nwilson added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h:377
@@ -376,3 +376,3 @@
   NamedDecl *TemplatedDecl;
   TemplateParameterList* TemplateParams;
I can't seem to follow the link properly, but I'm assuming it's supposed to be 
where Richard is asking about whether we need a setter. I thought he meant 
whether we needed the setter function at all. Perhaps I misunderstood though.

But it seems to be the convention to give a boolean (or some other type of 
param) to a setter. I'd be fine either way though because as you said, there 
isn't a need to set the property to false. As a point of reference 
RedeclarableTemplateDecl::setMemberSpecialization doesn't take any params 


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