This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rCTE358605: [clangd] Recognize "don't include me 
directly" pattern, and suppress include… (authored by sammccall, committed 
by ).

Changed prior to commit:

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra



Index: clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp
--- clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp
+++ clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp
@@ -128,48 +128,6 @@
-bool isSelfContainedHeader(FileID FID, const SourceManager &SM,
-                           const Preprocessor &PP) {
-  const FileEntry *FE = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID);
-  if (!FE)
-    return false;
-  return PP.getHeaderSearchInfo().isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(FE);
-/// Gets a canonical include (URI of the header or <header> or "header") for
-/// header of \p FID (which should usually be the *expansion* file).
-/// Returns None if includes should not be inserted for this file.
-getIncludeHeader(llvm::StringRef QName, const SourceManager &SM,
-                 const Preprocessor &PP, FileID FID,
-                 const SymbolCollector::Options &Opts) {
-  const FileEntry *FE = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID);
-  if (!FE || FE->getName().empty())
-    return llvm::None;
-  llvm::StringRef Filename = FE->getName();
-  // If a file is mapped by canonical headers, use that mapping, regardless
-  // of whether it's an otherwise-good header (header guards etc).
-  if (Opts.Includes) {
-    llvm::StringRef Canonical = Opts.Includes->mapHeader(Filename, QName);
-    // If we had a mapping, always use it.
-    if (Canonical.startswith("<") || Canonical.startswith("\""))
-      return Canonical.str();
-    if (Canonical != Filename)
-      return toURI(SM, Canonical, Opts);
-  }
-  if (!isSelfContainedHeader(FID, SM, PP)) {
-    // A .inc or .def file is often included into a real header to define
-    // symbols (e.g. LLVM tablegen files).
-    if (Filename.endswith(".inc") || Filename.endswith(".def"))
-      return getIncludeHeader(QName, SM, PP,
-                              SM.getFileID(SM.getIncludeLoc(FID)), Opts);
-    // Conservatively refuse to insert #includes to files without guards.
-    return llvm::None;
-  }
-  // Standard case: just insert the file itself.
-  return toURI(SM, Filename, Opts);
 // Return the symbol range of the token at \p TokLoc.
 std::pair<SymbolLocation::Position, SymbolLocation::Position>
 getTokenRange(SourceLocation TokLoc, const SourceManager &SM,
@@ -452,9 +410,8 @@
   std::string Include;
   if (Opts.CollectIncludePath && shouldCollectIncludePath(S.SymInfo.Kind)) {
-    if (auto Header =
-            getIncludeHeader(Name->getName(), SM, *PP,
-                             SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(DefLoc).first, Opts))
+    if (auto Header = getIncludeHeader(
+            Name->getName(), SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(DefLoc).first))
       Include = std::move(*Header);
   S.Signature = Signature;
@@ -533,6 +490,7 @@
+  HeaderIsSelfContainedCache.clear();
 const Symbol *SymbolCollector::addDeclaration(const NamedDecl &ND, SymbolID ID,
@@ -602,8 +560,7 @@
     // Use the expansion location to get the #include header since this is
     // where the symbol is exposed.
     if (auto Header = getIncludeHeader(
-            QName, SM, *PP,
-            SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(ND.getLocation()).first, Opts))
+            QName, SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(ND.getLocation()).first))
       Include = std::move(*Header);
   if (!Include.empty())
@@ -639,5 +596,59 @@
+/// Gets a canonical include (URI of the header or <header> or "header") for
+/// header of \p FID (which should usually be the *expansion* file).
+/// Returns None if includes should not be inserted for this file.
+SymbolCollector::getIncludeHeader(llvm::StringRef QName, FileID FID) {
+  const SourceManager &SM = ASTCtx->getSourceManager();
+  const FileEntry *FE = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID);
+  if (!FE || FE->getName().empty())
+    return llvm::None;
+  llvm::StringRef Filename = FE->getName();
+  // If a file is mapped by canonical headers, use that mapping, regardless
+  // of whether it's an otherwise-good header (header guards etc).
+  if (Opts.Includes) {
+    llvm::StringRef Canonical = Opts.Includes->mapHeader(Filename, QName);
