sammccall updated this revision to Diff 164191.
sammccall added a comment.

[Tooling] JSONCompilationDatabasePlugin infers compile commands for missing 

See the existing InterpolatingCompilationDatabase for details on how this works.
We've been using this in clangd for a while, the heuristics seem to work well.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


Index: clangd/index/dex/Iterator.h
--- clangd/index/dex/Iterator.h
+++ clangd/index/dex/Iterator.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <memory>
@@ -44,20 +45,6 @@
 /// Symbol position in the list of all index symbols sorted by a pre-computed
 /// symbol quality.
 using DocID = uint32_t;
-/// Contains sorted sequence of DocIDs all of which belong to symbols matching
-/// certain criteria, i.e. containing a Search Token. PostingLists are values
-/// for the inverted index.
-// FIXME(kbobyrev): Posting lists for incomplete trigrams (one/two symbols) are
-// likely to be very dense and hence require special attention so that the index
-// doesn't use too much memory. Possible solution would be to construct
-// compressed posting lists which consist of ranges of DocIDs instead of
-// distinct DocIDs. A special case would be the empty query: for that case
-// TrueIterator should be implemented - an iterator which doesn't actually store
-// any PostingList within itself, but "contains" all DocIDs in range
-// [0, IndexSize).
-using PostingList = std::vector<DocID>;
-/// Immutable reference to PostingList object.
-using PostingListRef = llvm::ArrayRef<DocID>;
 /// Iterator is the interface for Query Tree node. The simplest type of Iterator
 /// is DocumentIterator which is simply a wrapper around PostingList iterator
@@ -131,11 +118,6 @@
 /// to acquire preliminary scores of requested items.
 std::vector<std::pair<DocID, float>> consume(Iterator &It);
-/// Returns a document iterator over given PostingList.
-/// DocumentIterator returns DEFAULT_BOOST_SCORE for each processed item.
-std::unique_ptr<Iterator> create(PostingListRef Documents);
 /// Returns AND Iterator which performs the intersection of the PostingLists of
 /// its children.
@@ -200,6 +182,33 @@
+/// Contains sorted sequence of DocIDs all of which belong to symbols matching
+/// certain criteria, i.e. containing a Search Token. PostingLists are values
+/// for the inverted index.
+class PostingList {
+  PostingList() : Representation(Null) {}
+  PostingList(std::vector<DocID> Docs);
+  /// Returns a document iterator over given PostingList.
+  std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iterator() const;
+  PostingList(PostingList&&);
+  PostingList &operator=(PostingList&&);
+  ~PostingList();
+  size_t bytes() const;
+  enum Rep { Null, Dense, Sparse } Representation;
+  union {
+    struct {
+      llvm::BitVector Bitmap;
+      size_t Count;
+    } DenseRep;
+    std::vector<DocID> SparseRep;
+  };
 } // namespace dex
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clangd/index/dex/Iterator.cpp
--- clangd/index/dex/Iterator.cpp
+++ clangd/index/dex/Iterator.cpp
@@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
 namespace {
-/// Implements Iterator over a PostingList. DocumentIterator is the most basic
-/// iterator: it doesn't have any children (hence it is the leaf of iterator
-/// tree) and is simply a wrapper around PostingList::const_iterator.
-class DocumentIterator : public Iterator {
+/// Implements Iterator over a sparse PostingList.
+/// This is a leaf iterator which simply wraps a list of DocIDs.
+class SparseIterator : public Iterator {
-  DocumentIterator(PostingListRef Documents)
+  SparseIterator(llvm::ArrayRef<DocID> Documents)
       : Documents(Documents), Index(std::begin(Documents)) {}
   bool reachedEnd() const override { return Index == std::end(Documents); }
@@ -74,8 +73,52 @@
     return OS;
-  PostingListRef Documents;
-  PostingListRef::const_iterator Index;
+  llvm::ArrayRef<DocID> Documents;
+  llvm::ArrayRef<DocID>::iterator Index;
+/// Implements Iterator over a dense PostingList.
+/// This is a leaf iterator over a BitVector with one bit per possible DocID.
+class DenseIterator : public Iterator {
+  DenseIterator(const llvm::BitVector &Bits, size_t Count)
+      : Bits(Bits), Index(Bits.find_first()), Count(Count) {}
+  bool reachedEnd() const override { return Index == -1; }
+  /// Advances cursor to the next item.
+  void advance() override {
+    assert(!reachedEnd() && "DENSE iterator can't advance() at the end.");
+    Index = Bits.find_next(Index);
+  }
+  /// Applies binary search to advance cursor to the next item with DocID equal
+  /// or higher than the given one.
+  void advanceTo(DocID ID) override {
+    assert(!reachedEnd() && "DENSE iterator can't advance() at the end.");
+    Index = Bits.find_next(ID);
