shuaiwang added a comment.

Yeah let's see what happens in the wild and decide whether we need further 
actions. In any case I think that deserves a separate diff.
Is there other concerns about this diff?

In, @JonasToth wrote:

> Your point is valid, that the decision of what to analyze should be done
>  outside. My const-correctness check does analyze all versions of the
>  templated function, because it just matches on
>  `functionDecl(compoundStmt())`.
> Maybe we just need some experience with real world code. The
>  const-correctness thing is close to finish in its first version. Then we
>  can exercise its results.
> Am 11.09.2018 um 18:15 schrieb Shuai Wang via Phabricator:
> > I see, it's the conflicting results you're going after :)
> >  Good news is that we actually don't analyze all versions, we only analyze 
> > the version (instantiated or not) corresponding to the "scope" stmt passed 
> > into the constructor. Semantic-wise I feel this makes sense because if 
> > we're given an instantiated version we shouldn't bail out because nothing 
> > is type-dependent anymore in the instantiated version.
> >  Also I think conflicts won't happen much in practice, most (all?) checks 
> > naturally pass in the uninstantiated version, in order to pass in an 
> > instantiated version a check needs to:
> > 
> > - Find an instantiation point
> > - Match and extract the function decl from the callExpr
> > - Extract function body compontStmt from the function decl at that point 
> > the check owner likely knows pretty well what they're doing and shouldn't 
> > be surprised that analyze results conflicts if they happen to also analyze 
> > an uninstantiated version.
> > 
> > Repository:
> > 
> >   rCTE Clang Tools Extra
> > 
> >

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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