simark added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/Protocol.h:889
+  // Does this node implement the method targeted by the request?
+  bool DeclaresMethod;
kadircet wrote:
> I think comment and the name is in contradiction here, do you mean 
> DefinesMethod?
Actually I think the comment is wrong.  Even if we only see a declaration of 
the method, it's enough to say that this type has its own version of the method.

Comment at: clangd/XRefs.cpp:669
+                          const CXXMethodDecl *Candidate) {
+  // FIXME: How do I determine if Method overrides Candidate?
kadircet wrote:
> you can check this sample, which simply traverses all base classes and gets 
> methods with the same name, then checks whether one is overload of the other. 
> If it they are not overloads then one in the base classes gets overriden by 
> the other.
> Another approach could be to search for one method in others 
> overriden_methods.
> But they are both inefficient, I would suggest calling these functions only 
> when one of them is defined in the base class of other then you can just 
> check for name equality and not being an overload.

Did you mean to link to a particular line?

> you can check this sample, which simply traverses all base classes and gets 
> methods with the same name, then checks whether one is overload of the other. 
> If it they are not overloads then one in the base classes gets overriden by 
> the other.

> Another approach could be to search for one method in others 
> overriden_methods.

I have tried using `overriden_methods`, but it only contains methods marked 
virtual.  For this feature, I would like to consider non-virtual methods too.

> But they are both inefficient, I would suggest calling these functions only 
> when one of them is defined in the base class of other then you can just 
> check for name equality and not being an overload.

I am not sure I understand, but maybe it will be clearer when I will see the 

Comment at: clangd/XRefs.cpp:693
+    std::cerr << " >>> A parent is " << ParentDecl->getName().str()
+              << std::endl;
kadircet wrote:
> If you plan to keep it for later debugging info, consider using {d,v}log
Yes of course :)

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