Event can have both kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified and
+      // kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated flags set for a file that was
+      // modified - we must check for flag Modified first.
+      // rdar://problem/50825999
+      Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Modified,
+                          llvm::sys::path::filename(Path));
+    } else if (Flags & (kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated |
+                        kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRenamed)) {
+      // NOTE: With low latency sometimes for a file that is moved inside the
+      // directory, or for a file that is removed from the directory, the flags
+      // have both 'renamed' and 'removed'. We use getting the file status as a
+      // way to distinguish between the two.
+      if (!getFileStatus(Path))
+        Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Removed,
+                            llvm::sys::path::filename(Path));
+      else
+        Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added,
+                            llvm::sys::path::filename(Path));
+    } else if (Flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved) {
+      Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Removed,
+                          llvm::sys::path::filename(Path));
+    } else {
+      Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event{
+          DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""});
+      llvm_unreachable("Unknown FSEvent type.");
+    }
+  }
+  if (!Events.empty()) {
+    ctx->Receiver(Events, /*isInitial=*/false);
+  }
+createFSEventStream(StringRef Path,
+                    clang::DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+                    dispatch_queue_t Queue) {
+  if (Path.empty())
+    return nullptr;
+  CFMutableArrayRef PathsToWatch = [&]() {
+    CFMutableArrayRef PathsToWatch =
+        CFArrayCreateMutable(nullptr, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+    CFStringRef CfPathStr =
+        CFStringCreateWithBytes(nullptr, (const UInt8 *)Path.data(),
+                                Path.size(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
+    CFArrayAppendValue(PathsToWatch, CfPathStr);
+    CFRelease(CfPathStr);
+    return PathsToWatch;
+  }();
+  FSEventStreamContext Context = [&]() {
+    std::string RealPath;
+    {
+      SmallString<128> Storage;
+      StringRef P = llvm::Twine(Path).toNullTerminatedStringRef(Storage);
+      char Buffer[PATH_MAX];
+      if (::realpath(P.begin(), Buffer) != nullptr)
+        RealPath = Buffer;
+      else
+        RealPath = Path;
+    }
+    FSEventStreamContext Context;
+    Context.version = 0;
+    Context.info = new EventStreamContextData(std::move(RealPath), Receiver);
+    Context.retain = nullptr;
+    Context.release = EventStreamContextData::dispose;
+    Context.copyDescription = nullptr;
+    return Context;
+  }();
+  FSEventStreamRef Result = FSEventStreamCreate(
+      nullptr, eventStreamCallback, &Context, PathsToWatch,
+      kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, /* latency in seconds */ 0.0,
+      kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents | kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer);
+  CFRelease(PathsToWatch);
+  return Result;
+void stopFSEventStream(FSEventStreamRef EventStream) {
+  if (!EventStream)
+    return;
+  FSEventStreamStop(EventStream);
+  FSEventStreamInvalidate(EventStream);
+  FSEventStreamRelease(EventStream);
+clang::createDirectoryWatcher(StringRef Path,
+                              DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+                              bool WaitInitialSync, std::string &Error) {
+  dispatch_queue_t Queue =
+      dispatch_queue_create("DirectoryWatcher", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
+  auto EventStream = createFSEventStream(Path, Receiver, Queue);
+  if (!EventStream) {
+    raw_string_ostream(Error)
+        << "failed to setup FSEvents stream for path: " << Path;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  std::unique_ptr<DirectoryWatcher> Result(
+      new DirectoryWatcherMac(EventStream, Receiver, Path));
+  // We need to copy the data so the lifetime is ok after a const copy is made
+  // for the block.
+  const std::string CopiedPath = Path;
+  auto InitWork = ^{
+    // We need to start watching the directory before we start scanning in order
+    // to not miss any event. By dispatching this on the same serial Queue as
+    // the FSEvents will be handled we manage to start watching BEFORE the
+    // inital scan and handling events ONLY AFTER the scan finishes.
+    FSEventStreamSetDispatchQueue(EventStream, Queue);
+    FSEventStreamStart(EventStream);
+    // We need to decrement the ref count for Queue as initialize() will return
+    // and FSEvents has incremented it. Since we have to wait for FSEvents to
+    // take ownership it's the easiest to do it here rather than main thread.