+    // If we had a mapping, always use it.
+    if (Canonical.startswith("<") || Canonical.startswith("\""))
+      return Canonical.str();
+    if (Canonical != Filename)
+      return toURI(SM, Canonical, Opts);
+  }
+  if (!isSelfContainedHeader(FID)) {
+    // A .inc or .def file is often included into a real header to define
+    // symbols (e.g. LLVM tablegen files).
+    if (Filename.endswith(".inc") || Filename.endswith(".def"))
+      return getIncludeHeader(QName, SM.getFileID(SM.getIncludeLoc(FID)));
+    // Conservatively refuse to insert #includes to files without guards.
+    return llvm::None;
+  }
+  // Standard case: just insert the file itself.
+  return toURI(SM, Filename, Opts);
+bool SymbolCollector::isSelfContainedHeader(FileID FID) {
+  // The real computation (which will be memoized).
+  auto Compute = [&] {
+    const SourceManager &SM = ASTCtx->getSourceManager();
+    const FileEntry *FE = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID);
+    if (!FE)
+      return false;
+    if (!PP->getHeaderSearchInfo().isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(FE))
+      return false;
+    // This pattern indicates that a header can't be used without
+    // particular preprocessor state, usually set up by another header.
+    if (DontIncludeMePattern.match(SM.getBufferData(FID)))
+      return false;
+    return true;
+  };
+  auto R = HeaderIsSelfContainedCache.try_emplace(FID, false);
+  if (R.second)
+    R.first->second = Compute();
+  return R.first->second;
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clangd/index/SymbolCollector.h
--- clangd/index/SymbolCollector.h
+++ clangd/index/SymbolCollector.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
 #include "clang/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
 #include <functional>
 namespace clang {
@@ -117,6 +118,15 @@
                                bool IsMainFileSymbol);
   void addDefinition(const NamedDecl &, const Symbol &DeclSymbol);
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> getIncludeHeader(llvm::StringRef QName, FileID);
+  bool isSelfContainedHeader(FileID);
+  // Heuristic to detect headers that aren't self-contained, usually because
+  // they need to be included via an umbrella header. e.g. GTK matches this.
+  llvm::Regex DontIncludeMePattern = {
+      "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*if.*\n"         // An #if, #ifndef etc directive, then
+      "[ \t]*#[ \t]*error.*include", // an #error directive mentioning "include"
+      llvm::Regex::Newline};
   // All Symbols collected from the AST.
   SymbolSlab::Builder Symbols;
   // All refs collected from the AST.
@@ -141,6 +151,7 @@
   llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, const Decl *> CanonicalDecls;
   // Cache whether to index a file or not.
   llvm::DenseMap<FileID, bool> FilesToIndexCache;
+  llvm::DenseMap<FileID, bool> HeaderIsSelfContainedCache;
 } // namespace clangd
Index: unittests/clangd/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp
--- unittests/clangd/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp
+++ unittests/clangd/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@
         Args, Factory->create(), Files.get(),
-    InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(TestHeaderName, 0,
-                                llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(HeaderCode));
+    InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(
+        TestHeaderName, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(HeaderCode));
     InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(TestFileName, 0,
@@ -1064,8 +1064,19 @@
   auto TU = TestTU::withHeaderCode("int x();");
   EXPECT_THAT(TU.headerSymbols(), ElementsAre(IncludeHeader()));
+  // Files missing include guards aren't eligible for insertion.
   TU.ImplicitHeaderGuard = false;
   EXPECT_THAT(TU.headerSymbols(), ElementsAre(Not(IncludeHeader())));
+  // We recognize some patterns of trying to prevent insertion.
+  TU = TestTU::withHeaderCode(R"cpp(
+#ifndef SECRET
+#error "This file isn't safe to include directly"
+    int x();
+    )cpp");
+  TU.ExtraArgs.push_back("-DSECRET"); // *we're* able to include it.
+  EXPECT_THAT(TU.headerSymbols(), ElementsAre(Not(IncludeHeader())));
 TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, AvoidUsingFwdDeclsAsCanonicalDecls) {
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