zinovy.nis marked an inline comment as done.
zinovy.nis added inline comments.

Comment at: test/clang-tidy/check_clang_tidy.py:94-95
+    for check in args.check_suffix:
+      if not re.match('^[A-Z0-9\-,]+$', check):
+        sys.exit('Only A..Z, 0..9, "," and "-" are ' +
+          'allowed in check suffixes list, but "%s" was given' % (check))
lebedev.ri wrote:
> How `,` can be allowed if that is the suffix separator?
> Also, i think `_` can be supported.
When discussing the previous patch Alex said on underscores: 

> I don't know whether it makes sense to endorse (or even allow) the use of 
> underscore in the check suffix. The mix of underscores and dashes looks ugly 
> and is prone to errors.

So it was intentionally.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


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