+  }
+  DocID peek() const override {
+    assert(!reachedEnd() && "DENSE iterator can't peek() at the end.");
+    return Index;
+  }
+  float consume() override {
+    assert(!reachedEnd() && "DENSE iterator can't consume() at the end.");
+  }
+  size_t estimateSize() const override { return Count; }
+  llvm::raw_ostream &dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const override {
+    return OS << "(dense)\n";
+  }
+  const llvm::BitVector &Bits;
+  int Index; // Invariant: Index == -1 || Bits[Index]
+  size_t Count;
 /// Implements Iterator over the intersection of other iterators.
@@ -396,10 +439,6 @@
   return Result;
-std::unique_ptr<Iterator> create(PostingListRef Documents) {
-  return llvm::make_unique<DocumentIterator>(Documents);
 createAnd(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> Children) {
   return llvm::make_unique<AndIterator>(move(Children));
@@ -424,6 +463,77 @@
   return llvm::make_unique<LimitIterator>(move(Child), Limit);
+std::unique_ptr<Iterator> PostingList::iterator() const {
+  switch(Representation) {
+    case Dense:
+      return llvm::make_unique<DenseIterator>(DenseRep.Bitmap, DenseRep.Count);
+    case Sparse:
+      return llvm::make_unique<SparseIterator>(SparseRep);
+    case Null:
+      assert(false && "iterator() on null posting list");
+      return llvm::make_unique<SparseIterator>(llvm::ArrayRef<DocID>{});
+  }
+PostingList::PostingList(std::vector<DocID> Docs) {
+  if (Docs.empty() || sizeof(DocID) * Docs.size() < Docs.back() / CHAR_BIT) {
+    Representation = Sparse;
+    new (&SparseRep) decltype(SparseRep)(std::move(Docs));
+  } else {
+    Representation = Dense;
+    new (&DenseRep) decltype(DenseRep);
+    DenseRep.Count = Docs.size();
+    DenseRep.Bitmap.resize(Docs.back() + 1);
+    for (DocID D : Docs)
+      DenseRep.Bitmap.set(D);
+  }
+PostingList::~PostingList() {
+  switch (Representation) {
+    case Sparse:
+      delete &SparseRep;
+      break;
+    case Dense:
+      delete &DenseRep;
+      break;
+    case Null:
+      break;
+  }
+PostingList::PostingList(PostingList &&Other) {
+  Representation = Other.Representation;
+  switch (Representation) {
+    case Sparse:
+      new (&SparseRep) decltype(SparseRep)(std::move(Other.SparseRep));
+      break;
+    case Dense:
+      new (&DenseRep) decltype(DenseRep)(std::move(Other.DenseRep));
+      break;
+    case Null:
+      break;
+  }
+  Other.Representation = Null;
+PostingList &PostingList::operator=(PostingList &&Other) {
+  this->~PostingList();
+  new(this) PostingList(std::move(Other));
+  return *this;
+size_t PostingList::bytes() const {
+  switch(Representation) {
+  case Sparse:
+    return SparseRep.size() * sizeof(DocID);
+  case Dense:
+    return DenseRep.Bitmap.getMemorySize();
+  case Null:
+    return 0;
+  }
 } // namespace dex
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clangd/index/dex/DexIndex.cpp
--- clangd/index/dex/DexIndex.cpp
+++ clangd/index/dex/DexIndex.cpp
@@ -50,11 +50,15 @@
   // Populate TempInvertedIndex with posting lists for index symbols.
+  llvm::DenseMap<Token, std::vector<DocID>> TempInvertedIndex;
   for (DocID SymbolRank = 0; SymbolRank < Symbols.size(); ++SymbolRank) {
     const auto *Sym = Symbols[SymbolRank];
     for (const auto &Token : generateSearchTokens(*Sym))
-      InvertedIndex[Token].push_back(SymbolRank);
+      TempInvertedIndex[Token].push_back(SymbolRank);
+  InvertedIndex.reserve(InvertedIndex.size());
+  for (auto &Pair : TempInvertedIndex)
+    InvertedIndex.try_emplace(Pair.first, std::move(Pair.second));
   vlog("Built DexIndex with estimated memory usage {0} bytes.",
@@ -80,7 +84,7 @@
   for (const auto &Trigram : TrigramTokens) {
     const auto It = InvertedIndex.find(Trigram);
     if (It != InvertedIndex.end())
-      TrigramIterators.push_back(create(It->second));
+      TrigramIterators.push_back(It->second.iterator());
   if (!TrigramIterators.empty())
@@ -90,7 +94,7 @@
   for (const auto &Scope : Req.Scopes) {
     const auto It = InvertedIndex.find(Token(Token::Kind::Scope, Scope));
     if (It != InvertedIndex.end())
-      ScopeIterators.push_back(create(It->second));
+      ScopeIterators.push_back(It->second.iterator());
   // Add OR iterator for scopes if there are any Scope Iterators.
   if (!ScopeIterators.empty())
@@ -154,10 +158,8 @@
       LookupTable.size() * sizeof(std::pair<SymbolID, const Symbol *>);
   Bytes += SymbolQuality.size() * sizeof(std::pair<const Symbol *, float>);
   Bytes += InvertedIndex.size() * sizeof(Token);
-  for (const auto &P : InvertedIndex) {
-    Bytes += P.second.size() * sizeof(DocID);
-  }
+  for (const auto &P : InvertedIndex)
+    Bytes += P.second.bytes();
   return Bytes;
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