ebevhan updated this revision to Diff 195520.
ebevhan edited the summary of this revision.




Index: test/SemaOpenCL/queue_t_overload.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/queue_t_overload.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/queue_t_overload.cl
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
   queue_t q;
   foo(q, src1);
   foo(0, src2);
-  foo(q, src3); // expected-error {{call to 'foo' is ambiguous}}
+  foo(q, src3); // expected-error {{no matching function for call to 'foo'}}
   foo(1, src3); // expected-error {{no matching function for call to 'foo'}}
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/numbered-address-space.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/numbered-address-space.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/numbered-address-space.cl
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
 void test_generic_as_to_builtin_parameterimplicit_cast_numeric(__attribute__((address_space(3))) int *as3_ptr, float src) {
   generic int* generic_ptr = as3_ptr;
-  volatile float result = __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf(generic_ptr, src, 0, 0, false); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types passing '__generic int *' to parameter of type '__local float *'}}
+  volatile float result = __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf(generic_ptr, src, 0, 0, false); // expected-error {{passing '__generic int *' to parameter of type '__local float *' changes address space of pointer}}
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/event_t_overload.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/event_t_overload.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/event_t_overload.cl
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
   event_t evt;
   foo(evt, src1);
   foo(0, src2);
-  foo(evt, src3); // expected-error {{call to 'foo' is ambiguous}}
+  foo(evt, src3); // expected-error {{no matching function for call to 'foo'}}
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
@@ -124,6 +124,106 @@
   p = (__private int *)p2;
+void nested(__global int *g, __global int * __private *gg, __local int *l, __local int * __private *ll, __global float * __private *gg_f) {
+  g = gg;    // expected-error {{assigning '__global int **' to '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  g = l;     // expected-error {{assigning '__local int *' to '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  g = ll;    // expected-error {{assigning '__local int **' to '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  g = gg_f;  // expected-error {{assigning '__global float **' to '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  g = (__global int *)gg_f; // expected-error {{casting '__global float **' to type '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  gg = g;    // expected-error {{assigning '__global int *' to '__global int **' changes address space of pointer}}
+  gg = l;    // expected-error {{assigning '__local int *' to '__global int **' changes address space of pointer}}
+  gg = ll;   // expected-error {{assigning '__local int **' to '__global int **' changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  gg = gg_f; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning to '__global int **' from '__global float **'}}
+  gg = (__global int * __private *)gg_f;
+  l = g;     // expected-error {{assigning '__global int *' to '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  l = gg;    // expected-error {{assigning '__global int **' to '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  l = ll;    // expected-error {{assigning '__local int **' to '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  l = gg_f;  // expected-error {{assigning '__global float **' to '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  l = (__local int *)gg_f; // expected-error {{casting '__global float **' to type '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  ll = g;    // expected-error {{assigning '__global int *' to '__local int **' changes address space of pointer}}
+  ll = gg;   // expected-error {{assigning '__global int **' to '__local int **' changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  ll = l;    // expected-error {{assigning '__local int *' to '__local int **' changes address space of pointer}}
+  ll = gg_f; // expected-error {{assigning '__global float **' to '__local int **' changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  ll = (__local int * __private *)gg_f; // expected-warning {{casting '__global float **' to type '__local int **' discards qualifiers in nested pointer types}}
+  gg_f = g;  // expected-error {{assigning '__global int *' to '__global float **' changes address space of pointer}}
+  gg_f = gg; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning to '__global float **' from '__global int **'}}
+  gg_f = l;  // expected-error {{assigning '__local int *' to '__global float **' changes address space of pointer}}
+  gg_f = ll; // expected-error {{assigning '__local int **' to '__global float **' changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  gg_f = (__global float * __private *)gg;
+  // FIXME: This doesn't seem right. This should be an error, not a warning.