+    dispatch_release(Queue);
+    Receiver(getAsFileEvents(scanDirectory(CopiedPath)), /*isInitial=*/true);
+  };
+  if (WaitInitialSync) {
+    dispatch_sync(Queue, InitWork);
+  } else {
+    dispatch_async(Queue, InitWork);
+  }
+  return Result;
Index: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+//===- DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp - Linux-platform directory watching -----===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "DirectoryScanner.h"
+#include "clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Errno.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Mutex.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <queue>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <sys/inotify.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace {
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang;
+// Simple mutex-protected queue of Events.
+class EventQueue {
+  sys::Mutex Mtx;
+  std::queue<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events;
+  void push_back(const DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind K,
+                 StringRef Filename) {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    Events.emplace(K, Filename);
+  }
+  llvm::Optional<DirectoryWatcher::Event> pop_front() {
+    sys::ScopedLock L(Mtx);
+    if (Events.empty()) {
+      return llvm::None;
+    } else {
+      DirectoryWatcher::Event Front = Events.front();
+      Events.pop();
+      return Front;
+    }
+  }
+class DirectoryWatcherLinux : public clang::DirectoryWatcher {
+  DirectoryWatcherLinux(llvm::StringRef WatchedDirPath,
+                        DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+                        bool WaitInitialSync, int InotifyFD, int InotifyWD);
+  ~DirectoryWatcherLinux() override {
+    Stop = true;
+    InotifyPollingThread.join();
+    ReceivingThread.join();
+    // Now it's safe to use Receiver as the only other concurrent use would have
+    // been in ReceivingThread.
+    Receiver(DirectoryWatcher::Event(
+                 DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated, ""),
+             false);
+    inotify_rm_watch(InotifyFD, InotifyWD);
+    llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal(-1, close, InotifyFD);
+  }
+  void HandleFailureInPollingThread() {
+    Queue.push_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated,
+                    "");
+    Failure = true;
+    Stop = true;
+  }
+  // inotify file descriptor
+  int InotifyFD = -1;
+  // inotify watch descriptor
+  int InotifyWD = -1;
+  EventQueue Queue;
+  // flag used for stopping all async acions
+  std::atomic<bool> Stop;
+  // If failure happens in the polling thread we need to notify client by
+  // sending him WatcherGotInvalidated event in the ReceivingThread.
+  std::atomic<bool> Failure;
+  std::atomic<bool> FinishedInitScan;
+  // Make sure lifetime of Receiver fully contains lifetime of ReceivingThread.
+  DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver;
+  std::thread InotifyPollingThread;
+  // Does the initial scan of the directory and then keeps processing events
+  // received from inotify.
+  std::thread ReceivingThread;
+    StringRef WatchedDirPath, DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+    bool WaitInitialSync, int InotifyFD, int InotifyWD)
+    : InotifyFD(InotifyFD), InotifyWD(InotifyWD), Stop(false), Failure(false),
+      FinishedInitScan(false), Receiver(Receiver),
+      InotifyPollingThread([this, InotifyFD]() {
+        // We want to be able to read ~30 events at once even in the worst case
+        // (obscenely long filenames).
+        constexpr size_t EventBufferLength =
+            30 * (sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1);
+        // http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/inotify.7.html
+        /* Some systems cannot read integer variables if they are not
+        properly aligned. On other systems, incorrect alignment may
+        decrease performance. Hence, the buffer used for reading from
+        the inotify file descriptor should have the same alignment as
+        struct inotify_event. */
+        char Buf[EventBufferLength]
+            __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__(struct inotify_event))));
+        struct pollfd PollReq;
+        PollReq.fd = InotifyFD;
+        PollReq.events = POLLIN;
+        const int TimeoutMs = 1;
+        while (true) {
+          if (Stop)
+            return;
+          // Keep checking if we received any new event but don't block forever
+          // and check the terminating variable.
+          while (true) {
+            if (Stop)
+              return;
+            const int PollResult = poll(&PollReq, 1, TimeoutMs);
+            // There are inotify events waiting to be read!
