rjmccall added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaInit.cpp:4539
+  if (InitCategory.isPRValue() || InitCategory.isXValue())
+    T1Quals.removeAddressSpace();
rjmccall wrote:
> I can understand why a pr-value wouldn't have an address space, but an 
> x-value's address space is surely important.
No, wait, I think this is more deeply wrong.  We're initializing a reference to 
type `cv1 T1`, and if we're initializing it with a temporary, we're dropping 
the address space from `cv1`?  That's definitely wrong.

If we're starting with a pr-value, reference-initialization normally has to 
start by initializing a temporary.  (The exception is it's a class type with a 
conversion operator to a reference type; C++ is abysmally complicated.  Let's 
ignore this for a moment.)  Temporaries are always in the default address space 
(the address space of local variables) because the language (neither OpenCL nor 
Embedded C) does not give us any facility for allocating temporary memory 
anywhere else.  So reference-initialization from a pr-value creates a temporary 
in the default address space and then attempts to initialize the destination 
reference type with that temporary.  That initialization should fail if there's 
no conversion from the default address space to the destination address space.  
For example, consider initializing a `const int __global &` from a pr-value: 
this should clearly not succeed, because we have no way of putting a temporary 
in the global address space.  That reference can only be initialized with a 
gl-value that's already in the `__global` address space.

On the other hand, we can successfully initialize a `const int &` with a 
gl-value of type `const int __global` not by direct reference initialization 
but by loading from the operand and then materializing the result into a new 

I think what this means is:

- We need to be doing this checking as if pr-values were in `__private`.  This 
includes both (1) expressions that were originally pr-values and (2) 
expressions that have been converted to pr-values due to a failure to perform 
direct reference initialization.

- We need to make sure that reference compatibility correctly prevents 
references from being bound to gl-values in incompatible address spaces.



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