+  __local int * __global * __private * lll;
+  lll = gg; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning to '__local int *__global **' from '__global int **'}}
+  typedef __local int * l_t;
+  typedef __global int * g_t;
+  __private l_t * pl;
+  __private g_t * pg;
+  gg = pl;  // expected-error {{assigning 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **') to '__global int **' changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  pl = gg;  // expected-error {{assigning '__global int **' to 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **') changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  gg = pg;
+  pg = gg;
+  pg = pl;  // expected-error {{assigning 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **') to 'g_t *' (aka '__global int **') changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  pl = pg;  // expected-error {{assigning 'g_t *' (aka '__global int **') to 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **') changes address space of nested pointer}}
+  ll = (__local int * __private *)(void *)gg;
+  void *vp = ll;
+void nested(__global int *g, __global int * __private *gg, __local int *l, __local int * __private *ll, __global float * __private *gg_f) {
+  g = gg;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int *' from incompatible type '__global int **'}}
+  g = l;     // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int *' from incompatible type '__local int *'}}
+  g = ll;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int *' from incompatible type '__local int **'}}
+  g = gg_f;  // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int *' from incompatible type '__global float **'}}
+  g = (__global int *)gg_f; // expected-error {{C-style cast from '__global float **' to '__global int *' converts between mismatching address spaces}}
+  gg = g;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int **' from incompatible type '__global int *'; take the address with &}}
+  gg = l;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int **' from incompatible type '__local int *'}}
+  gg = ll;   // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int **' from incompatible type '__local int **'}}
+  gg = gg_f; // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int **' from incompatible type '__global float **'}}
+  gg = (__global int * __private *)gg_f;
+  l = g;     // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int *' from incompatible type '__global int *'}}
+  l = gg;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int *' from incompatible type '__global int **'}}
+  l = ll;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int *' from incompatible type '__local int **'}}
+  l = gg_f;  // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int *' from incompatible type '__global float **'}}
+  l = (__local int *)gg_f; // expected-error {{C-style cast from '__global float **' to '__local int *' converts between mismatching address spaces}}
+  ll = g;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int **' from incompatible type '__global int *'}}
+  ll = gg;   // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int **' from incompatible type '__global int **'}}
+  ll = l;    // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int **' from incompatible type '__local int *'; take the address with &}}
+  ll = gg_f; // expected-error {{assigning to '__local int **' from incompatible type '__global float **'}}
+  // FIXME: The below becomes a reinterpret_cast, and therefore does not emit an error
+  // even though the address space mismatches in the nested pointers.
+  ll = (__local int * __private *)gg;
+  gg_f = g;  // expected-error {{assigning to '__global float **' from incompatible type '__global int *'}}
+  gg_f = gg; // expected-error {{assigning to '__global float **' from incompatible type '__global int **'}}
+  gg_f = l;  // expected-error {{assigning to '__global float **' from incompatible type '__local int *'}}
+  gg_f = ll; // expected-error {{assigning to '__global float **' from incompatible type '__local int **'}}
+  gg_f = (__global float * __private *)gg;
+  typedef __local int * l_t;
+  typedef __global int * g_t;
+  __private l_t * pl;
+  __private g_t * pg;
+  gg = pl;  // expected-error {{assigning to '__global int **' from incompatible type 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **')}}
+  pl = gg;  // expected-error {{assigning to 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **') from incompatible type '__global int **'}}
+  gg = pg;
+  pg = gg;
+  pg = pl;  // expected-error {{assigning to 'g_t *' (aka '__global int **') from incompatible type 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **')}}
+  pl = pg;  // expected-error {{assigning to 'l_t *' (aka '__local int **') from incompatible type 'g_t *' (aka '__global int **')}}
+  ll = (__local int * __private *)(void *)gg;
+  void *vp = ll;
 __private int func_return_priv(void);       //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
 __global int func_return_global(void);      //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
 __local int func_return_local(void);        //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/numbered-address-space.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/numbered-address-space.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/numbered-address-space.cl
@@ -11,12 +11,6 @@
   *generic_ptr = 4;
-// CHECK-LABEL: @test_numbered_as_to_builtin(
-// CHECK: addrspacecast i32 addrspace(42)* %0 to float addrspace(3)*
-void test_numbered_as_to_builtin(__attribute__((address_space(42))) int *arbitary_numbered_ptr, float src) {
-  volatile float result = __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf(arbitary_numbered_ptr, src, 0, 0, false);
 // CHECK-LABEL: @test_generic_as_to_builtin_parameter_explicit_cast(
 // CHECK: addrspacecast i32 addrspace(3)* %0 to i32*
 void test_generic_as_to_builtin_parameter_explicit_cast(__local int *local_ptr, float src) {
@@ -25,10 +19,7 @@
 // CHECK-LABEL: @test_generic_as_to_builtin_parameter_implicit_cast(
-// CHECK: addrspacecast i32* %2 to float addrspace(3)*
+// CHECK: bitcast i32 addrspace(3)* %0 to float addrspace(3)*
 void test_generic_as_to_builtin_parameter_implicit_cast(__local int *local_ptr, float src) {
-  generic int* generic_ptr = local_ptr;
-  volatile float result = __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf(generic_ptr, src, 0, 0, false);
+  volatile float result = __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf(local_ptr, src, 0, 0, false);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -7719,9 +7719,9 @@
   if (!lhq.compatiblyIncludes(rhq)) {
-    // Treat address-space mismatches as fatal.  TODO: address subspaces
+    // Treat address-space mismatches as fatal.
     if (!lhq.isAddressSpaceSupersetOf(rhq))
-      ConvTy = Sema::IncompatiblePointerDiscardsQualifiers;
+      return Sema::IncompatiblePointerDiscardsQualifiers;
     // It's okay to add or remove GC or lifetime qualifiers when converting to
     // and from void*.
@@ -7794,8 +7794,22 @@
     // level of indirection, this must be the issue.
     if (isa<PointerType>(lhptee) && isa<PointerType>(rhptee)) {
       do {
-        lhptee = cast<PointerType>(lhptee)->getPointeeType().getTypePtr();
-        rhptee = cast<PointerType>(rhptee)->getPointeeType().getTypePtr();
+        std::tie(lhptee, lhq) =
+          cast<PointerType>(lhptee)->getPointeeType().split().asPair();
+        std::tie(rhptee, rhq) =
+          cast<PointerType>(rhptee)->getPointeeType().split().asPair();
+        // Inconsistent address spaces at this point is invalid, even if the
+        // address spaces would be compatible.