+            if (PollResult == 1 && PollReq.revents == POLLIN)
+              break;
+            // We just hit the timeout - get back to waiting.
+            if (PollResult == 0)
+              continue;
+            // We just got interrupted by a signal - get back to waiting for
+            // inotify events.
+            if (PollResult == -1 && errno == EINTR)
+              continue;
+            // Something is badly wrong - e. g. EFAULT or POLLERR.
+            HandleFailureInPollingThread();
+            return;
+          }
+          ssize_t NumRead = llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal(
+              -1, read, InotifyFD, reinterpret_cast<char *>(Buf),
+              EventBufferLength);
+          for (char *p = Buf; p < Buf + NumRead;) {
+            if (p + sizeof(struct inotify_event) > Buf + NumRead) {
+              HandleFailureInPollingThread();
+              llvm_unreachable("an incomplete inotify_event was read");
+              return;
+            }
+            struct inotify_event *Event =
+                reinterpret_cast<struct inotify_event *>(p);
+            p += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + Event->len;
+            if (Event->mask &
+                    (IN_CREATE | IN_MODIFY | IN_MOVED_TO | IN_DELETE) &&
+                Event->len <= 0) {
+              HandleFailureInPollingThread();
+              llvm_unreachable("expected a filename from inotify");
+              return;
+            }
+            if (Event->mask & IN_MODIFY) {
+              Queue.push_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Modified,
+                              Event->name);
+            } else if (Event->mask & (IN_CREATE | IN_MOVED_TO)) {
+              Queue.push_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added,
+                              Event->name);
+            } else if (Event->mask & (IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM)) {
+              Queue.push_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Removed,
+                              Event->name);
+            } else if (Event->mask & (IN_DELETE_SELF | IN_MOVE_SELF)) {
+              Queue.push_back(
+                  DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::DirectoryDeleted, "");
+              Queue.push_back(
+                  DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated,
+                  "");
+              Stop = true;
+              return;
+            } else if (Event->mask & IN_IGNORED) {
+              Queue.push_back(
+                  DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated,
+                  "");
+              Stop = true;
+              return;
+            } else {
+              HandleFailureInPollingThread();
+              llvm_unreachable("Unknown event type.");
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }),
+      ReceivingThread([this, WatchedDirPath]() {
+        // Initial scan of watched directory first ...
+        this->Receiver(getAsFileEvents(scanDirectory(WatchedDirPath)),
+                       /*isInitial=*/true);
+        FinishedInitScan = true;
+        // ... inotify-originated events processing ever after.
+        while (true) {
+          bool GotEvent = false;
+          // By processing all the events in the queue we make sure that we
+          // don't miss any important closing event (DirectoryDeleted etc).
+          while (llvm::Optional<DirectoryWatcher::Event> MaybeEvent =
+                     this->Queue.pop_front()) {
+            this->Receiver(MaybeEvent.getValue(), false);
+            GotEvent = true;
+          };
+          if (!GotEvent) {
+            if (Stop)
+              break;
+            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+          }
+        }
+        if (Failure) {
+          this->Receiver(
+              {DirectoryWatcher::Event(
+                  DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::WatcherGotInvalidated,
+                  "")},
+              false);
+        }
+      }) {
+  while (WaitInitialSync && !Stop && !FinishedInitScan) {
+    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+  }
+} // namespace
+clang::createDirectoryWatcher(StringRef Path,
+                              DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+                              bool WaitInitialSync, std::string &ErrorMsg) {
+  auto error = [&](StringRef msg) {
+    ErrorMsg = msg;
+    ErrorMsg += ": ";
+    ErrorMsg += llvm::sys::StrError();
+    return nullptr;
+  };
+  const int InotifyFD = inotify_init();
+  if (InotifyFD == -1)
+    return error("inotify_init failed");
+  const int InotifyWD = inotify_add_watch(
+      InotifyFD, Path.str().c_str(),
+  if (InotifyWD == -1)
+    return error("inotify_add_watch failed");
+  return std::unique_ptr<clang::DirectoryWatcher>(new DirectoryWatcherLinux(
+      Path, Receiver, WaitInitialSync, InotifyFD, InotifyWD));
\ No newline at end of file
Index: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryScanner.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryScanner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//===- DirectoryScanner.h - Utility functions for DirectoryWatcher --------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+/// Gets names (filenames) of items in directory at \p Path.
+/// \returns empty vector if \p Path is not a directory, doesn't exist or can't
+/// be read from.
+std::vector<std::string> scanDirectory(llvm::StringRef Path);
+/// Create event with EventKind::Added for every element in \p Scan.
+getAsFileEvents(const std::vector<std::string> &Scan);
+/// Gets status of file (or directory) at \p Path.
+/// \returns llvm::None if \p Path doesn't exist or can't get the status.
+llvm::Optional<llvm::sys::fs::file_status> getFileStatus(llvm::StringRef Path);
+} // namespace clang
\ No newline at end of file
Index: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryScanner.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryScanner.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+//===- DirectoryScanner.cpp - Utility functions for DirectoryWatcher ------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "DirectoryScanner.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+namespace clang {
+using namespace llvm;
+Optional<sys::fs::file_status> getFileStatus(StringRef Path) {
+  sys::fs::file_status Status;
+  std::error_code EC = status(Path, Status);
+  if (EC)
+    return None;
+  return Status;
+std::vector<std::string> scanDirectory(StringRef Path) {
+  using namespace llvm::sys;
+  std::vector<std::string> Result;
+  std::error_code EC;
+  for (auto It = fs::directory_iterator(Path, EC),
+            End = fs::directory_iterator();
+       !EC && It != End; It.increment(EC)) {
+    auto status = getFileStatus(It->path());
+    if (!status.hasValue())
+      continue;
+    Result.emplace_back(sys::path::filename(It->path()));
+  }
+  return Result;
+getAsFileEvents(const std::vector<std::string> &Scan) {
+  std::vector<DirectoryWatcher::Event> Events;
+  Events.reserve(Scan.size());
+  for (const auto &File : Scan) {
+    Events.emplace_back(DirectoryWatcher::Event{
+        DirectoryWatcher::Event::EventKind::Added, File});
+  }
+  return Events;
+} // namespace clang
\ No newline at end of file
Index: clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/CMakeLists.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/lib/DirectoryWatcher/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set(DIRECTORY_WATCHER_SOURCES DirectoryScanner.cpp)
+  check_include_files("CoreServices/CoreServices.h" HAVE_CORESERVICES)
+    list(APPEND DIRECTORY_WATCHER_SOURCES mac/DirectoryWatcher-mac.cpp)
+  endif()
+  check_include_files("sys/inotify.h" HAVE_INOTIFY)
+    list(APPEND DIRECTORY_WATCHER_SOURCES linux/DirectoryWatcher-linux.cpp)
+    find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
+  endif()
+  )
+set_property(TARGET clangDirectoryWatcher APPEND_STRING PROPERTY
\ No newline at end of file
Index: clang/lib/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang/lib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
Index: clang/include/clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/include/clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+//===- DirectoryWatcher.h - Listens for directory file changes --*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+/// Provides notifications for file changes in a directory.
+/// Invokes client-provided function on every filesystem event in the watched
+/// directory. Initially the the watched directory is scanned and for every file
+/// found, an event is synthesized as if the file was added.
+/// This is not a general purpose directory monitoring tool - list of
+/// limitations follows.
+/// Only flat directories with no subdirectories are supported. In case
+/// subdirectories are present the behavior is undefined - events *might* be
+/// passed to Receiver on macOS (due to FSEvents being used) while they
+/// *probably* won't be passed on Linux (due to inotify being used).
+/// Known potential inconsistencies
+/// - For files that are deleted befor the initial scan processed them, clients
+/// might receive Removed notification without any prior Added notification.
+/// - Multiple notifications might be produced when a file is added to the
+/// watched directory during the initial scan. We are choosing the lesser evil
+/// here as the only known alternative strategy would be to invalidate the
+/// watcher instance and force user to create a new one whenever filesystem
+/// event occurs during the initial scan but that would introduce continuous
+/// restarting failure mode (watched directory is not always "owned" by the same
+/// process that is consuming it). Since existing clients can handle duplicate
+/// events well, we decided for simplicity.