+        // FIXME: This doesn't catch address space mismatches for pointers of
+        // different nesting levels, like:
+        //   __local int *** a;
+        //   int ** b = a;
+        // It's not clear how to actually determine when such pointers are
+        // invalidly incompatible.
+        if (lhq.getAddressSpace() != rhq.getAddressSpace())
+          return Sema::IncompatibleNestedPointerAddressSpaceMismatch;
       } while (isa<PointerType>(lhptee) && isa<PointerType>(rhptee));
       if (lhptee == rhptee)
@@ -14208,6 +14222,9 @@
   case IncompatibleNestedPointerQualifiers:
     DiagKind = diag::ext_nested_pointer_qualifier_mismatch;
+  case IncompatibleNestedPointerAddressSpaceMismatch:
+    DiagKind = diag::err_typecheck_incompatible_nested_address_space;
+    break;
   case IntToBlockPointer:
     DiagKind = diag::err_int_to_block_pointer;
Index: lib/Sema/SemaCast.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaCast.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaCast.cpp
@@ -2323,19 +2323,41 @@
   // In OpenCL only conversions between pointers to objects in overlapping
   // addr spaces are allowed. v2.0 s6.5.5 - Generic addr space overlaps
   // with any named one, except for constant.
+  // Converting the top level pointee addrspace is permitted for compatible
+  // addrspaces (such as 'generic int *' to 'local int *' or vice versa), but
+  // if any of the nested pointee addrspaces differ, we emit a warning
+  // regardless of addrspace compatibility. This makes
+  //   local int ** p;
+  //   return (generic int **) p;
+  // warn even though local -> generic is permitted.
   if (Self.getLangOpts().OpenCL) {
-    auto SrcPtrType = SrcType->getAs<PointerType>();
-    if (!SrcPtrType)
-      return;
-    auto DestPtrType = DestType->getAs<PointerType>();
-    if (!DestPtrType)
-      return;
-    if (!DestPtrType->isAddressSpaceOverlapping(*SrcPtrType)) {
-      Self.Diag(OpRange.getBegin(),
-                diag::err_typecheck_incompatible_address_space)
-          << SrcType << DestType << Sema::AA_Casting
-          << SrcExpr.get()->getSourceRange();
-      SrcExpr = ExprError();
+    const Type *DestPtr, *SrcPtr;
+    bool Nested = false;
+    unsigned DiagID = diag::err_typecheck_incompatible_address_space;
+    DestPtr = Self.getASTContext().getCanonicalType(DestType.getTypePtr()),
+    SrcPtr  = Self.getASTContext().getCanonicalType(SrcType.getTypePtr());
+    while (isa<PointerType>(DestPtr) && isa<PointerType>(SrcPtr)) {
+      const PointerType *DestPPtr = cast<PointerType>(DestPtr);
+      const PointerType *SrcPPtr = cast<PointerType>(SrcPtr);
+      QualType DestPPointee = DestPPtr->getPointeeType();
+      QualType SrcPPointee = SrcPPtr->getPointeeType();
+      if (Nested ? DestPPointee.getAddressSpace() !=
+                   SrcPPointee.getAddressSpace()
+                 : !DestPPtr->isAddressSpaceOverlapping(*SrcPPtr)) {
+        Self.Diag(OpRange.getBegin(), DiagID)
+            << SrcType << DestType << Sema::AA_Casting
+            << SrcExpr.get()->getSourceRange();
+        if (!Nested)
+          SrcExpr = ExprError();
+        return;
+      }
+      DestPtr = DestPPtr->getPointeeType().getTypePtr();
+      SrcPtr = SrcPPtr->getPointeeType().getTypePtr();
+      Nested = true;
+      DiagID = diag::ext_nested_pointer_qualifier_mismatch;
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -9714,6 +9714,12 @@
     /// like address spaces.
+    /// IncompatibleNestedPointerAddressSpaceMismatch - The assignment
+    /// changes address spaces in nested pointer types which is not allowed.
+    /// For instance, converting __private int ** to __generic int ** is
+    /// illegal even though __private could be converted to __generic.
+    IncompatibleNestedPointerAddressSpaceMismatch,
     /// IncompatibleNestedPointerQualifiers - The assignment is between two
     /// nested pointer types, and the qualifiers other than the first two
     /// levels differ e.g. char ** -> const char **, but we accept them as an
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -6998,6 +6998,19 @@
   "sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
   "|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
   " changes address space of pointer">;
+def err_typecheck_incompatible_nested_address_space : Error<
+  "%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0"
+  "|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
+  "passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
+  "|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
+  "returning from function with different return type}0,1"
+  "|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
+  "|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
+  "initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
+  "|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
+  "sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
+  "|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
+  " changes address space of nested pointer">;
 def err_typecheck_incompatible_ownership : Error<
   "%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0"
   "|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
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