+/// Notifications are provided only for changes done through local user-space
+/// filesystem interface. Specifically, it's undefined if notification would be
+/// provided in case of a:
+/// - a file mmap-ed and changed
+/// - a file changed via remote (NFS) or virtual (/proc) FS access to monitored
+/// directory
+/// - another filesystem mounted to the watched directory
+/// No support for LLVM VFS.
+/// Directories containing "too many" files and/or receiving events "too
+/// frequently" are not supported - if the initial scan can't be finished before
+/// the watcher instance gets invalidated (see WatcherGotInvalidated) there's no
+/// good error handling strategy - the only option for client is to destroy the
+/// watcher, restart watching with new instance and hope it won't repeat.
+class DirectoryWatcher {
+  struct Event {
+    enum class EventKind {
+      /// A file was added to the directory.
+      /// If a file gets moved into the directory and replaces an existing file
+      /// with the same name an 'Added' event will be generated.
+      /// If a file gets replaced multiple times within a short time period, it
+      /// may result in only one 'Added' event due to coalescing by the file
+      /// system notification mechanism.
+      Added,
+      /// A file was removed.
+      Removed,
+      /// A file was modified.
+      Modified,
+      /// The watched directory got deleted.
+      DirectoryDeleted,
+      /// The DirectoryWatcher that originated this event is no longer valid and
+      /// it's behavior is undefined.
+      /// The prime case is kernel signalling to OS-specific implementation of
+      /// DirectoryWatcher some resource limit being hit.
+      /// *Usually* kernel starts dropping or squashing events together after
+      /// that and so would DirectoryWatcher. This means that *some* events
+      /// might still be passed to Receiver but this behavior is undefined.
+      /// The only proper response to this kind of event is to destruct the
+      /// originating DirectoryWatcher instance and create a new one.
+      /// Another case is after the watched directory itself is deleted.
+      /// WatcherGotInvalidated will be received at least once during
+      /// DirectoryWatcher instance lifetime - when handling errors this is done
+      /// on best effort basis, when an instance is being destoryed then this is
+      /// guaranteed.
+      WatcherGotInvalidated
+    };
+    EventKind Kind;
+    /// Filename - a relative path to the watched directory or empty string in
+    /// case event is related to the directory itself.
+    std::string Filename;
+    Event(EventKind Kind, llvm::StringRef Filename)
+        : Kind(Kind), Filename(Filename) {}
+  };
+  typedef std::function<void(llvm::ArrayRef<Event> Events, bool isInitial)>
+      EventReceiver;
+  virtual ~DirectoryWatcher() = default;
+  DirectoryWatcher(const DirectoryWatcher &) = delete;
+  DirectoryWatcher &operator=(const DirectoryWatcher &) = delete;
+  DirectoryWatcher(DirectoryWatcher &&) = delete;
+  DirectoryWatcher &operator=(DirectoryWatcher &&) = delete;
+  DirectoryWatcher() = default;
+/// Returns nullptr if \param Path doesn't exist.
+/// Returns nullptr if \param Path isn't a directory.
+/// Returns nullptr if OS kernel API told us we can't start watching. In such
+/// case it's unclear whether just retrying has any chance to succeeed.
+createDirectoryWatcher(llvm::StringRef Path,
+                       DirectoryWatcher::EventReceiver Receiver,
+                       bool WaitInitialSync, std::string &Error);
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang/cmake/modules/AddClang.cmake
--- clang/cmake/modules/AddClang.cmake
+++ clang/cmake/modules/AddClang.cmake
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   llvm_add_library(${name} ${ARG_ENABLE_SHARED} ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ${srcs})
   if(TARGET ${name})
-    target_link_libraries(${name} INTERFACE ${LLVM_COMMON_LIBS})
+    target_link_libraries(${name} INTERFACE ${LLVM_COMMON_LIBS} PRIVATE ${ARG_ADDITIONAL_LIBS})
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